ChangeLog for Zabby
List of visible changes:
v0.1.2 (2012/03/27)
Older Zabbix 1.8.x used “user.authenticate” instead of “user.login”, we must try both methods.
Improve command line parsing. It is now easier to pass parameters to a “zabbysh” script withtout having to prepend “–”.
Make some methods private.
Internal: add an primary key to Zabby classes (not used yet).
v0.1.1 (2012/03/14)
Initialization code (the argument given to “Zabby.init”) was not executed.
Update documentation and code sample for the barebone API ot get it working on Ruby 1.8.x.
v0.1.0 (2012/03/14)
Major refactoring: Zabbix items are now represented by classes instead of class instances (“Host” vs. “host”, “Item” vs. “item”) and their methods are now class methods.
Simplify code, remove unused or useless methods.
Move helper methods to their own module.
Update documentation and improve code samples.
Online “help” command.
Get rid of the elegant but buggy “set <param> <value>” syntax, the only valid syntax for setting parameters is “set :<param> => <value>”.
Improve exceptions definition.
v0.0.5 (2012/01/05)
Better command file parsing and add rcfile support.
Better handling of the default JSON RPC script name in the URL.
Add a ‘loggedin?’ alias for ‘logged_in?’.
Ignore ‘doc’ directory.
List of docs to generate with Yard is now specified in .yardopts.
Improve Gemspec file.
v0.0.4 (2011/12/21)
Same as v0.0.3 that I could not publish on
v0.0.3 (2011/12/21)
Improve documentation and add all Zabbix API verbs
v0.0.2 (2011/12/20)
First public release.
v0.0.1 (2011/12/18)