

$ gem install zapnito-cli


Add the following configuration to ~/.zapnito

  "environments": {
    "development": {
        "basepath": "http://zapnito.localhost",
        "token": "your dev API token"
    "stage": {
        "basepath": "",
        "token": "your stage API token"
    "production": {
        "basepath": "",
        "token": "your production API token"
  "debug": false

Your api_token is generated automatically and is available on your account (user.api_token).

The environments are all optional, commands will be shown for a particular environment if the configuration is provided.


Create a theme for a tenant

This will create a new directory for the tenant with the basic folder structure for a theme.

$ zapnito theme add

Publish a theme

To upload the theme to s3.

$ zapnito theme production:publish

Preview in browser

This will open a preview in the browser. Note, you need to publish a theme before previewing.

$ zapnito theme production:preview
$ zapnito theme production:preview_link



The following may be adding to your ~/.zapnito config. developmentThemeDir is required if you want to run the executable.

    "environments": ...
    "proxy": "http://localhost:8888",
    "debug": true,
    "developmentThemeDir: "path/to/local/theme/used/when/developing"

Running the cli

To run the cli during development use

bundle exec ./exe/zapnito

Gem tasks

See rake -T for a list of tasks