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This command line tool validates your XML files for proper formatting. If they are not formatted correctly, it prints the difference and exits with an error. You can use it two ways: 1) to fail your build if any XML-ish files (for example, XML, XSD, XSL, or XHTML) are not formatted correctly, and 2) to format them correctly using --fix option.

Read this blog post first: XCOP—XML Style Checker.

Make sure you have Ruby installed and then install the tool:

$ gem install xcop

Run it locally and read its output:

$ xcop --help

To validate formatting of your XML files just pass their names as arguments:

$ xcop file1.xml file2.xml

If your files are not formatted correctly and xcop complains, you can ask it to "beautify" them, using --fix option:

$ xcop --fix broken-file.xml

To fix all files in the directory you can do (won't work if your file names contain spaces):

$ xcop --fix $(find . -name '*.xml')


You can put command line options into .xcop file in the directory where you start xcop. Each option should take a single line in the file. They all will be added to the list of options you specify. For example, as it was suggested in this blog post:


You can also create ~/.xcop file (in your personal home directory), which will also be read and added to the command line options.

How to use in Rakefile?

This is what you need there:

require 'xcop/rake_task'
desc 'Run XCop on all XML/XSL files in all directories'
Xcop::RakeTask.new(:xcop) do |task|
  task.quiet = true # FALSE by default
  task.includes = ['**/*.xml', '**/*.xsl'] # xml|xsd|xhtml|xsl|html by default
  task.excludes = ['target/**/*'] # empty by default

How to use as GitHub action?

Create new workflow file in repository under .github/workflows/xcop.yml:

name: XCOP
  # run on push to master events
      - master
  # run on pull requests to master
      - master
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: g4s8/xcop-action@master

To customize files pattern use files:

- uses: g4s8/xcop-action@master
    files: "src/*.xml"

How to use in Maven pom.xml?

You can integrate it with the help of maven-antrun-plugin:

                <apply executable="xcop" failonerror="true">
                  <fileset dir=".">
                    <include name="**/*.xml"/>
                    <include name="**/*.xsd"/>
                    <exclude name="target/**/*"/>
                    <exclude name=".idea/**/*"/>

How to use in Ant project.xml?

Something like this should work:

  <target name="xcop">
    <apply executable="xcop" failonerror="true">
      <fileset dir=".">
        <include name="**/*.xml"/>
        <include name="**/*.xsd"/>
        <exclude name="target/**/*"/>
        <exclude name=".idea/**/*"/>

How to contribute

Read these guidelines. Make sure you build is green before you contribute your pull request. You will need to have Ruby 2.3+ and Bundler installed. Then:

$ bundle update
$ bundle exec rake

If it's clean and you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.