XCPretty Warning Counter

A custom formatter for xcpretty that counts warnings and outputs them in JSON and YAML format in files named warning-counts.json and warning-counts.yaml respectively


This formatter is distributed via RubyGems, and depends on a version of xcpretty >= 0.0.7 (when custom formatters were introduced). Run:

gem install xcpretty-warning-counter


Specify xcpretty-warning-counter as a custom formatter to xcpretty:


xcodebuild | xcpretty -f `xcpretty-warning-counter`

How it works

The --formatter option takes a file path as an argument, so the xcpretty-warning-counter script returns the location of the installed Ruby formatter class. It must be evaluated before the xcpretty arguments are evaluated, hence the backtick wrapping. The Ruby script must return a Ruby class that is a subclass of XCPretty::Formatter. This then receives formatter_* method invocations as the build output is parsed.

I use the start of the tests as the indicator for when to write the warning file, so this formatter only works for with the tests argument of xcodebuild.