Class: Decidim::ProgressBarCell

  • Object
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This cell renders a collapsible list of elements. Each element from the ‘model` array will be rendered with the `:cell` cell.

The ‘model` must be an Integer representing how many elements we have right now. Can be higher than the `:total` options value.

Available options:

- `:small` => Whether the progress bar should be small or not.
  This will probably be set to `true` if rendered in a collection view.
  Defaults to `false`.
- `:total` => The amount that will set the progress bar to 100%, the objective
  to reach.
- `:units_name` => The I18n key representing the name of the elements we are
  counting (votes, signatures, answers...). Can have the `%{count}` format.
- `:element_id` => A String representing the ID that will be given to the
  progress bar HTML element.
- `:subtitle_text` => An I18n key representing a subtitle for the element.


  element_id: "my-id",
  units_name: "my.i18n.key",
  total: 10,

Method Summary

Methods inherited from ViewModel

#call, #current_user, #view_context

Methods included from LayoutHelper

#_icon_classes, #apple_favicon, #application_path, #current_user_unread_data, #extended_navigation_bar, #external_icon, #favicon, #icon, #legacy_favicon, #organization_colors, #role

Methods included from TooltipHelper


Methods included from ModalHelper


Methods included from ReplaceButtonsHelper

#button_to, #submit_tag

Methods included from ActionAuthorizationHelper

#action_authorized_button_to, #action_authorized_link_to, #logged_button_to, #logged_link_to

Methods included from ScopesHelper

#has_visible_scopes?, #scope_name_for_picker, #scopes_picker_field, #scopes_picker_filter, #scopes_select_field, #scopes_select_tag

Methods included from TranslatableAttributes


Methods included from DecidimFormHelper

#areas_for_select, #base_error_messages, #decidim_form_for, #decidim_form_slug_url, #editor_field_tag, #form_field_has_error?, #form_required_explanation, #name_with_locale, #ordered_scopes_descendants, #ordered_scopes_descendants_for_select, #scopes_picker_field_tag, #tab_element_class_for, #translated_field_tag

Methods included from ResourceHelper

#linked_classes_filter_values_for, #linked_classes_for, #resource_locator, #resource_title