0.1.5 / 2012-05-27

0.1.4 / 2011-06-11

0.1.3 / 2011-06-08

  • Require yard ~> 0.6.
  • Fixed an option parsing issue with the -D option.

0.1.2 / 2011-05-17

  • Added a work-around for FFI 1.0.8 not accepting frozen Strings.
  • Filter words specified by --ignore.

0.1.1 / 2011-01-25

  • Do not load yard within the plugin.
  • Ignore all Acronyms and CamelCase words.
  • Ignore all words containing underscores.
  • Perform a soft-update of the YARD Cache when running yard-spellcheck.
  • Exit with status -1 if the yard-spellcheck command found any typos.

0.1.0 / 2011-01-25