Wgit Change Log



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This release is a biggie with the main headline being the introduction of robots.txt support (see below). This release introduces several breaking changes so take care when updating your current version of Wgit.


  • Ability to prevent indexing via robots.txt and noindex values in HTML meta elements and HTTP response header X-Robots-Tag. See new class Wgit::RobotsParser and the updated Wgit::Indexer#index_* methods. Also see the wiki article on the subject.
  • Wgit::RobotsParser class for parsing robots.txt files.
  • Wgit::Response#no_index? and Wgit::Document#no_index? methods (see wiki article above).
  • Added two new default extractors which extract robots meta elements for use in Wgit::Document#no_index?.
  • Added Wgit::Document.to_h_ignore_vars Array for user manipulation.
  • Added Wgit::Utils.pprint method to aid debugging.
  • Added Wgit::Utils.sanitize_url method.
  • Added Wgit::Indexer#index_www(max_urls_per_iteration:, ...) param.
  • Added Wgit::Url#redirects and #redirects= methods.
  • Added Wgit::Url#redirects_journey used by Wgit::Indexer to insert a Url and it's redirects.
  • Added Wgit::Database#bulk_upsert which Wgit::Indexer now uses where possible. This reduces the total database calls made during an index operation. ### Changed/Removed
  • Updated Wgit::Indexer#index_* methods to honour index prevention methods (see the wiki article).
  • Updated Wgit::Utils.sanitize* methods so they no longer modify the receiver.
  • Updated Wgit::Crawler#crawl_url to always return the crawled Wgit::Document. If relying on nil in your code, you should now use doc.empty? instead.
  • Updated Wgit::Indexer method logs.
  • Updated/added custom class #inspect methods.
  • Renamed Wgit::Utils.printf_search_results to pprint_search_results.
  • Renamed Wgit::Url#concat to #join. The #concat method is now String#concat.
  • Updated Wgit::Indexer methods to now write external Urls to the Database as: doc.external_urls.map(&:to_origin) meaning http://example.com/about becomes http://example.com.
  • Updated the following methods to no longer omit trailing slashes from Urls: Wgit::Url - #to_path, #omit_base, #omit_origin and Wgit::Document - #internal_links, #internal_absolute_links, #external_links. For an average website, this results in ~30% less network requests when crawling.
  • Updated Ruby version to 3.3.0.
  • Updated all bundle dependencies to latest versions, see Gemfile.lock for exact versions. ### Fixed
  • Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site now internally records all redirects for a given Url.
  • Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site infinite loop when using Wgit on a Ruby version > 3.0.2.

- Various other minor fixes/improvements throughout the code base.



  • Custom #inspect methods to Wgit::Url and Wgit::Document classes.
  • Document.remove_extractors method, which removes all default and defined extractors.


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- Security vulnerabilities by updating gem dependencies.



  • Wgit::DSL method #crawl_url (aliased to #crawl). ### Changed/Removed
  • Added a &block param to Wgit::Document#extract, which gets passed to #extract_from_html. ### Fixed

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  • Database#last_result getter method to return the most recent raw mongo result. ### Changed/Removed
  • ... ### Fixed

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  • Database#search_text method which returns a Hash of url => text_results instead of Wgit::Documents (like #search). ### Changed/Removed
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  • Changed Database#create_collections and #create_unique_indexes by removing rescue nil from their database operations. Now any underlying errors with the database client are not masked. ### Fixed

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  • Wgit::Base#setup and #teardown methods (lifecycle hooks) that can be overridden by subclasses. ### Changed/Removed
  • ... ### Fixed

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  • Support for Ruby 3. ### Changed/Removed
  • Removed support for Ruby 2.5 (as it's too old). ### Fixed

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  • Wgit::Url#scheme_relative? method. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking change: Changed method signature of Wgit::Url#prefix_scheme by making the previously named parameter a defaulted positional parameter. Remove the protocol named parameter for the old behaviour. ### Fixed

- Scheme-relative bug by adding support for scheme-relative URL's.


This release is a big one with the introduction of a Wgit::DSL and Javascript parse support. The README has been revamped as a result with new usage examples. And all of the wiki articles have been updated to reflect the latest code base.


  • Wgit::DSL module providing a wrapper around the underlying classes and methods. Check out the README for example usage.
  • Wgit::Crawler#parse_javascript which when set to true uses Chrome to parse a page's Javascript before returning the fully rendered HTML. This feature is disabled by default.
  • Wgit::Base class to inherit from, acting as an alternative form of using the DSL.
  • Wgit::Utils.sanitize which calls .sanitize_* underneath.
  • Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site now has a follow: named param - if set, it's xpath value is used to retrieve the next urls to crawl. Otherwise the :default is used (as it was before). Use this to override how the site is crawled.
  • Wgit::Database methods: #clear_urls, #clear_docs, #clear_db, #text_index, #text_index=, #create_collections, #create_unique_indexes, #docs, #get, #exists?, #delete, #upsert.
  • Wgit::Database#clear_db! alias.
  • Wgit::Document methods: #at_xpath, #at_css - which call nokogiri underneath.
  • Wgit::Document#extract method to perform one off content extractions.
  • Wgit::Indexer#index_urls method which can index several urls in one call.
  • Wgit::Url methods: #to_user, #to_password, #to_sub_domain, #to_port, #omit_origin, #index?. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking change: Moved all Wgit.index* convienence methods into Wgit::DSL.
  • Breaking change: Removed Wgit::Url#normalise, use #normalize instead.
  • Breaking change: Removed Wgit::Database#num_documents, use #num_docs instead.
  • Breaking change: Removed Wgit::Database#length and #count, use #size instead.
  • Breaking change: Removed Wgit::Database#document?, use #doc? instead.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Indexer#index_page to #index_url.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Url.parse_or_nil to be .parse?.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Utils.process_* to be .sanitize_*.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Utils.remove_non_bson_types to be Wgit::Model.select_bson_types.
  • Breaking change: Changed Wgit::Indexer.index* named param default from insert_externals: true to false. Explicitly set it to true for the old behaviour.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Document.define_extension to define_extractor. Same goes for remove_extension -> remove_extractor and extensions -> extractors. See the docs for more information.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Document#doc to #parser.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Crawler#time_out to #timeout. Same goes for the named param passed to Wgit::Crawler.initialize.
  • Breaking change: Refactored Wgit::Url#relative? now takes :origin instead of :base which takes the port into account. This has a knock on effect for some other methods too - check the docs if you're getting parameter errors.
  • Breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Url#prefix_base to #make_absolute.
  • Updated Utils.printf_search_results to return the number of results.
  • Updated Wgit::Indexer.new which can now be called without parameters - the first param (for a database) now defaults to Wgit::Database.new which works if ENV['WGIT_CONNECTION_STRING'] is set.
  • Updated Wgit::Document.define_extractor to define a setter method (as well as the usual getter method).
  • Updated Wgit::Document#search to support a Regexp query (in addition to a String). ### Fixed
  • Re-indexing bug so that indexing content a 2nd time will update it in the database - before it simply disgarded the document.

- Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site params allow/disallow_paths values can now start with a /.



  • To the range of Wgit::Document.text_elements. Now (only and) all visible page text should be extracted into Wgit::Document#text successfully.
  • Wgit::Document#description default extension.
  • Wgit::Url.parse_or_nil method. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking change: Renamed Document#stats[:text_snippets] to be :text.
  • Breaking change: Wgit::Document.define_extension's block return value now becomes the var value, even when nil is returned. This allows var to be set to nil.
  • Potential breaking change: Renamed Wgit::Response#crawl_time (alias) to be #crawl_duration.
  • Updated Wgit::Crawler::SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS to be Wgit::Crawler.supported_file_extensions, making it configurable. Now you can add your own URL extensions if needed.
  • Updated the Wgit core extension String#to_url to use Wgit::Url.parse allowing instances of Wgit::Url to returned as is. This also affects Enumerable#to_urls in the same way. ### Fixed

- An issue where too much Wgit::Document#text was being extracted from the HTML. This was fixed by reverting the recent commit: "Document.text_elements_xpath is now //*/text()".



  • Wgit::Indexer.new optional crawler: named param.
  • bin/wgit executable; available after gem install wgit. Just type wgit at the command line for an interactive shell session with the Wgit gem already loaded.
  • Document.extensions returning a Set of all defined extensions. ### Changed/Removed
  • Potential breaking changes: Updated the default search param from whole_sentence: false to true across all search methods e.g. Wgit::Database#search, Wgit::Document#search Wgit.indexed_search etc. This brings back more relevant search results by default.
  • Updated the Docker image to now include index names; making it easier to identify them. ### Fixed

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  • Added Wgit::Utils.proces_arr encode: param. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Updated Wgit::Response#success? and #failure? logic.
  • Breaking changes: Updated Wgit::Crawler redirect logic. See the docs for more info.
  • Breaking changes: Updated Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site path params logic to support globs e.g. allow_paths: 'wiki/*'. See the docs for more info.
  • Breaking changes: Refactored references of encode_html: to encode: in the Wgit::Document and Wgit::Crawler classes.
  • Breaking changes: Wgit::Document.text_elements_xpath is now //*/text(). This means that more text is extracted from each page and you can no longer be selective of the text elements on a page.
  • Improved Wgit::Url#valid? and #relative?. ### Fixed
  • Bug fix in Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site where *.php URLs weren't being crawled. The fix was to implement Wgit::Crawler::SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS.



  • Wgit.version_str method. ### Changed/Removed
  • Switched to optimistic dependency versioning. ### Fixed

- Bug in Wgit::Url#concat.



  • A Wgit Wiki! https://github.com/michaeltelford/wgit/wiki
  • Wgit::Document#content alias for #html.
  • Wgit::Url#prefix_base method.
  • Wgit::Url#to_addressable_uri method.
  • Support for partially crawling a site using Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site(allow_paths: []) or disallow_paths:.
  • Wgit::Url#+ as alias for #concat.
  • Wgit::Url#invalid? method.
  • Wgit.version method.
  • Wgit::Response class containing adapter agnostic HTTP response logic. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Removed Wgit::Document#date_crawled and #crawl_duration because both of these methods exist on the Wgit::Document#url. Instead, use doc.url.date_crawled etc.
  • Breaking changes: Added to and moved Document.define_extension block params, it's now |value, source, type|. The source is not what it used to be; it's now type - of either :document or :object. Confused? See the docs.
  • Breaking changes: Changed Wgit::Url#prefix_protocol so that it no longer modifies the receiver.
  • Breaking changes: Updated Wgit::Url#to_anchor and #to_query logic to align with that of Addressable::URI e.g. the anchor value no longer contains # prefix; and the query value no longer contains ? prefix.
  • Breaking changes: Renamed Wgit::Url methods containing anchor to now be named fragment e.g. to_anchor is now called to_fragment and without_anchor is without_fragment etc.
  • Breaking changes: Renamed Wgit::Url#prefix_protocol to #prefix_scheme. The protocol: param name remains unchanged.
  • Breaking changes: Renamed all Wgit::Url methods starting with without_* to omit_*.
  • Breaking changes: Wgit::Indexer no longer inserts invalid external URL's (to be crawled at a later date).
  • Breaking changes: Wgit::Crawler#last_response is now of type Wgit::Response. You can access the underlying Typhoeus::Response object with crawler.last_response.adapter_response. ### Fixed
  • Bug in Wgit::Document#base_url around the handling of invalid base URL scenarios.

- Several bugs in Wgit::Database class caused by the recent changes to the data model (in version 0.3.0).



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- A crawl bug that resulted in some servers dropping requests due to the use of Typhoeus's default User-Agent header. This has now been changed.



  • Wgit::Document#stats alias #statistics.
  • Wgit::Crawler#time_out logic for long crawls. Can also be set via initialize.
  • Wgit::Crawler#last_response#redirect_count method logic.
  • Wgit::Crawler#last_response#total_time method logic.
  • Wgit::Utils.fetch(hash, key, default = nil) method which tries multiple key formats before giving up e.g. :foo, 'foo', 'FOO' etc. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Updated Wgit::Crawler crawl logic to use typhoeus instead of Net:HTTP. Users should see a significant improvement in crawl speed as a result. This means that Wgit::Crawler#last_response is now of type Typhoeus::Response. See https://rubydoc.info/gems/typhoeus/Typhoeus/Response for more info. ### Fixed

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  • Url#crawl_duration method.
  • Document#crawl_duration method.
  • Benchmark.measure to Crawler logic to set Url#crawl_duration. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Updated data model to embed the full url object inside the documents object.
  • Breaking changes: Updated data model by removing documents score attribute. ### Fixed

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This version of Wgit see's a major refactor of the code base involving multiple changes to method names and their signatures (optional parameters turned into named parameters in most cases). A list of the breaking changes are below including how to fix any breakages; but if you're having issues with the upgrade see the documentation at: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/wgit


  • Wgit::Url#absolute? method.
  • Wgit::Url#relative? base: url support.
  • Wgit::Database.connect method (alias for Wgit::Database.new).
  • Wgit::Database#search and Wgit::Document#search methods now support case_sensitive: and whole_sentence: named parameters. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Renamed the following Wgit and Wgit::Indexer methods: Wgit.index_the_web to Wgit.index_www, Wgit::Indexer.index_the_web to Wgit::Indexer.index_www, Wgit.index_this_site to Wgit.index_site, Wgit::Indexer.index_this_site to Wgit::Indexer.index_site, Wgit.index_this_page to Wgit.index_page, Wgit::Indexer.index_this_page to Wgit::Indexer.index_page.
  • Breaking changes: All Wgit::Indexer methods now take named parameters.
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Url method signatures have changed: initialize aka new,
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Url class methods have been removed: .validate, .valid?, .prefix_protocol, .concat in favour of instance methods by the same names.
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Url instance methods/aliases have been changed/removed: #to_protocol (now #to_scheme), #to_query_string and #query_string (now #to_query), #relative_link? (now #relative?), #without_query_string (now #without_query), #is_query_string? (now #query?).
  • Breaking changes: The database connection string is now passed directly to Wgit::Database.new; or in its absence, obtained from ENV['WGIT_CONNECTION_STRING']. See the README.md section entitled: Practical Database Example for an example.
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Database instance methods now take named parameters: #urls, #crawled_urls, #uncrawled_urls, #search.
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Document instance methods now take named parameters: #to_h, #to_json, #search, #search!.
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Document instance methods/aliases have been changed/removed: #internal_full_links (now #internal_absolute_links).
  • Breaking changes: Any Wgit::Document method alias for returning links containing the word relative has been removed for clarity. Use #internal_links, #internal_absolute_links or #external_links instead.
  • Breaking changes: Wgit::Crawler instance vars @docs and @urls have been removed causing the following instance methods to also be removed: #urls=, #[], #<<. Also, .new aka #initialize now requires no params.
  • Breaking changes: Wgit::Crawler.new now takes an optional redirect_limit: parameter. This is now the only way of customising the redirect crawl behavior. Wgit::Crawler.redirect_limit no longer exists.
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Crawler instance methods signatures have changed: #crawl_site and #crawl_url now require a url param (which no longer defaults), #crawl_urls now requires one or more *urls (which no longer defaults).
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Assertable method aliases have been removed: .type, .types (use .assert_types instead) and .arr_type, .arr_types (use .assert_arr_types instead).
  • Breaking changes: The following Wgit::Utils methods now take named parameters: .to_h and .printf_search_results.
  • Breaking changes: Wgit::Utils.printf_search_results's method signature has changed; the search parameters have been removed. Before calling this method you must call doc.search! on each of the results. See the docs for the full details.
  • Wgit::Document instances can now be instantiated with String Url's (previously only Wgit::Url's). ### Fixed

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  • Wgit::Url#to_brand method and updated Wgit::Url#is_relative? to support it. ### Changed/Removed
  • Updated certain classes by changing some private methods to protected. ### Fixed

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  • Support for <base> element in Wgit::Document's.
  • New Wgit::Url methods: without_query_string, is_query_string?, is_anchor?, replace (override of String#replace). ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Removed Wgit::Document#internal_links_without_anchors method.
  • Breaking changes (potentially): Wgit::Url's are now replaced with the redirected to Url during a crawl.
  • Updated Wgit::Document#base_url to support an optional link: named parameter.
  • Updated Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site to allow the initial url to redirect to another host.
  • Updated Wgit::Url#is_relative? to support an optional domain: named parameter. ### Fixed
  • Bug in Wgit::Document#internal_full_links affecting anchor and query string links including those used during Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site.

- Bug causing an 'Invalid URL' error for Wgit::Crawler#crawl_site.



  • Added Wgit::Url.parse class method as alias for Wgit::Url.new. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Removed Wgit::Url.relative_link? (class method). Use Wgit::Url#is_relative? (instance method) instead e.g. Wgit::Url.new('/blah').is_relative?. ### Fixed



  • Support for IRI's (non ASCII based URL's). ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking changes: Removed Document and Url#to_hash aliases. Call to_h instead. ### Fixed

- Bug in Crawler#crawl_site where an internal redirect to an external site's page was being followed.



  • Indexer#index_this_page method. ### Changed/Removed
  • Breaking Changes: Wgit::CONNECTION_DETAILS now only requires DB_CONNECTION_STRING. ### Fixed

- Found and fixed a bug in Document#new.