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Whereto helps you take control of your media library by providing a wizard-style interface for organizing, naming, and applying metadata to your media files.

Here's an example:

$ cd 'videos/great show'
$ whereto organize .

I found the following files:
great show - pilot.mkv
Great Show: 3.mkv

For the file great show - pilot.mkv
Enter a series title: great show 
Enter a season number (or press enter for 1): 
Enter an episode number (or press enter for 1):
Enter an episode title (or press enter for Pilot): 
New file: great.show.E01S01.pilot.mkv



Installation is pretty easy. Just type gem install where_to_cli

Whereto gets episode information from the tvdb database. For this functionality to work, you need to
export TVDB_API_KEY='my_super_secret_api_key' susbtituting of course your tvdb api key.