Class: RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::RailsDevelopment

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The RailsDevelopment FileFormat is an extention to the default Rails file format. It includes all lines of the normal Rails file format, but parses SQL queries and partial rendering lines as well.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Request

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Rails

RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Rails::RAILS_21_COMPLETED, RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Rails::RAILS_22_COMPLETED, RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Rails::REQUEST_CATEGORIZER

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Base

#line_definitions, #report_trackers

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#captures?, create, format_definition, inherited, #initialize, line_definition, #parse_line, report, #request, #request_class, #setup_environment, #valid?

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base