Module: Anyicon::Rails

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The Engine class is responsible for integrating the Anyicon gem with a Ruby on Rails application. It inherits from Rails::Engine, which allows it to hook into the Rails framework and provide the necessary configurations and initializations for the gem.

The engine ensures that icons are precompiled as part of the Rails asset pipeline, making them available for use in the application’s views.

Example usage in a Rails application:

# In a Rails initializer (config/initializers/anyicon.rb)
Anyicon.configure do |config|
  config.collections = {
    custom_collection: { repo: 'user/repo', path: 'path/to/icons', branch: 'main' }

This configuration allows the application to specify additional icon collections that can be used with the Anyicon helper methods.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: IconHelper Classes: Engine