Getting Started with Yuzu

Using yuzu requires some familiarity with using a terminal application. On a Mac, this is or

Creating a New Project

  1. Create a folder for your project.
  2. Open your terminal.
  3. Change the directory into your project folder, e.g.

    cd ~/Documents/Projects/my-yuzu-project

  4. Create the yuzu project. This command will copy a series of files into the directory, including setting up a Compass project for SASS/SCSS.

    yuzu create

  5. Render the site

    yuzu preview

This last step renders the site and copies it to the default location, which in this case would be ~/Sites/my-yuzu-project. To change this location, edit config/yuzu.yml.

Edit yuzu.yml

This is a YAML file that contains all the necessary configuration to make Yuzu run properly, such as the public name of the site, configuration settings for the preview, remote FTP server, and so on.

Read through the comments in this file to get a more complete sense of what the options mean. For now, to get started, all we need is to set the site's name and to put in the preview settings.

site_name: My First Yuzu Project

    domain: localhost/~username/my-yuzu-project
    destination: /Users/username/Sites/my-yuzu-project
    link_root: /~username/my-yuzu-project

The trickiest setting is link_root. This is prepended to every URL to get the relative links right. This is a convenience setting, so you can enter LINKROOT/images/grid.png to get /~username/my-yuzu-project/images/grid.png.

This is useful because our site doesn't live at the root server folder, and yuzu uses relative links by default. You can make all links absolute by changing link_root to a fully qualified domain name. You can also forget this entirely and specify the complete URLs yourself.

Preview the Sample Site

In Terminal, type yuzu preview:all

This will generate your website and produce the rendered version in the folder you specified under destination above. Yuzu will automatically create this folder for you.

In a web browser, go to http://localhost/~username/my-yuzu-project.