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wepay-api is a Ruby wrapper for Wepay API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'wepay-api'

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install wepay-api


wepay-api can be configured as following:

Wepay.configure do |config|
  config.client_id     = ...  # app id                                     (compulsory)
  config.client_secret = ...  # app secret                                 (compulsory)
  config.access_token  = ...  # access token of the app                    (compulsory)
  config.    = ...  # app's account id                           (compulsory)
  config.scope         = ...  # OAuth permissions (comma separated string) (compulsory)
  config.using_stage   = ...  # use test environment (true/false)          (compulsory)
  config.open_timeout  = 5    # default is 5  (seconds)                    (optional)
  config.timeout       = 10   # default is 10 (seconds)                    (optional)

All the configuration can be accessed later on as followings:




OAuth authorization URL

To get the authorization URL for OAuth, use following method:


Refer to for more details.

User's access token

To get the access token from user, use following method:

Wepay.get_access_token(code, redirect_uri)

Refer to for more details.


API version


Available API

Notice: WePay is using POST for ALL the requests, even the API method says "get_..."

API calls

In order to make an API call, we can follow the convention for the method call:


For example, to create a checkout:

  short_description:  "my description for the checkout",
  type:               "GOODS",
  fee_payer:          "payee",
  amount:             10,
  redirect_uri:       "redirect_uri",

params is a Hash which captures the whole query as in Wepay API documentation, so refer to the documentation if any doubts.

Response from these API calls will be converted to Hashied::Mash object to make it easier for data accessing. Refer to for more details.

User's authorized calls

After configured, the http client from wepay-api will try to make use of app's access_token (in the configuration) as the default authorization of the api calls. There are some situations that user's access_token need to be used, e.g. create an account for the user, so we can embed the user's access_token in the call by adding field access_token to the params, for example:

  access_token:   "user's access token"

Error/ Exception

If an API call has errors, it will raise a Wepay::ApiError with following fields:

  • type, e.g. invalid_request
  • code, e.g. 1001
  • message

Give a rescue block to the API calls to make sure the error is handled in any situation.

Development notes

  • Copy spec/settings.yml.example into spec/settings.yml and replace with your credentials to make record the requests for testing using VCR
  • Before committing VCR fixtures, remember to remove any sensitive data from the fixtures: account id, client secret, ...


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request