Class: Jobs::CleanUpUserExportTopics
- Defined in:
- app/jobs/onceoff/clean_up_user_export_topics.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Onceoff
enqueue_all, #execute, inherited, name_for, onceoff_job_klasses, #running_key_name
Methods inherited from Base
acquire_cluster_concurrency_lock!, clear_cluster_concurrency_lock!, cluster_concurrency, cluster_concurrency_redis_key, delayed_perform, #error_context, #execute, get_cluster_concurrency, #last_db_duration, #log, #perform, #perform_immediately
Instance Method Details
#execute_onceoff(args) ⇒ Object
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# File 'app/jobs/onceoff/clean_up_user_export_topics.rb', line 5 def execute_onceoff(args) translated_keys = I18n .available_locales .map do |l| I18n.with_locale(:"#{l}") do I18n.t("system_messages.csv_export_succeeded.subject_template") end end .uniq slugs = [] translated_keys.each { |k| slugs << "%-#{Slug.for(k.gsub("[%{export_title}]", ""))}" } # "[%{export_title}] 資料匯出已完成" gets converted to "%-topic", do not match that slug. slugs = slugs.reject { |s| s == "%-topic" } topics = Topic.with_deleted.where(<<~SQL, slugs, UserExport::DESTROY_CREATED_BEFORE) slug LIKE ANY(ARRAY[?]) AND archetype = 'private_message' AND subtype = 'system_message' AND posts_count = 1 AND created_at < ? AND user_id = -1 SQL topics.each do |t| Topic.transaction do t.posts.first.destroy! t.destroy! end end end |