SketchUp 2014 Symbols
Symbols are used by Ruby for many purposes. The names of all classes, methods, attributes, constants and variables are all placed in Ruby's symbol table.
Generated with SUMD_Symbols v2.0, on 2015-12-21 at 04:27:57 PM GMT, using SketchUp v14.1.1282 & Ruby v2.0.0.
This summary does not show symbols beginning with $, @, or @@.
Global constants have also been omitted, please see the Constants List.
Found 988 symbols, listed as follows:
- 268 as attribute names
- 516 with lower case 1st letter
- 176 with upper case 1st letter
- 28 with all upper case lettering
Attribute Names
These are assumed to be attributes, due to there being sets of them (plain, ending in '?', ending in '='). Columns show whether one exists with '?' or '='. If only the '?' version exists, it is placed in the main column.
If an attribute has a symbol for both plain and a ? suffix, very often the plain symbol 'method' is not defined and will not work.
B | W | Attribute | B | W | Attribute | |
:active? | :manifold? | |||||
= | :active_layer | = | :material | |||
= | :active_section_plane | = | :max_draw_time | |||
= | :aligned_text_position | = | :max_height | |||
= | :alpha | = | :max_width | |||
? | = | :always_face_camera | = | :menu_text | ||
= | :animation | = | :min_height | |||
= | :arc_curve | = | :min_width | |||
= | :arrow_type | ? | = | :mipmapping | ||
= | :aspect_ratio | :modified? | ||||
= | :back_material | ? | = | :navigation_buttons_enabled | ||
= | :blue | ? | = | :no_scale_mask | ||
? | = | :break_edges | ||||
= | :offset_vector | |||||
= | :camera | :on_line? | ||||
? | = | :casts_shadows | :on_plane? | |||
= | :color | = | :origin | |||
:contains? | :outer? | |||||
:convex? | ||||||
:curve_interior? | = | :page_behavior | ||||
? | = | :cuts_opening | :parallel? | |||
:perpendicular? | ||||||
= | :definition | ? | = | :perspective | ||
= | :delay_time | ? | = | :plugins_disabled | ||
:deleted? | = | :position | ||||
:display? | ||||||
? | = | :display_leader | ? | = | :receives_shadows | |
= | :drawing_color | = | :red | |||
= | :dynamic | :registered? | ||||
= | :required_camera_lod | |||||
:equals? | = | :required_tool_lod | ||||
:reversed? | ||||||
= | :face_shadows_drawing_method | :reversed_in? | ||||
= | :field_of_view | |||||
? | :file_loaded | :samedirection? | ||||
? | = | :fix_shadow_strings | = | :selected_page | ||
= | :focal_length | = | :selected_style | |||
= | :fov | ? | = | :shadows_face_sun | ||
= | :full_detail_render_delay_max | :single_object? | ||||
= | :full_detail_render_delay_min | = | :small_icon | |||
? | = | :smooth | ||||
:georeferenced? | = | :snapto | ||||
= | :glued_to | ? | = | :soft | ||
= | :green | = | :status_bar_text | |||
:group? | = | :status_text | ||||
= | :stipple | |||||
? | = | :has_aligned_text | :supports_options? | |||
:has_been_uninstalled? | ||||||
:has_leader? | = | :tags | ||||
= | :height | = | :template | |||
? | = | :hidden | = | :text_position | ||
= | :texture | |||||
:identity? | :toolbar_visible? | |||||
:image? | = | :tooltip | ||||
= | :image_width | = | :transformation | |||
:inference_locked? | = | :transition_time | ||||
= | :insertion_point | |||||
:internal? | :unitvector? | |||||
? | = | :is2d | :use_alpha? | |||
:is_curve? | ? | = | :use_axes | |||
:is_polygon? | ? | = | :use_camera | |||
:is_pro? | ? | = | :use_hidden | |||
:is_surface? | ? | = | :use_hidden_layers | |||
:is_valid_filename? | ? | = | :use_lod | |||
? | = | :use_rendering_options | ||||
= | :large_icon | ? | = | :use_section_planes | ||
= | :layer | ? | = | :use_shadow_info | ||
= | :leader_break_point | ? | = | :use_style | ||
= | :leader_type | :used_by? | ||||
= | :line_stipple | |||||
= | :line_weight | :valid? | ||||
= | :line_width | = | :vcb_label | |||
:load_on_start? | = | :vcb_value | ||||
:loaded? | = | :vector | ||||
= | :locked | = | :version | |||
? | = | :visible | ||||
= | :width | |||||
= | :x | |||||
= | :y | |||||
= | :z |
Symbols - Lower Case 1st letter
These symbols are either method names or variables.
:abort_operation | :add_item | |
:active_entities | :add_line | |
:active_model | :add_matchphoto_page | |
:active_path | :add_ngon | |
:active_style | :add_note | |
:active_style_changed | :add_observer | |
:active_tool_id | :add_point | |
:active_tool_name | :add_polygon | |
:active_view | :add_section_plane | |
:add_3d_text | :add_separator | |
:add_action_callback | :add_separator_to_menu | |
:add_arc | :add_socket_listener | |
:add_circle | :add_style | |
:add_classification | :add_submenu | |
:add_cline | :add_text | |
:add_context_menu_handler | :all_connected | |
:add_cpoint | :all_picked | |
:add_curve | :allow_actions_from_host | |
:add_dimension_linear | :angle_between | |
:add_dimension_radial | :app_name | |
:add_edges | :area | |
:add_face | :attribute_dictionaries | |
:add_faces_from_mesh | :attribute_dictionary | |
:add_frame_change_observer | :average_color | |
:add_group | :average_refresh_time | |
:add_image | :axes | |
:add_instance | ||
:bad | :create_texture_writer | |
:beep | :creator | |
:behavior | :cross | |
:best_picked | :current= | |
:blend | :curve | |
:bounds | ||
:bring_to_front | :definitions | |
:degrees | ||
:calculate | :degrees_of_freedom | |
:check | :del | |
:classifications | :delete_attribute | |
:classify_point | :delete_key | |
:cleanup | :depth | |
:clear! | :depth_at | |
:close_active | :diagonal | |
:close_on_exec | :disconnect | |
:closest_points | :display_name | |
:commit_operation | :display_name_from_action | |
:common_edge | :distance | |
:common_face | :distance_to_line | |
:con | :distance_to_plane | |
:connect | :do_options | |
:copy | :do_pick | |
:copy! | :dot | |
:copyright | :draw | |
:corner | :draw2d | |
:count_edges | :draw_line | |
:count_instances | :draw_lines | |
:count_points | :draw_points | |
:count_polygons | :draw_polyline | |
:create_cursor | :draw_text | |
:each_default | :extension_path | |
:each_edge | :eye | |
:each_normal | ||
:eat_mem | :face | |
:edge | :face_shadows_drawing_method_default | |
:edges | :faces | |
:edgeuses | :feet | |
:edit_transform | :filePath | |
:element_at | :file_extension | |
:end_angle | :file_new | |
:end_vertex_normal | :file_type | |
:entities | :fill_from_mesh | |
:entityID | :find_faces | |
:entry_string | :find_strings_file | |
:erase | :find_support_file | |
:erase! | :find_support_files | |
:erase_entities | :first_edge | |
:execute_script | :fit_plane_to_points | |
:explode | :flip_images_for_origami | |
:explode_curve | :followme | |
:export_animation | :format_angle | |
:extension_file_path | :format_area | |
:extension_folder_name | :format_degrees | |
:extension_info_file | :format_length | |
:extension_info_file_name | :fs_extension | |
:extension_name | ||
:get_UVHelper | :intersect | |
:get_attribute | :intersect_line_line | |
:get_back_UVQ | :intersect_line_plane | |
:get_datfile_info | :intersect_plane_plane | |
:get_datum | :intersect_with | |
:get_default_dialog_color | :invalidate | |
:get_element_value | :invalidate_bounds | |
:get_front_UVQ | :inverse | |
:get_glued_instances | :invert! | |
:get_i18n_datfile_info | :is_online | |
:get_last_state | ||
:get_locale | :keyvalue | |
:get_plane | :km | |
:get_product_family | ||
:get_resource_path | :lang_file | |
:get_shortcuts | :last_edge | |
:get_texture_projection | :last_refresh_time | |
:guess_target | :latest | |
:guid | :latitude | |
:latlong_to_point | ||
:hash_code | :layers | |
:have_tools | :leader_points | |
:here | :leaf_at | |
:hidden_entities | :length= | |
:hide | :lib | |
:libdir | ||
:id_value | :linear_combination | |
:image_height | :list_datums | |
:in_comment_block | :load_extension_info | |
:inch | :load_from_url | |
:inputbox | :load_schema | |
:inputpoint | :local_bounds | |
:inspector_names | :lock_inference | |
:install_from_archive | :longitude | |
:instances | :loop | |
:interpolate | :loops | |
:make_unique | :model | |
:mark_as_uninstalled | :model_attribute_dictionaries | |
:materialType | :model_info_pages | |
:materials | :move! | |
:menu | :move_vertices | |
:menuname | ||
:mesh | :nitems | |
:meshToolsExtension | :normal_at | |
:messagebox | :normalize! | |
:mile | :num_faces | |
:mm | :number_faces | |
:offset! | :onOpen | |
:onActivePathChanged | :onOpenModel | |
:onActiveToolChanged | :onOptionsProviderChanged | |
:onAfterComponentSaveAs | :onPlaceComponent | |
:onBeforeComponentSaveAs | :onPostSaveModel | |
:onChangeEntity | :onPreSaveModel | |
:onClose | :onQuit | |
:onComponentAdded | :onRemoveAllLayers | |
:onComponentInstanceAdded | :onRenderingOptionsChanged | |
:onComponentInstanceRemoved | :onSaveModel | |
:onComponentPropertiesChanged | :onSelectedCleared | |
:onComponentRemoved | :onSelectionAdded | |
:onComponentTypeChanged | :onSelectionBulkChange | |
:onCurrentLayerChanged | :onSelectionRemoved | |
:onDeleteModel | :onShadowInfoChanged | |
:onElementAdded | :onTextChanged | |
:onElementModified | :onToolStateChanged | |
:onElementRemoved | :onTransactionAbort | |
:onEraseAll | :onTransactionCommit | |
:onEraseEntities | :onTransactionEmpty | |
:onEraseEntity | :onTransactionRedo | |
:onExplode | :onTransactionStart | |
:onLayerAdded | :onTransactionUndo | |
:onLayerChanged | :onViewChanged | |
:onLayerRemoved | :openURL | |
:onMaterialAdd | :open_file | |
:onMaterialChange | :openpanel | |
:onMaterialRefChange | :os_language | |
:onMaterialRemove | :other_vertex | |
:onMaterialSetCurrent | :outdateds | |
:onMaterialUndoRedo | :outer_loop | |
:onNewModel | :outer_shell | |
:pages | :previous | |
:parent | :project_textures_from_photo | |
:parse_length | :project_to_line | |
:partners | :project_to_plane | |
:path_at | :purge_unused | |
:pattern | :push_tool | |
:pick | :pushpull | |
:pick_helper | ||
:pick_segment | :radians | |
:picked_edge | :radius | |
:picked_element | :raytest | |
:picked_face | :rbfiles | |
:pickray | :read_default | |
:pixelheight | :refresh_inspectors | |
:pixels_to_model | :refresh_thumbnail | |
:pixelwidth | :register_extension | |
:place_component | :register_from_sketchup | |
:plane | :register_importer | |
:play_sound | :remove_classification | |
:point= | :remove_frame_change_observer | |
:point_at | :remove_observer | |
:point_in_polygon_2D | :rendering_options | |
:point_index | :require_all | |
:point_to_latlong | :resource_folder_path | |
:point_to_utm | :resource_path | |
:points | :results | |
:polygon_at | :resume | |
:polygon_points_at | :root | |
:polygons | :rotation | |
:pop_tool | :row | |
:position_material | :ruby_install_name | |
:post_url | :rubylibprefix | |
:preferences_pages | ||
:save | :set_validation_proc | |
:save_as | :set_version_id | |
:save_copy | :set_visibility | |
:save_thumbnail | :shadow_info | |
:savepanel | :show | |
:scaling | :show_differences | |
:screen_coords | :show_fps | |
:screen_scale_factor | :show_frame | |
:search_dirs | :show_frame_at | |
:select_tool | :show_inspector | |
:selection | :show_modal | |
:send_action | :show_model_info | |
:set | :show_preferences | |
:set! | :show_ruby_panel | |
:set_attribute | :show_summary | |
:set_background_color | :sitedir | |
:set_color_from_line | :sitelibdir | |
:set_cursor | :skpdoc | |
:set_datum | :slideshow_time | |
:set_file | :stack | |
:set_full_security | :start_angle | |
:set_html | :start_operation | |
:set_on_close | :start_timer | |
:set_plane | :start_vertex_normal | |
:set_point | :stop_timer | |
:set_position | :strings | |
:set_size | :strings_file | |
:set_status_text | :strings_file_name | |
:set_text | :strings_file_path | |
:set_texture_projection | :style | |
:set_toolbar_visible | :styles | |
:set_url | :subtract | |
:set_uv | :success | |
:temp_dir | :trim | |
:template_dir | :typename | |
:test_point | ||
:time_display | :uncheck | |
:time_pick | :undo | |
:title | :unique_name | |
:to_cm | :unload | |
:to_component | :unload_schema | |
:to_feet | :unzipped | |
:to_inch | :update_selected_style | |
:to_km | :use_new_edgevisibility | |
:to_l | :use_sg_off_screen | |
:to_latlong | :use_sg_on_screen | |
:to_m | :utm_to_point | |
:to_mile | :uv_at | |
:to_mm | :uvs | |
:to_utm | ||
:to_yard | :values | |
:toggle | :vector_to | |
:toolbar | :version_id | |
:toolbar_names | :version_number | |
:tools | :vertex | |
:transform | :vertices | |
:transform! | :view | |
:transform_by_vectors | :volume | |
:transform_entities | :vpheight | |
:transformation_at | :vpwidth | |
:translation | ||
:wrap | :yard | |
:write | :yaxis | |
:write_all | ||
:write_default | :zaxis | |
:write_image | :zipped | |
:write_thumbnail | :zone_letter | |
:wt_extension | :zone_number | |
:zoom | ||
:xaxis | :zoom_extents | |
:zrotation | ||
Symbols - Upper Case 1st letter
These symbols are mixed case, but all have a first capital letter. They are constants, and may be class or module names.
:AppObserver | :DefinitionObserver | |
:ArcCurve | :DefinitionsObserver | |
:Architectural | :Dimension | |
:AttributeDictionaries | :DimensionLinear | |
:AttributeDictionary | :DimensionObserver | |
:AutoClickTime | :DimensionRadial | |
:AutoClickTime= | :Drawingelement | |
:AutoDragDistance | ||
:AutoDragDistance= | :Edge | |
:EdgeUse | ||
:Behavior | :Engineering | |
:BoundingBox | :Entities | |
:EntitiesObserver | ||
:Camera | :Entity | |
:Centimeter | :EntityObserver | |
:Classifications | :ExtensionsManager | |
:Color | ||
:Command | :Face | |
:ComponentDefinition | :Feet | |
:ComponentInstance | :FindFile | |
:Config | :Fractional | |
:Console | ||
:ConstructionLine | :GetResourcePath | |
:ConstructionPoint | :GetString | |
:CorruptModel | :GetStrings | |
:Curve | :Group | |
:GzipReader | ||
:Decimal | :GzipWriter | |
:DefinitionList | ||
:Image | :MaterialsObserver | |
:ImageEmbedded | :Menu | |
:ImageEmbeddedAndLinked | :Meter | |
:ImageLinked | :Millimeter | |
:ImportCanceled | :Model | |
:ImportFail | :ModelObserver | |
:ImportFileNotFound | ||
:ImportSuccess | :OptionsManager | |
:Importer | :OptionsProvider | |
:ImporterNotFound | :OptionsProviderObserver | |
:Inches | ||
:Inflate | :Page | |
:InputPoint | :Pages | |
:InstanceObserver | :PagesObserver | |
:PickHelper | ||
:LatLong | :Point3d | |
:Layer | :PointInside | |
:Layers | :PointNotOnPlane | |
:LayersObserver | :PointOnEdge | |
:Length | :PointOnFace | |
:Loop | :PointOnVertex | |
:PointOutside | ||
:Material | :PointUnknown | |
:Materials | :PolygonMesh | |
:ROPAssign | :ROPSetForegroundColor | |
:ROPDrawHidden | :ROPSetGroundColor | |
:ROPEditComponent | :ROPSetGroundTransparency | |
:ROPSetBackgroundColor | :ROPSetHideConstructionGeometry | |
:ROPSetConstructionColor | :ROPSetHighlightColor | |
:ROPSetDepthQueEdges | :ROPSetJitterEdges | |
:ROPSetDepthQueWidth | :ROPSetLineEndEdges | |
:ROPSetDisplayColorByLayer | :ROPSetLineEndWidth | |
:ROPSetDisplayDims | :ROPSetLineExtension | |
:ROPSetDisplayFog | :ROPSetLockedColor | |
:ROPSetDisplayInstanceAxes | :ROPSetMaterialTransparency | |
:ROPSetDisplaySketchAxes | :ROPSetModelTransparency | |
:ROPSetDisplayText | :ROPSetProfileEdges | |
:ROPSetDrawGround | :ROPSetProfileWidth | |
:ROPSetDrawHorizon | :ROPSetProfilesOnlyEdges | |
:ROPSetDrawUnderground | :ROPSetRenderMode | |
:ROPSetEdgeColorMode | :ROPSetSectionActiveColor | |
:ROPSetEdgeDisplayMode | :ROPSetSectionCutWidth | |
:ROPSetEdgeType | :ROPSetSectionDefaultCutColor | |
:ROPSetExtendEdges | :ROPSetSectionDisplayMode | |
:ROPSetExtendLines | :ROPSetSectionInactiveColor | |
:ROPSetFaceColor | :ROPSetSkyColor | |
:ROPSetFaceColorMode | :ROPSetTexture | |
:ROPSetFogColor | :ROPSetTransparencyObsolete | |
:ROPSetFogDist | :ROPTransparencySortMethod | |
:ROPSetFogHint | :RenderingOptions | |
:ROPSetFogUseBkColor | :RenderingOptionsObserver | |
:SandboxTools | :ToolsObserver | |
:SectionPlane | :Transformation | |
:Selection | ||
:SelectionObserver | :UVHelper | |
:Set | :UnitsNormalizedX | |
:ShadowInfo | :UnitsNormalizedY | |
:ShadowInfoObserver | :UnitsPixels | |
:StringIO | ||
:Style | :Vector3d | |
:Styles | :Vertex | |
:View | ||
:Text | :ViewObserver | |
:Texture | ||
:TextureWriter | :WebDialog | |
:Toolbar | :WebTextures | |
:Tools | ||
Symbols - All Upper Case
These symbols are all upper case. They are constants, and may also be class or module names.
:VERSION_2013 | ||
:EUC_JP_2004 | :VERSION_2014 | |
:VERSION_4 | ||
:HLR | :VERSION_6 | |
:VERSION_7 | ||