
This gem provides a port of the Xoroshiro256** pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) to Ruby. Xoroshiro offers excellent statistical performance and speed, matching or exceeding MT19937 (the PRNG underpinning Ruby's built-in Random class) in both categories.

Xoroshiro::rand is intended as a drop-in replacement for Kernel::rand, providing the same behavior given the same arguments. Enumeration is also provided via :each.

Timings on both MacOS and Windows show the gem's performance to be faster than Kernel::rand for generating both floating point and integer values—substantially so for the latter. You can confirm this for yourself by running the xoroshiro_timings.rb script provided in the gem's exe folder.


Install the gem by executing:

$ gem install xoroshiro


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.