
Whatnot is a Ruby wrapper for the Minisat CSP solver with flexible constraint definition syntax.


I looked at the existing tools for constraint-solving in Ruby and found that they were either: (a) too slow to handle highly complex systems of constraints, or (b) too inflexible to support all but the most well-known types of problems. So I wanted to provide a tool that was both flexible and fast.


To define a constraint problem, you can create two types of variables:

  1. A slot: a variable that can only hold one value in an array of possible values.
  2. A set: a variable that can hold one or more of an array of values.

Then you may specify any number of constraints between any number of variables.



First, you have to create a SwitchInterpreter:

i = SwitchInterpreter.new

Creating variables

To create a slot called :B which can either hold 1 or 2:

i.create_slot(:B, [1,2])

To create a set called :C which can hold up to 3 values between 1 and 6:

i.create_set(:C, [1,2,3,4,5,6], max_values: 3)

Creating constraints

To create a constraint that all values of C should be greater than B:

i.create_constraint(:C, :B) { |**sol| sol[:C].all? { |c| c > sol[:B] } }


Minisat must be installed. On a Mac:

$ brew install gcc
$ brew install minisat