Class: When::CalendarNote::SolarTerms

LuniSolarPositions show all
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Direct Known Subclasses

Japanese::SolarTerms, SolarTermsRevised

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from When::CalendarNote

Bahai, CalendarDepend, Chinese, CommonWithRokuyo, CommonWithSovietFiveDay, CommonWithSovietSixDay, Default, Javanese, JulianDay, Mayan, Tibetan, Yis

Constants included from Parts::Resource

Parts::Resource::ConstList, Parts::Resource::ConstTypes, Parts::Resource::IRIHeader, Parts::Resource::LabelProperty

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from LuniSolarPositions

#delta, #den, #formula, #margin, #num

Attributes inherited from When::CalendarNote


Attributes inherited from TM::ReferenceSystem

#domain_of_validity, #position

Attributes inherited from BasicTypes::Object


Attributes included from Parts::Resource

#_pool, #child, #keys, #locale, #namespace

Method Summary

Methods inherited from LuniSolarPositions

#event_delta, #event_eval, #event_time, #position

Methods inherited from When::CalendarNote

#copy, #day, #duration, #enum_for, #include?, #month, #note?, #notes, #year

Methods inherited from TM::ReferenceSystem

#domain, #name

Methods included from Parts::Resource

#[], #^, _abbreviation_to_iri, _decode, _encode, _extract_prefix, _instance, _instantiate, _parse, _path_with_prefix, _replace_tags, _setup_, _setup_info, _simplify_path, base_uri, #each, #enum_for, #hierarchy, #include?, #included?, #iri, #leaf?, #m17n, #map, #next, #parent, #prev, #registered?, root_dir

Methods included from Parts::Resource::Pool

#[], #[]=, #_pool, #_setup_, #pool_keys

Methods included from Parts::Resource::Synchronize


Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class When::Parts::Resource