
Gem Version

Runs lint and unit tests Functional Tests

This library is a Ruby client for Appium. The gem is available via appium_lib_core.

This library wraps selenium-webdriver and adapts WebDriver APIs for Appium. ruby_lib calls all of Appium/Selenium related APIs via this core library. It works instance based driver.


Migration from v4 to v5

Please read [5.0.0] section in CHANGELOG

Related library

How to start

Run tests

Unit Tests

Run unit tests which check each method and command, URL, using the webmock.

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec parallel_test test/unit/


$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake test:unit

Functional Tests

Run functional tests which require the Appium server and real device, Simulator/Emulator.

  • Start Appium server (Appium 2.0 base)

    $ npm install --location=global appium
    $ appium driver install xcuitest
    $ appium driver install uiautomator2 # etc
    $ appium --base-path=/wd/hub --relaxed-security # To run all tests in local
  • Conduct tests

    $ bundle install
    $ rake test:func:android # Andorid, uiautomator2
    $ APPIUM_DRIVER=espresso rake test:func:android # Andorid, uiautomator2
    $ rake test:func:ios     # iOS

Real device for iOS

  • You should pre-install UICatalog in iOS with a particular bundleId
    • Set the bundleId instead of app in test/test_helper#ios
# Create derivedDataPath in "/tmp/#{org_id}" and reuse xctestrun in the directory
$ REAL=true BUNDLE_ID='target-bundleid' WDA_BUNDLEID="ios.appium.WebDriverAgentRunner" ORG_ID=XXXXXXX rake test:func:ios

# Run with xcconfig file. The template is in 'test/functional/ios/temp.xcconfig'
# The PROVISIONING_PROFILE is in '~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/'
$ REAL=true XCODE_CONFIG_FILE='/path/to/xcconfig' ORG_ID=XXXXXXX rake test:func:ios

Run parallel tests with parallel_tests gem


# Generate 3 emulators. Running 3 emulators require much machine power.
# It requires an image which is for Google Play and x86 CPU architecture's image.
$ bundle exec rake android:gen_device
$ PARALLEL=1 bundle exec parallel_test test/functional/android -n 3
  • Create iPhone simulators named iPhone Xs Max- 8100 and iPhone Xs Max - 8101
  • Run iOS functional tests with below command
$ PARALLEL=1 bundle exec parallel_test test/functional/ios -n 2


  • Runs on CI environment (on Azure)
    • Non IGNORE_VERSION_SKIP or IGNORE_VERSION_SKIP=true runs all tests ignoring skip them by Appium versions
    • IGNORE_VERSION_SKIP=false skips the following tests if the Appium version is lower than the requirement
$ IGNORE_VERSION_SKIP=true CI=true bundle exec rake test:func:android

Run a test case

  1. Launch the Appium server locally.
  2. Run the following script.
  • test.rb

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'appium_lib_core'
    opts = {
      capabilities: { # Append capabilities
        platformName: 'ios',
        platformVersion: '11.0',
        deviceName: 'iPhone Simulator',
        # app: '/path/to/',  # Without 'app' capability, an appium session starts with the home screen
        automationName: 'XCUITest'
      appium_lib: {
        wait: 30
    @core = Appium::Core.for(opts) # create a core driver with `opts`
    @driver = @core.start_driver
    # Launch iPhone Simulator and ``
    @driver.find_element(:accessibility_id, 'some accessibility') # find an element
  • Run the script

    # shell 1
    $ appium --log-level warn:error # show only warning and error logs
    # shell 2
    $ ruby test.rb

Appium::Core.for documentation has more example to build a new driver instance.

More examples are in test/functional

As of version 5.8.0, the client can attach to an existing session. The main purpose is for debugging.

# @driver is the driver instance of an existing session
attached_driver = ::Appium::Core::Driver.attach_to @driver.session_id, url: '', automation_name: 'XCUITest', platform_name: 'ios'
assert attached_driver.session_id == @driver.session_id


Read Appium/Core/Driver to catch up with available capabilities. Capabilities affect only ruby_lib is Appium/Core/Options.

Gives custom listener

An example to define a customer listener with Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener

class CustomListener < ::Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener
  // something
capabilities: {
  platformName: :ios,
  platformVersion: '11.0',
  deviceName: 'iPhone Simulator',
  automationName: 'XCUITest',
  app: '/path/to/'
appium_lib: {
@core = Appium::Core.for capabilities: capabilities, appium_lib: appium_lib



Use appium_thor to release this gem.

$ thor bump # bumpy,
$ thor release


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Apache License v2