Auto Instrumentation

datadog can automatically instrument all available libraries, without requiring the manual setup of each one.


Add the following to your Gemfile/gems.rb file:

source ''
gem 'datadog', require: 'datadog/auto_instrument'


Add the following to your Gemfile/gems.rb file:

source ''
gem 'datadog', require: 'datadog/auto_instrument'


Require 'datadog/auto_instrument' after all gems that you'd like to instrument have been loaded:

# Example libraries with supported integrations
require 'sinatra'
require 'faraday'
require 'redis'

require 'datadog/auto_instrument'

Additional configuration

You can reconfigure, override, or disable any specific integration settings by adding a Datadog.configure call after datadog/auto_instrument is activated.

Custom integrations

Custom integrations that want to support auto instrumentation need to be registered (e.g. invoke their Datadog::Tracing::Contrib::Registerable::ClassMethods#register_as method) before the tracer requires 'datadog/auto_instrument'.