Yuzu Tag Reference

Post Titles

Specify the title of a post, available with post.post_title, with the following placed in your file:

TITLE(Post Title)

If the TITLE(...) tag is not present, yuzu will attempt to use rules from the translators. For Markdown, it grabs "# ...". If not present, yuzu will extrapolate the title from the filename. Files should be named in one of two ways:



A catalog is a listing of posts and pages rendered in a partial form. An example would be an index page of blog posts. This allows you to insert several sets of posts from different parts of a website.

INSERTCATALOG(path:folder-name, per_page:10, per_col:1, template:_block.haml)
  • path
    The folder containing the posts to be placed into the catalog.
  • total The number of posts to be shown in this catalog.
  • per_col
    Catalogs are grids of posts rendered with the template specified. This field specifies how many columns there are in the grid. Use 1 (default) for a straight run of typical blog posts.
  • template
    The name of the template file in the _templates folder to apply to each item in the catalog (e.g. _block.haml)
  • category
    A category filter, showing pages that only have this category.
  • page
    To control which page to render, such as only the first page, use this field. If not present, yuzu will attempt to paginate the first catalog found in a page without this flag.


Adding an images tag provides a mechanism for galleries and other renderers to reference those images in a structured way.



Categories for blog posts (files only showing up in the blog_dir folder) can be specified by setting them explicitly in the content of a post:

CATEGORIES(Architecture, Design)

The list of categories is available in the post.categories variable in all HAML templates. For all the categories in a site, use post.all_categories.

Contents of sidebars can be separated by using the tag below. This supports the ability to lay out the sidebar in the templates, instead of putting layout and HTML structure the posts themselves.

  This will show up in the "post.sidebar" variable inside templates.

The format of all contents between the braces must match the contents of the file itself (e.g. Markdown).


All HAML files in the template_dir folder, specified in yuzu.yml, are considered templates, where several default variables are available to access and insert content.

Specifying which template to use for a particular file can be achieved with the TEMPLATE tag:


yuzu automatically looks in the _templates folder for the HAML files to use. The default templates required by yuzu are:

  • index.haml
    The template for index.html pages.
  • generic.haml
    The overall template for all other generic pages and posts (default).

Templates and Partials

"Partials" are templates that are rendered as part of other templates. They typically contain repeated contents and information that are context-dependent, but cannot be rendered on their own.

The default templates and partials that must be specified are as follows:

  • _header.haml
    A partial that contains any header content for a typical page.
  • _footer.haml
    Partial that contains any footer for a typical page.
  • _menu.haml
    Partial with the global navigation menu.
  • _head.haml
    Partial containing the HTML <head></head> tag for all typical pages.
  • _gallery.haml
    Partial that renders a gallery of images. Optional.

These are automatically generated with the create command when creating a new yuzu project from scratch. Partials and auto-generated templates have a leading underscore as part of their name. Your custom templates don't have to have this.