
xcapp is a command line tool for creating iOS XCode projects with a set of common files included in a really easy way.



Creates a new iOS Xcode project

xcapp create [App Name]


  • --lang LANGUAGE: Sets LANGUAGE as the project language. Available options are swift and objc.
  • --bundle-identifier IDENTIFIER: Sets the Bundle Identifier for the app (e.g. com.company.MyApp).

If neither the App Name nor the options are provided they will be asked interactively once the command is run.


Create the MyApp project:

xcapp create MyApp

Creates "MyApp" project inside the MyApp directory. The bundle identifier and language options will be asked when the command is run.


  • Integrate with cocoapods
  • Integrate with fastlane
  • Opt-in/out testing:
    • Add the tests files
    • Add the tests target
    • Add cocoapods dependencies for testing
    • Quick and Nimble for Swift projects
    • Kiwi for Objective-C projects