What have I done?

Give me a readable recap of everything I logged into Toggl today. This should save me about 20 seconds every day. After a year, that'll sum up to more than an hour, so yeah...

What does this do exactly?

Glad you asked. Let me show you:

terminal screenshot

I want this

  1. Install: gem install what_have_i_done
  2. Get your Toggl API Key from your profile page and store it in ~/.toggl
  3. Use at will: what_have_i_done

Pro tip: alias what="what_have_i_done"

Why the f***?

Because I'm currently doing this manually every day to fill in our company's daily report (for time tracking, billing, and blah blah blah productivity blah)


The next step would be to have this automatically submit the report in some way.