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Coverage Issue

Wordsmith SDK for Ruby

Intro to Wordsmith

Wordsmith makes it easy to generate thousands of stories, reports, and articles in the time it takes to write just one. Wordsmith is a natural language generation tool that enables users to turn data into text using dynamic templates. The platform is easy to learn, and powerful enough to make each piece of content totally unique.

The Wordsmith API allows developers to generate new content using the Templates created in the Wordsmith web app by users at your company. Developers can use the API to send new data which will trigger the generation of new text content. You have complete control over when you generate and use the content.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'wordsmith-ruby-sdk'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


Configure in initializer or as desired

Wordsmith.configure do |config|
  config.token = MY_API_TOKEN
  config.version = '1' #optional, this is the default value


projects = Wordsmith::Project.all                 # An array of projects your token can access
project = Wordsmith::Project.find('project-slug') # Fetch a project by slug

project.schema     # The data schema for the project
project.templates  # A collection of templates for this project

# Fetch a template by slug.
template = project.templates.find('template-slug')

# Test your implementation without being charged for producing content.
template.test({a_data_point: 1, another_one: 'Tuesday'})                       
 > nil # if no errors found, otherwise return RuntimeError

# Generate your narrative. 
template.generate({a_data_point: 1, another_one: 'Tuesday'}, proofread: false)
 > {content: 'Your content is here!'}


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