Workarea Gift Cards 4.0.3 (2020-08-19)

  • Fix Update Step Result

    Prevent returning false early when no Gift Card params are set. This ensures the step won't block checkout.

    Tom Scott

  • Improve Test Experience For Custom Gift Card Gateways

    If you're creating a new custom gift card gateway for your project, and you want to use the tests from base as a starting point for that integration, you currently must duplicate the tests from the plugin in your own plugin, which makes things a bit harder but also removes the ability to take on updates to the test in case of bug fixes. To improve this experience, the Workarea::GiftCards::GatewayTest has been modified to more easily allow decorating it in a host application. All tests are now wrapped in a VCR cassette whose name is defined by the parameterized gateway class name and the name of the method being tested. This will activate and create cassettes in the real world when a gateway makes an outbound HTTP call, similar to CreditCardIntegrationTest.


    Tom Scott

Workarea Gift Cards 4.0.2 (2020-03-03)

  • Fix misaligned test class name

    Ben Crouse

Workarea Gift Cards 4.0.1 (2020-01-21)

  • Fix Tests for 2020

    Update all tests so that they no longer depend on the year 2020 as an expiration year. Instead, use the method provided by Workarea.

    GIFTCARDS-6 Tom Scott

  • Fix Tests for 2020

    Update all tests so that they no longer depend on the year 2020 as an expiration year. Instead, use the method provided by Workarea.

    GIFTCARDS-6 Tom Scott

Workarea Gift Cards 4.0.0 (2019-11-26)

  • Use custom fulfillment policy for digital gift card generation

    Curt Howard

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.7 (2019-09-04)

  • Always Use Configured Currency For Default Values (#1)

    When specifying a default: for a Mongoid Money field, use an Integer type like 0 instead of converting it to a Money type, as this will get evaluated at compile-time rather than at runtime. Doing so preserves the currency configuration specified by the application at runtime.

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.6 (2019-08-21)

  • Open Source!

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.5 (2019-03-05)

  • Create Gift Cards For Order When Creating Fulfillment

    Workarea previously enqueued the Workarea::CreateOrderedGiftCards worker when an order was placed, but this caused an error if the job was executed prior to the fulfillment being persisted. This job will now enqueue after creating a new Workarea::Fulfillment record, ensuring that the data the worker needs is in place before it runs.

    GIFTCARDS-122 Tom Scott

  • Fix Gift Cards Overwriting "To:" Field Translation

    Installing the gift cards plugin previously overrode the base translation with "Recipient: ". This translation is now named to workarea.admin.fields.recipient, in order to preserve the text of for other uses in the admin.

    GIFTCARDS-126 Tom Scott

  • Add product-details__heading class for direct styling hook

    ECOMMERCE-6363 Curt Howard

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.4 (2019-02-05)

  • Update for workarea v3.4 compatibility

    GIFTCARDS-123 Matt Duffy

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.3 (2019-01-22)

  • Add #scroll to AdminRedemptionExport class to support large exports

    Matt Duffy

  • Incorrect Gift Card Timeline Link URL

    The URL to the gift card on the timeline when created is not correct, seems to be a bad copy/paste from the products. This link is now correctly pointing to the gift card's payment page, not a product page that doesn't exist.

    GIFTCARDS-104 Tom Scott

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.2 (2019-01-08)

  • Update README

    GIFTCARDS-121 Matt Duffy

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.1 (2018-09-05)

  • Gift Card Balance Can Equal Tendered Amount

    When a gift card is in use on an order, Workarea did not detect that it would cover the order total if the balance of the gift card was equal to the tendered amount. Change the > to a >= to ensure that gift cards with the exact amount as the order total will still be accounted for in checkout.

    GIFTCARDS-119 Tom Scott

Workarea Gift Cards 3.4.0 (2018-05-24)

  • Support Bulk Action Items UI

    ECOMMERCE-6012 Curt Howard

  • Update exporting to work with v3.3.0 DataFile::Export

    GIFTCARDS-117 Matt Duffy

  • Leverage Workarea Changelog task

    ECOMMERCE-5355 Curt Howard

  • Update Mailers for Premailer

    GIFTCARDS-116 Curt Howard

  • Make Gift Card an optional field

    GIFTCARDS-115 Curt Howard

Workarea Gift Cards 3.3.0 (2018-02-06)

  • Supportive updates for v3.2 Order Summary changes

    GIFTCARDS-113 Curt Howard

  • Include shipping in pricing request

    When re-pricing the order to apply gift card deductions, pass the Shipping for this corresponding Order so that setting the gift card tender amount factors in the shipping total along with the items subtotal.

    GIFTCARDS-94 Tom Scott

  • Convert index cards into table

    GIFTCARDS-110 Curt Howard

Workarea Gift Cards 3.2.1 (2017-10-31)

  • Prevent errors when API isn't installed

    Add condition to documentation test to check for API before requiring documentation test

    GIFTCARDS-111 Jake Beresford

Workarea Gift Cards 3.2.0 (2017-10-17)

  • Add crud endpoints for payment gift cards in admin api

    GIFTCARDS-109 Francisco Galarza

Workarea Gift Cards 3.1.0 (2017-09-15)

  • Rework gift card fulfillment tie in

    GIFTCARDS-106 Matt Duffy

  • Update order fulfillment upon creation of Payment::GiftCard

    GIFTCARDS-106 Matt Duffy

  • Add storefront API support (if it's installed)

    Includes endpoints for checking gift card balance, paying with a gift card, and tender display support.

    GIFTCARDS-102 Ben Crouse

  • Update activity for trash restore link helper

    GIFTCARDS-101 Matt Duffy

  • Add restore link to gift card admin activity

    GIFTCARDS-101 Matt Duffy

  • Add jump to navigation config to plugin

    GIFTCARDS-100 Dave Barnow

Workarea Gift Cards 3.0.2 (2017-08-22)

  • Use token for gift card name on activity after card is deleted

    GIFTCARDS-103 Matt Duffy

Workarea Gift Cards 3.0.1 (2017-07-25)

  • Add jump to navigation config to plugin

    GIFTCARDS-100 Dave Barnow

Workarea Gift Cards 3.0.0 (2017-05-26)

  • Update for v3 compatibility

    GIFTCARDS-95 Matt Duffy

WebLinc Gift Cards 2.1.1 (2017-03-01)

  • Update giftcard mailer translation to render link correctly when passed as html

    GIFTCARDS-91 Beresford, Jake

  • Add a maler preview for gift cards mailer.

    GIFTCARDS-90 Beresford, Jake

WebLinc Gift Cards 2.1.0 (2016-10-12)

  • Add activity support for v2.3

    GIFTCARDS-88 Ben Crouse

  • Update product-prices markup to match generic

    Clean up call to pricing partial

    GIFTCARDS-84 Kristen Ward

WebLinc Gift Cards 2.0.4 (2016-07-06)

  • Update product-prices markup to match generic

    Clean up call to pricing partial

    GIFTCARDS-84 Kristen Ward

WebLinc Gift Cards 2.0.3 (2016-04-26)

  • Add reset results button to gift card redemptions page

    After applying date filters, there is no quick way to reset them. Add action button consistent with other admin pages.

    GIFTCARDS-78 Kristen Ward

WebLinc Gift Cards 2.0.2 (2016-04-04)

WebLinc Gift Cards 2.0.1 (2016-03-22)

  • Ensure credit card is not added to payment if not necessary

    GIFTCARDS-73 Matt Duffy

WebLinc Gift Cards 2.0.0 (January 26, 2016)

  • Update add to cart form to use drawer, add analytics


  • Rename tender-related Gift Card methods

    Resolve a conflict between methods around order pricing during checkout and final amounts displayed on order summaries wihtin the store front.


WebLinc Gift Cards 1.0.0 (January 14, 2016)

  • Improve misleading verbiage in checkout messaging

    The balance indicates current balance, not balance after the order has been placed.


  • Update date range pickers to current

    Replace in gift card and redemption index

    Update start/end date search parameters to be consistent with base

    Update tests


  • Add form submitting control to has balance dropdown


  • Update for compatibility with WebLinc 2.0

  • Replace absolute URLs with relative paths

WebLinc Gift Cards 0.11.0 (October 6, 2015)

  • Add metadata to the edit view


  • Update plugin to be compatible with v0.12

    Update new & edit views, property work Add blank row to permissions partial Update indexes, add context-menu to summary/edit


  • Fix typo in sort menu options

    s/Redeeed/Redeemed in app/models/workarea/payment/gift_card/redemption.rb


  • Update plugin to be compatible with v0.12

    Update new & edit views, property work Add blank row to permissions partial Update indexes, add context-menu to summary/edit


  • Update menu classes for compatibility with WebLinc v0.12 (ECOMMERCE-1344)


  • Update for compatibility with the WebLinc v0.12 Ruby API.


WebLinc Gift Cards 0.10.0 (August 21, 2015)

  • Rename SCSS blocks panel and panel--buttons to index-filters and form-actions, respectively, for compatibility with WebLinc 0.11.


WebLinc Gift Cards 0.9.0 (July 11, 2015)

  • Add model summaries to index.


    21042f498aa5ef9bf9bf5937b89f6c95e0303185 (merge)

  • Remove view workarea/storefront/orders/tenders/_gift_card.json.jbuilder, which isn't used.


  • Update for compatibility with workarea 0.10.0.

    38055d2486d57d28164da779a4d8763cac727e76 c1528cd6098bf565005dad94a7b62adeaecaa447 18822a95254a6d475be7aee7fbd59743a4847be4 618b4512d03a13b3a063e3faf70254b4c57baeeb 74f4ad180bc5f17883ff987a336235d99737daa6 c78cd1aa7a9e2edb4a6867cb7ab0e149f1d64e2e d4e2ea1a5e334df9f1f83849ec8b263539456fd9

  • Fix "back" links in Admin.



  • Fix selected_navigation_nodes in Admin.



  • Remove quantity field from gift card template.



WebLinc Gift Cards 0.8.0 (June 1, 2015)

  • Rename fixtures to factories and clean up factories.


  • Refactor listeners.


  • Update for compatibility with workarea 0.9.0.



  • Allow both strings and symbols as keys in params hash of gift card search.


  • Move gift cards API functionality from workarea-gift_cards to workarea-api.


WebLinc Gift Cards 0.7.0 (April 10, 2015)

  • Allow "From" to be a value other than an email address.

    The "From" field for gift cards was required to be an email address, but users were entering non-email values such as "Mom & Dad". This change removes the email validation from the model.


  • Update JavaScript modules for compatibility with WebLinc 0.8.0.

  • Update testing environment for compatibility with WebLinc 0.8.0.

  • Move product description out of add to cart form for consistency with WebLinc 0.8.0.


  • Use new decorator style for consistency with WebLinc 0.8.0.

  • Remove gems server secrets for consistency with WebLinc 0.8.0.

  • Remove money_field method for compatibility with WebLinc 0.8.0.


  • Update assets for compatibility with WebLinc 0.8.0.