Class: DefaultComment

  • Object
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Defined in:


default_comment_tokens.rb Copyright © Rémi Even 2016-2017

This file is part of Xolti.

Xolti is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Xolti is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Xolti. If not, see <>.

Constant Summary collapse

HASH =["/*", " * ", " */"]).merge!({
	"adb" => ["--", "-- ", "--"],
	"ads" => ["--", "-- ", "--"],
	"apt" => "~~ ",
	"asm" => [";", "; ", ";"],
	"asp" => ["<%", "' ", "%>"],
	"bas" => ["'", "' ", "'"],
	"bat" => "@REM",
	"cfc" => ["<!---", " ", "--->"],
	"cfm" => ["<!---", " ", "--->"],
	"cls" => "% ",
	"cmd" => "@REM",
	"dtd" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"e" => ["--", "-- ", "--"],
	"el" => ["!!!", "!!! ", "!!!"],
	"erl" => ["%%%", "%%% ", "%%%"],
	"elm" => ["{-", "  ", "-}"],
	"f" => ["!", "! ", "!"],
	"fml" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"ftl" => ["<#--", " ", "-->"],
	"gsp" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"haml" => "-# ",
	"hrl" => ["%%%", "%%% ", "%%%"],
	"htm" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"html" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"jsp" => ["<%--", " ", "--%>"],
	"jspx" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"kml" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"lol" => ["OBTW", "", "TLDR"],
	"lua" => ["--[[", "", "]]"],
	"mxml" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"pas" => ["{*", " * ", " *}"],
	"pl" => "# ",
	"pm" => "# ",
	"pom" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"properties" => "# ",
	"py" => "# ",
	"rb" => "# ",
	"sh" => "# ",
	"sql" => ["--", "-- ", "--"],
	"sty" => "% ",
	"tex" => "% ",
	"tld" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"txt" => ["====", "\t", "===="],
	"vm" => ["#*", " ", "*#"],
	"xhtml" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"xml" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"xsd" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"xsl" => ["<!--", " ", "-->"],
	"yaml" => "# ",
	"yml" => "# "