Scoped search
The scoped_search Rails plugin makes it easy to search your ActiveRecord models. Searching is performed using a query string, which should be passed to the named_scope search_for
. Based on a definition in what fields to look, it will build query conditions and return those as a named scope.
The recommended method to enable scoped_search in your project is adding the scoped_search gem to your environment. Add the following code to your Rails configuration in config/environment.rb
: do |config|
config.gem 'wvanbergen-scoped_search', :lib => 'scoped_search',
:source => ''
Run sudo rake gems:install
to install the gem.
Alternatively, install scoped_search as a Rails plugin:
script/plugin install git://
Scoped search requires you to define the fields you want to search in:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
scoped_search :on => [:first_name, :last_name]
For more information about options and using fields from relations, see the project wiki on search definitions:
Now, the search_for scope is available for queries. You should pass a query string to the scope. This can be empty or nil, in which case all no search conditions are set (and all records will be returned).
User.search_for('my search string').each { |user| ... }
The result is returned as named_scope
. Because of this, you can actually chain the call with other scopes, or with will_paginate. An example:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable_on :name, :description
named_scope :public, :conditions => {:public => true }
# using chained named_scopes and will_paginate in your controller
Project.public.search_for(params[:q]).paginate(:page => params[:page], :include => :tasks)
More information about usage can be found in the project wiki:
Query language
The search query language is simple, but supports several constructs to support more complex queries:
- words
require very word to be present, e.g.:
some search keywords
- phrases
use quotes for multi-word phrases, e.g.
"police car"
- negation
look for “everything but”, e.g.
police -uniform
,-"police car"
,police NOT car
- logical keywords
make logical constructs using AND, OR, &&, ||, &, | operators, e.g.
uniform OR car
,scoped && search
- parentheses
to structure logic e.g.
"police AND (uniform OR car)"
- comparison operators
to search in numerical or temporal fields, e.g.
> 22
,< 2009-01-01
- explicit fields
search only in the given field. e.g.
username = root
,created_at > 2009-01-01
- NULL checks
using the
operator with a field name, e.g.null? graduated_at
,set? parent_id
A complex query example to look for Ruby on Rails programmers without cobol experience, over 18 years old, with a recently updated record and a non-lame nickname:
("Ruby" OR "Rails") -cobol, age >= 18, updated_at > 2009-01-01 && nickname !~ l33t
For more info, see the the project wiki:
Additional resources
Source code:
Project wiki:
RDoc documentation:
wvanbergen’s blog posts:
This plugin is released under the MIT license. Please contact weshays ( or wvanbergen ( for any questions.