== 1.2.1 2014-06-29
* fixed compatibility issue with ruby 1.9.3 - #6 - thanks to @electronick https://github.com/RaVbaker/flickr/issues/6

== 1.2.0 2014-05-13
* New image sizes support: Large square, Small 320, Medium 640 - #5 - https://github.com/RaVbaker/flickr/issues/5
* SSL support for requests to Flickr API - #4 - https://github.com/RaVbaker/flickr/issues/4
This change might not be backward compatible so I changed gem version to 1.2. See README.md for more info about SSL

== 1.1.2 2014-04-17
* No changes at all. I failed to set a gem update date for 1.1.1

== 1.1.1 2014-04-17
* Migrated to usage of Bundler for dependency tracking
* Fixes retrieving list of photos no matter which sibling they are in XML structure
* Made tests compatible with latest version of mocha

== 1.1.0 2010-05-16
* Major improvement - now gem is very easy to use as a rails plugin with external configuration for api connection. - /config/flickr.api.yml

== 1.0.9 2010-05-16
* Few enhancements:
* New flickr api domain support: http://api.flickr.com
* depricated email/password params removed form Flickr#initialize and only hash method supported
* New rdoc documentation.
* tests fixed
* init.rb - file ready for using library as a rails 3.x plugin.

== 1.0.8 2009-01-25
* 2 minor enhancements
* Refactored initialization of PhotoCollection so can be instantiated from response returned by photosets.getPhotos
* Added photosets.getPhotos. Returns PhotoCollection

== 1.0.7 2008-11-26
* 1 major enhancement
* When a collection of photos is fetched (e.g. by Flickr#search), a PhotoCollection object is now returned, a type of array, which allows easy access to the pagination information returned by Flickr (e.g. total items, pages, etc). Previously this info was lost
* Minor enhancements:
* Refactored parsing of response when getting info about photo (public API is not changed).
* All returned info is now parsed and stored (previously only some attributes were)
* A record is kept of whether info has been previously fetched from Flickr (avoids unnecessary extra calls)
* Improved User#getInfo. No longer makes API call for pretty_url (which was in addition to main getInfo call) or photos_url
* Bugfixes
* Fixed Photo#source not to make unnecessary API call
* Fixed User#url not to make unnecessary API call

== 1.0.6 2008-07-30
* Bugfixes:
* fixed Flickr#photos when used for searching
* fixed Flickr::Photo#url to not use usernames (if the user changes their username, the url will wrong)
* fixed Flickr#related_tags
* Flickr::Photo#to_s was making unnecessary API calls
* fixed 'test' Rake task
* fixed 'gem' Rake task
* Minor enhancements:
* added Flickr#search as an alias for Flickr#photos in its search mode
* added Flickr#recent as an alias for Flickr#photos for recent photos
* added Flickr::Photo#pretty_url for the URL that includes a username if present
* added Flickr::Photo#size_url which is like url except 'Medium' works the same as other sizes
* allow lowercase ('medium') and symbol (:medium) forms for sizes
* internal code cleanup

== 1.0.5 2008-05-12

* 1 major change:
* Updated and refactored Flickr::Group class and Flickr#groups method to work with current Flickr API. Flickr#groups now searches for given group, rather than groups.getActiveList (which no longer exists as Flickr API call)
* Minor enhancements:
* Tweaked internals so new client instance isn't created each time new object (e.g. photo, user) is created
* Improved test coverage

== 1.0.4 2008-05-11

* 1 major enhancement:
* Added authentication facility as per current Flickr API
* 3 minor enhancements:
* Improved test suite
* Improved API for creating Flickr objects (old one still works)
* Protected methods that are only used internally (e.g. request, request_url)

== 1.0.3 2008-04-18

* Various bugfixes:
* User instantiation was broken (wrong number of params passed)
* Instantiating photos failed in several places if single photo returned
* Photosets#getInfo would always fail as the parameter name should be photoset_id, not photosets_id
* Removed call to flickr.people.getOnlineList in Flickr#users as that call is no longer in the Flickr API
* Performance improvements:
* Url and image source uri now generated without a call to the Flickr API, as per the Flickr API docs