
  • Include RailsStreaming in a Rails loader callback, so that ActionController does not need to be in the namespace.


  • Include RailsStreaming automatically via a Railtie. It is not really necessary to force people to manage it manually.


  • Make sure "zlib" gets required at the top, as it is used everywhere
  • Improve documentation
  • Make sure zip_kit_stream honors the custom Content-Type parameter
  • Add a streaming example with Sinatra (and add a Sinatra app to the test harness)


  • Make RailsStreaming compatible with ActionController::Live (previously the response would hang)
  • Make BlockWrite respond to write in addition to <<


  • Remove forced Transfer-Encoding: chunked and the chunking body wrapper. It is actually a good idea to trust the app webserver to apply the transfer encoding as is appropriate. For the case when "you really have to", add a bypass in RailsStreaming#zip_kit_stream for forcing the chunking manually.


  • Add Sorbet .rbi for type hints and resolution. This should make developing with zip_kit more pleasant, and the library - more discoverable.


  • Fix require for the VERSION constant, as Zeitwerk would try to resolve it in Rails context, bringing the entire module under its reloading.


  • Remove RackBody because it is just OutputEnumerator. Add a convenience method for Rack response generation.
  • Rebirth as zip_kit
  • Adopt MIT license. The changes from 5.x get grandfathered in. The base for the fork is the 4.x version which was still MIT-licensed.
  • Bump minimum Ruby version to 2.6
  • Respond to #write in all objects that respond to #<<, because they should be usable with IO.copy_stream
  • Allow the last file to be suppressed in the central directory via Streamer#rollback!
  • Allow heuristic compression. Use Streamer#write_file to let zip_kit pick the right compression method for you. If a file will benefit from compression, it is going to be written deflated. If it will not - it will be written stored. Evaluation is based on the first 128KB of the file contents.
  • Make RackBody future-proof for Rack 3.x by adding a chunked body encoder
  • Fix Rails buffering the response unexpectedly, which could happen due to either of wrong content encoding, HTTP/1.0 protocol being requested or the Rack::ETag
  • Allow objects that only respond to #write as streaming destination. The Rails stream object in ActionController::Live is like that.
  • Fix uses of Time.now in tests for Ruby 3 compatibility

zip_tricks version history


  • Add customisable unix_permissions to Streamer and ZipWriter. Beware that customising these permissions can lead to the archive failing to expand with some unarchiving applications, and is especially sensitive for directories.


  • In OutputEnumerator apply some amount of buffering to be within a UNIX socket size for metatada writes. This speeds up usage with Puma by about 20 percent, as there won't be as many syswrite calls on the socket.
  • Make StoredWriter and DeflatedWriter public constants so that standalone tests can be written for them


  • Use block form for zlib Deflater calls to conserve memory
  • Do not change string encoding in writer wrappers (avoid extra work)
  • Fix a zlib deflater object being leaked per archived file
  • Speed up streaming CRC32 computation
  • When running tests, assign the port for the Puma server dynamically
  • Reduce string allocations in the block deflate spec
  • Make sure RemoteUncap specs run under JRuby correctly
  • Replace Rails::Live streaming with iterable body streaming to avoid issues with Rails::Live across the board
  • Remove qa/ directory and scripts, as the tests for the library proper should now be sufficient
  • Fix some documentation and sample code omissions and inconsistencies.


  • Fix extended timestamp timestamp value encoding. Previously we would use an incorrect encoding for the timestamp value, which would output correct but nonsensical timestamps. The pack specifier is now changed to output the correct value.


  • Raise in Streamer#close when the IO offset of the Streamer does not match the size of the written entries. This is a situation which can occur if one adds the local headers, writes the bodies of the files to the socket/output directly, and forgets to adjust the internal Streamer offset. The unadjusted offset would then produce incorrect values in both the local headers which come after the missing offset adjustment and in the central directory headers. Some ZIP unarchivers are able to recover from this (ones that read files "straight-ahead" but others aren't - if the ZIP unarchiver uses central directory entries it would be using incorrect offsets. Instead of producing an invalid ZIP, raise an exception which explains what happened and how it can be resolved.


  • Remove Streamer#add_compressed_entry and SizeEstimator#add_compressed_entry


  • Fix extended timestamp extra field output. The first bit of the flag would be set instead of the last bit of the flag, which made it impossible for Rubyzip to read the timestamp of the entry - and it would also make the extra field useless for most reading applications.


  • Slightly rework RemoteIO and RemoteUncap and make sure they work correctly by spinning up a test webserver to verify their operation. The changes to the documented API are fairly small so this is still marked as a minor release.


  • Disable automatic filename deduplication by default, because it does not play nice with file/directory clobbering. The option can still be enabled by passing auto_rename_duplicate_filenames: true to the Streamer and all modules that use it
  • Adopt Hippocratic license v. 1.2 Note that this might make the license conditions unacceptable for your project. If that is the case, you can use the 4.x branch of the library which stays under the original, exact MIT license.


  • Make sure that when directories clobber files and vice versa we raise a clear error. Add PathSet which keeps track of entries and all the directories needed to create them, document PathSet
  • Move the uniquify_filenames function into a module for easier removal later
  • Add the auto_rename_duplicate_filenames parameter to Streamer constructor. We need to make this optional because making filenames unique can be very tricky when subdirectories are involved, and strictly speaking we should not be applying this transformation at all - there should be no output of duplicate filenames by the caller. So making the filenames should be available, but optional.


  • Use a single fixed capacity string in StreamCRC32.from_io to avoid unnecessary allocations
  • Fix a few tests that were calling out to external binaries


  • Fix RemoteUncap#request_object_size to function correctly


  • Relax bundler dependency so that both bundler 1.x and 2.x are supported cleanly


  • Bump rubyzip to 1.2.2 to mitigate CVE-2018-1000544


  • Replace RackBody with OutputEnumerator since we want to provide a generic way of deferring ZIP output, also when using enumerators.
  • Remove RackBody#close since we got nothing to close 🤷‍♂️
  • Hint nginx that response buffering should be disabled when using Rails zip streaming


  • Add mtime: option to all Streamer methods for adding files and directories, to permit setting modification time per-entry
  • Optimize EOCD signature lookup when reading archives
  • Reformat using the we_transfer_style Rubocop rules and conventions
  • Add code of conduct and contribution guidelines
  • Reduce the size of the CRC32 buffer to 64KB (backed by a benchmark), extract buffering into a wrapper proxy


  • Replace the incorrectly used file type for empty directory entries with the appropriate directory type


  • Speed up CRC32 calculation using a buffer of 5MB (have to combine CRCs less often)


  • Rename Streamer#add_compressed_entry and SizeEstimator#add_compressed_entry to add_deflated_entry to indicate the type of compression that is going to get used.
  • Make Streamer#write_(deflated|stored)_file return a writable object that can be .closed, to permit usage of those methods in situations where suspending a block is inconvenient (make deferred writing possible).
  • Fix CRC32 checksums in Streamer#write_deflated_file
  • Add Streamer#update_last_entry_and_write_data_descriptor to permit externally-driven flows that use data descriptors



  • Tweak documentation a little


  • Add Streamer#add_empty_directory_entry for writing empty directories/folders into the ZIP


  • Add a native Rails streaming module for easier integration of ZipKit into Rails controllers


  • Get rid of Jeweler in favor of the standard Bundler/rubygems gem tasks


  • Instead of BlockWrite, use intrim flushes of the same zlib Deflater


  • Rewrite small data writes to perform less calls to pack


  • Uniquify filenames during writes, so that the caller doesn't have to.


  • Make it possible to swap the destination for Streamer writes, to improve Range support in the download server. Sometimes it might be useful to actually "redirect" the output to a different IO or buffer, without having to provide our own implementation of this switching.


  • Implement brute-force straight-ahead reading of local file headers, for damaged or incomplete ZIP files


  • Make reading local headers optional, since we need it but we don't have to use it for all archives. Ideally we should only do it when a reasonable central directory cannot be found. This can also happen under normal usage, when we are dealing with a ZIP-within-a-ZIP or when the end of the ZIP file has been truncated on write.
  • Make sure Writable#write returns the number of bytes written (fix IO.copy_stream compatibility)


  • Fix reading Zip64 extra fields. Only read fields that have corresponding "normal" fields set to overflow value.


  • Fix FileReader failing where the EOCD marker would be detected multiple times at the end of a ZIP, which is something that can happen during normal usage - a byte pattern has to appear twice to trigger the bug.
  • Add support for archive comment customization


  • Fix the bug with older versions of The Unarchiver refusing to open our Zip64 files


  • Replace RubyZip with a clean-room ZIP writer, due to the overly elaborate Java-esque structure of RubyZip being hostile to modifications. The straw that broke the camel's back in this case is the insistence of RubyZip on writing out padding for the Zip64 extra fields in the local entries that it would never replace with useful data, which was breaking unarchiving when using Windows Explorer.


  • Add Streamer#write so that the Streamer can be used as argument to IO.copy_stream


  • Fi 0-byte reads in RemoteIO of RemoteUncap


  • Set up open-source facilities (Github, Travis CI...)
  • Add RemoteUncap for listing ZIP archives located on HTTP servers without having to download them. RemoteUncap downloads the central directory only using HTTP Range headers.


  • Add Manifest for building a map of the ZIP file (for later Range support)

2.4.3 (Internal rel)

2.4.1 (Internal rel)

  • Include StreamCRC32 in the README

2.3.1 (Internal rel)

  • Restore a streaming CRC facility

2.2.1 (Internal rel)

  • Ensure WriteAndTell plays nice with strings in other encodings than BINARY

2.2.0 (Internal rel)

  • Fix bytes_written return from deflate_in_blocks
  • Raise on invalid Streamer IO arguments
  • Set the EFS flag for UTF-8 filenames
  • Add a RackBody object for plugging ZipKit into Rack
  • Add an offset wrapper for IOs given to Streamer, to support size estimation
  • Ensure the given compression level is supported

2.0.0 (Internal rel)

  • Implements streaming zip based on RubyZip