Class: Plugin::Instance
- Inherits:
- Object
- Plugin::Instance
- Defined in:
- lib/plugin/instance.rb
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#admin_route ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute admin_route.
#metadata ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute metadata.
#path ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute path.
Class Method Summary collapse
- .find_all(parent_path) ⇒ Object
- .parse_from_source(path) ⇒ Object
.stats ⇒ Object
This method returns Core stats + stats registered by plugins.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#activate! ⇒ Object
note, we need to be able to parse separately to activation.
- #add_admin_route(label, location, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
#add_api_key_scope(resource, action) ⇒ Object
Register a new API key scope.
#add_api_parameter_route(methods: nil, actions: nil, formats: nil) ⇒ Object
Register a route which can be authenticated using an api key or user api key in a query parameter rather than a header.
#add_body_class(class_name) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#add_class_method(klass_name, attr, &block) ⇒ Object
Adds a class method to a class, respecting if plugin is enabled.
#add_custom_reviewable_filter(filter) ⇒ Object
Receives an array with two elements: 1.
- #add_directory_column(column_name, query:, icon: nil) ⇒ Object
#add_filter_custom_filter(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom filter utilizing the user’s input.
- #add_model_callback(klass_name, callback, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
#add_permitted_post_create_param(name, type = :string) ⇒ Object
Add a permitted_create_param to Post, respecting if the plugin is enabled.
#add_permitted_post_update_param(attribute, &block) ⇒ Object
Add a permitted_update_param to Post, respecting if the plugin is enabled.
- #add_permitted_reviewable_param(type, param) ⇒ Object
#add_post_revision_notifier_recipients(&block) ⇒ Object
Allows to add additional user_ids to the list of people notified when doing a post revision.
#add_preloaded_group_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#add_preloaded_topic_list_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#add_report(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#add_request_rate_limiter(identifier:, key:, activate_when:, global: false, after: nil, before: nil) ⇒ Object
This is an experimental API and may be changed or removed in the future without deprecation.
#add_reviewable_score_link(reason, setting_name) ⇒ Object
Register a ReviewableScore setting_name associated with a reason.
#add_to_class(class_name, attr, &block) ⇒ Object
Extend a class but check that the plugin is enabled for class methods use ‘add_class_method`.
- #add_to_serializer(serializer, attr, deprecated_respect_plugin_enabled = nil, respect_plugin_enabled: true, include_condition: nil, &block) ⇒ Object
#add_topic_static_page(page, options = {}, &blk) ⇒ Object
Allows customizing existing topic-backed static pages, like: faq, tos, privacy (see: StaticController) The block passed to this method has to return a SiteSetting name that contains a topic id.
#add_user_api_key_scope(scope_name, matcher_parameters) ⇒ Object
Register a new UserApiKey scope, and its allowed routes.
- #admin_js_asset_exists? ⇒ Boolean
- #after_initialize(&block) ⇒ Object
- #allow_public_user_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
- #allow_staff_user_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
- #auth_provider(opts) ⇒ Object
- #auto_generated_path ⇒ Object
- #automatic_assets ⇒ Object
- #commit_hash ⇒ Object
- #commit_url ⇒ Object
- #configurable? ⇒ Boolean
- #css_asset_exists?(target = nil) ⇒ Boolean
- #custom_avatar_column(column) ⇒ Object
- #delete_extra_automatic_assets(good_paths) ⇒ Object
- #directory ⇒ Object
- #directory_name ⇒ Object
- #discourse_owned? ⇒ Boolean
- #enabled? ⇒ Boolean
- #enabled_site_setting(setting = nil) ⇒ Object
- #ensure_directory(path) ⇒ Object
- #extend_content_security_policy(extension) ⇒ Object
- #extend_list_method(klass, method, new_attributes) ⇒ Object
- #extra_js_asset_exists? ⇒ Boolean
- #full_admin_route ⇒ Object
#gem(name, version, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
shotgun approach to gem loading, in future we need to hack bundler to at least determine dependencies do not clash before loading.
#generate_automatic_assets! ⇒ Object
will make sure all the assets this plugin needs are registered.
- #git_repo ⇒ Object
- #hide_plugin ⇒ Object
- #humanized_name ⇒ Object
#initialize(metadata = nil, path = nil) ⇒ Instance
A new instance of Instance.
- #javascript_includes ⇒ Object
- #js_asset_exists? ⇒ Boolean
- #listen_for(event_name) ⇒ Object
- #notify_after_initialize ⇒ Object
#on(event_name, &block) ⇒ Object
A proxy to ‘DiscourseEvent.on` which does nothing if the plugin is disabled.
#on_enabled_change(&block) ⇒ Object
A proxy to ‘DiscourseEvent.on(:site_setting_changed)` triggered when the plugin enabled setting specified by `enabled_site_setting` value is changed, including when the plugin is turned off.
- #register_anonymous_cache_key(key, &block) ⇒ Object
- #register_asset(file, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
#register_asset_filter(&blk) ⇒ Object
Register a block to run when adding css and js assets Two arguments will be passed: (type, request) Type is :css or :js.
#register_bookmarkable(klass) ⇒ Object
Register a class that implements [BaseBookmarkable], which represents another [ActiveRecord::Model] that may be bookmarked via the [Bookmark] model’s polymorphic association.
#register_category_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
- #register_css(style) ⇒ Object
#register_custom_filter_by_status(status, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom “status:” filter.
- #register_custom_html(hash) ⇒ Object
#register_demon_process(demon_class) ⇒ Object
Register a new demon process to be forked by the Unicorn master.
- #register_editable_group_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
- #register_editable_topic_custom_field(field, staff_only: false) ⇒ Object
- #register_editable_user_custom_field(field, staff_only: false) ⇒ Object
#register_email_notification_filter(&block) ⇒ Object
Registers a new email notification filter.
- #register_email_poller(poller) ⇒ Object
#register_email_unsubscriber(type, unsubscriber) ⇒ Object
Let plugin define custom unsubscribe keys, set custom instance variables on the ‘EmailController#unsubscribe` action, and describe what unsubscribing for that key does.
- #register_emoji(name, url, group = Emoji::DEFAULT_GROUP) ⇒ Object
#register_group_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#register_group_param(param) ⇒ Object
Add a permitted_param to Group, respecting if the plugin is enabled Used in GroupsController#update and Admin::GroupsController#create.
#register_groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action(callback, &block) ⇒ Object
Add a custom callback for search to Group Callback is called in UsersController#search_users Block takes groups and optional current_user For example: plugin.register_groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action(:admins_filter) do |groups, user| groups.where(name: “admins”) end.
#register_hashtag_data_source(klass) ⇒ Object
Used to register data sources for HashtagAutocompleteService to look up results based on a #hashtag string.
#register_hashtag_type_priority_for_context(type, context, priority) ⇒ Object
Used to set up the priority ordering of hashtag autocomplete results by type using HashtagAutocompleteService.
- #register_html_builder(name, &block) ⇒ Object
- #register_javascript(js) ⇒ Object
- #register_locale(locale, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #register_modifier(modifier_name, &blk) ⇒ Object
#register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan) ⇒ Object
If your plugin creates notifications, and you’d like to consolidate/collapse similar ones, you’re in the right place.
#register_post_action_notify_user_handler(handler) ⇒ Object
Register a block that will be called when PostActionCreator is going to notify a user of a post action.
#register_post_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#register_post_stripper(&block) ⇒ Object
We strip posts before detecting mentions, oneboxes, attachments etc.
#register_preloaded_category_custom_fields(field) ⇒ Object
Registers a category custom field to be loaded when rendering a category list Example usage: register_preloaded_category_custom_fields(“custom_field”).
#register_presence_channel_prefix(prefix, &block) ⇒ Object
Register a new PresenceChannel prefix.
- #register_problem_check(klass) ⇒ Object
#register_push_notification_filter(&block) ⇒ Object
Registers a new push notification filter.
- #register_reviewable_type(reviewable_type_class) ⇒ Object
#register_search_advanced_filter(trigger, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom search filters.
#register_search_advanced_order(trigger, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom search order.
- #register_search_group_query_callback(callback) ⇒ Object
#register_search_topic_eager_load(tables = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
Allow to eager load additional tables in Search.
- #register_seed_data(key, value) ⇒ Object
- #register_seed_path_builder(&block) ⇒ Object
- #register_seedfu_filter(filter = nil) ⇒ Object
- #register_seedfu_fixtures(paths) ⇒ Object
- #register_service_worker(file, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
#register_site_categories_callback(&block) ⇒ Object
Register a callback to add custom payload to Site#categories Example usage: register_site_categories_callback do |categories| categories.each do |category| category = ‘test’ end end.
#register_site_setting_area(area) ⇒ Object
Site setting areas are a way to group site settings below the setting category level.
#register_stat(name, expose_via_api: false, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows the plugin to export additional site stats via the About class which will be shown on the /about route.
#register_summarization_strategy(strategy) ⇒ Object
Register an object that inherits from [Summarization::Base], which provides a way to summarize content.
- #register_svg_icon(icon) ⇒ Object
#register_topic_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#register_topic_list_preload_user_ids(&block) ⇒ Object
Allows to add more user IDs to the list of preloaded users.
#register_topic_thumbnail_size(size) ⇒ Object
Request a new size for topic thumbnails Will respect plugin enabled setting is enabled Size should be an array with two elements [max_width, max_height].
#register_topic_view_posts_filter(trigger, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define TopicView posts filters.
- #register_upload_in_use(&block) ⇒ Object
- #register_upload_unused(&block) ⇒ Object
#register_user_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
#register_user_destroyer_on_content_deletion_callback(callback) ⇒ Object
Register a block that will be called when the UserDestroyer runs with the :delete_posts opt set to true.
#replace_flags(settings:, score_type_names: []) {|settings, next_flag_id| ... } ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment.
- #rescue_from(exception, &block) ⇒ Object
- #root_dir ⇒ Object
- #seed_data ⇒ Object
- #seed_fu_filter(filter = nil) ⇒ Object
#topic_view_post_custom_fields_allowlister(&block) ⇒ Object
Add a post_custom_fields_allowlister block to the TopicView, respecting if the plugin is enabled.
- #translate_emoji(from, to) ⇒ Object
#validate(klass, name, &block) ⇒ Object
Add validation method but check that the plugin is enabled.
- #visible? ⇒ Boolean
Constructor Details
#initialize(metadata = nil, path = nil) ⇒ Instance
Returns a new instance of Instance.
100 101 102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 100 def initialize( = nil, path = nil) @metadata = @path = path @idx = 0 end |
Instance Attribute Details
#admin_route ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute admin_route.
48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 48 def admin_route @admin_route end |
#metadata ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute metadata.
47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 47 def @metadata end |
#path ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute path.
47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 47 def path @path end |
Class Method Details
.find_all(parent_path) ⇒ Object
87 88 89 90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 87 def self.find_all(parent_path) [].tap do |plugins| # also follows symlinks - Dir["#{parent_path}/*/plugin.rb"].sort.each { |path| plugins << parse_from_source(path) } end end |
Instance Method Details
#activate! ⇒ Object
note, we need to be able to parse separately to activation. this allows us to present information about a plugin in the UI prior to activations
779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 779 def activate! self.instance_eval, path if auto_assets = generate_automatic_assets! assets.concat(auto_assets) end register_assets! if assets.present? register_locales! register_service_workers! seed_data.each { |key, value| DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_seed_data(key, value) } # Allow plugins to `register_asset` for images under /assets Rails.configuration.assets.paths << File.dirname(path) + "/assets" # Automatically include rake tasks Rake.add_rakelib(File.dirname(path) + "/lib/tasks") # Automatically include migrations migration_paths = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrations_paths migration_paths << File.dirname(path) + "/db/migrate" unless Discourse.skip_post_deployment_migrations? migration_paths << "#{File.dirname(path)}/#{Discourse::DB_POST_MIGRATE_PATH}" end public_data = File.dirname(path) + "/public" if Dir.exist?(public_data) target = Rails.root.to_s + "/public/plugins/" Discourse::Utils.execute_command("mkdir", "-p", target) target << name.gsub(/\s/, "_") Discourse::Utils.atomic_ln_s(public_data, target) end write_extra_js! end |
#add_admin_route(label, location, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 113 def add_admin_route(label, location, opts = {}) @admin_route = { label: label, location: location, use_new_show_route: opts.fetch(:use_new_show_route, false), } end |
#add_api_key_scope(resource, action) ⇒ Object
931 932 933 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 931 def add_api_key_scope(resource, action) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_api_key_scope_mapping({ resource => action }, self) end |
#add_api_parameter_route(methods: nil, actions: nil, formats: nil) ⇒ Object
Register a route which can be authenticated using an api key or user api key in a query parameter rather than a header. For example:
methods: :get,
actions: "users#bookmarks",
formats: :ics
See Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::PARAMETER_API_PATTERNS for more examples and Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider#api_parameter_allowed? for implementation
975 976 977 978 979 980 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 975 def add_api_parameter_route(methods: nil, actions: nil, formats: nil) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_api_parameter_route( methods, actions: actions, formats: formats), self, ) end |
#add_body_class(class_name) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
366 367 368 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 366 def add_body_class(class_name) reloadable_patch { |plugin| ::ApplicationHelper.extra_body_classes << class_name } end |
#add_class_method(klass_name, attr, &block) ⇒ Object
Adds a class method to a class, respecting if plugin is enabled
394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 394 def add_class_method(klass_name, attr, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| klass = begin klass_name.to_s.classify.constantize rescue StandardError klass_name.to_s.constantize end hidden_method_name = :"#{attr}_without_enable_check" klass.public_send(:define_singleton_method, hidden_method_name, &block) klass.public_send(:define_singleton_method, attr) do |*args, **kwargs| public_send(hidden_method_name, *args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end end end |
#add_custom_reviewable_filter(filter) ⇒ Object
Receives an array with two elements:
A symbol that represents the name of the value to filter.
A Proc that takes the existing ActiveRecord::Relation and the value received from the front-end.
920 921 922 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 920 def add_custom_reviewable_filter(filter) reloadable_patch { Reviewable.add_custom_filter(filter) } end |
#add_directory_column(column_name, query:, icon: nil) ⇒ Object
523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 523 def add_directory_column(column_name, query:, icon: nil) validate_directory_column_name(column_name) DiscourseEvent.on("before_directory_refresh") do DirectoryColumn.find_or_create_plugin_directory_column( column_name: column_name, icon: icon, query: query, ) end end |
#add_filter_custom_filter(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom filter utilizing the user’s input. Ensure proper input sanitization before using it in a query.
Example usage:
add_filter_custom_filter("word_count") do |scope, value|
scope.where(word_count: value)
261 262 263 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 261 def add_filter_custom_filter(name, &block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_custom_filter_mapping({ name => block }, self) end |
#add_model_callback(klass_name, callback, options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 412 def add_model_callback(klass_name, callback, = {}, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| klass = begin klass_name.to_s.classify.constantize rescue StandardError klass_name.to_s.constantize end # generate a unique method name method_name = "#{}_#{}_#{callback}#{@idx}".underscore @idx += 1 hidden_method_name = :"#{method_name}_without_enable_check" klass.public_send(:define_method, hidden_method_name, &block) klass.public_send(callback, **) do |*args, **kwargs| public_send(hidden_method_name, *args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end hidden_method_name end end |
#add_permitted_post_create_param(name, type = :string) ⇒ Object
Add a permitted_create_param to Post, respecting if the plugin is enabled
464 465 466 467 468 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 464 def add_permitted_post_create_param(name, type = :string) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Post.plugin_permitted_create_params[name] = { plugin: plugin, type: type } end end |
#add_permitted_post_update_param(attribute, &block) ⇒ Object
Add a permitted_update_param to Post, respecting if the plugin is enabled
471 472 473 474 475 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 471 def add_permitted_post_update_param(attribute, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Post.plugin_permitted_update_params[attribute] = { plugin: plugin, handler: block } end end |
#add_permitted_reviewable_param(type, param) ⇒ Object
991 992 993 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 991 def add_permitted_reviewable_param(type, param) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_reviewable_param({ type: type, param: param }, self) end |
#add_post_revision_notifier_recipients(&block) ⇒ Object
Allows to add additional user_ids to the list of people notified when doing a post revision
445 446 447 448 449 450 451 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 445 def add_post_revision_notifier_recipients(&block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::PostActionNotifier.add_post_revision_notifier_recipients do |post_revision| plugin.enabled? ? : [] end end end |
#add_preloaded_group_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
454 455 456 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 454 def add_preloaded_group_custom_field(field) reloadable_patch { |plugin| ::Group.preloaded_custom_field_names << field } end |
#add_preloaded_topic_list_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
459 460 461 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 459 def add_preloaded_topic_list_custom_field(field) reloadable_patch { |plugin| ::TopicList.preloaded_custom_fields << field } end |
#add_report(name, &block) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
206 207 208 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 206 def add_report(name, &block) reloadable_patch { |plugin| Report.add_report(name, &block) } end |
#add_request_rate_limiter(identifier:, key:, activate_when:, global: false, after: nil, before: nil) ⇒ Object
This is an experimental API and may be changed or removed in the future without deprecation.
Adds a custom rate limiter to the request rate limiters stack. Only one rate limiter is used per request and the first rate limiter in the stack that is active is used. By default the rate limiters stack contains the following rate limiters:
`RequestTracker::RateLimiters::User` - Rate limits authenticated requests based on the user's id
`RequestTracker::RateLimiters::IP` - Rate limits requests based on the IP address
1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1293 def add_request_rate_limiter( identifier:, key:, activate_when:, global: false, after: nil, before: nil ) raise ArgumentError, "only one of `after` or `before` can be provided" if after && before stack = Middleware::RequestTracker.rate_limiters_stack if (reference_klass = after || before) && !stack.include?(reference_klass) raise ArgumentError, "#{reference_klass} is not a valid value. Must be one of #{stack}" end klass = do define_method(:rate_limit_key) { } define_method(:rate_limit_globally?) { global } define_method(:active?) { } define_method(:error_code_identifier) { identifier } end if after stack.insert_after(after, klass) elsif before stack.insert_before(before, klass) else stack.prepend(klass) end end |
#add_reviewable_score_link(reason, setting_name) ⇒ Object
Register a ReviewableScore setting_name associated with a reason. We’ll use this to build a site setting link and add it to the reason’s translation.
If your plugin has a reason translation looking like this:
my_plugin_reason: "This is the reason this post was flagged. See %{link}."
And you associate the reason with a setting:
add_reviewable_score_link(:my_plugin_reason, 'a_plugin_setting')
We’ll generate the following link and attach it to the translation:
<a href="/admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=a_plugin_setting">
a plugin setting
1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1029 def add_reviewable_score_link(reason, setting_name) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_reviewable_score_link( { reason: reason.to_sym, setting: setting_name }, self, ) end |
#add_to_class(class_name, attr, &block) ⇒ Object
Extend a class but check that the plugin is enabled for class methods use ‘add_class_method`
376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 376 def add_to_class(class_name, attr, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| klass = begin class_name.to_s.classify.constantize rescue StandardError class_name.to_s.constantize end hidden_method_name = :"#{attr}_without_enable_check" klass.public_send(:define_method, hidden_method_name, &block) klass.public_send(:define_method, attr) do |*args, **kwargs| public_send(hidden_method_name, *args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end end end |
#add_to_serializer(serializer, attr, deprecated_respect_plugin_enabled = nil, respect_plugin_enabled: true, include_condition: nil, &block) ⇒ Object
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 152 def add_to_serializer( serializer, attr, deprecated_respect_plugin_enabled = nil, respect_plugin_enabled: true, include_condition: nil, &block ) if !deprecated_respect_plugin_enabled.nil? Discourse.deprecate( "add_to_serializer's respect_plugin_enabled argument should be passed as a keyword argument", ) respect_plugin_enabled = deprecated_respect_plugin_enabled end if attr.to_s.starts_with?("include_") Discourse.deprecate( "add_to_serializer should not be used to directly override include_*? methods. Use the include_condition keyword argument instead", ) end reloadable_patch do |plugin| base = begin "#{serializer.to_s.classify}Serializer".constantize rescue StandardError "#{serializer}Serializer".constantize end # we have to work through descendants cause serializers may already be baked and cached ([base] + base.descendants).each do |klass| unless attr.to_s.start_with?("include_") klass.attributes(attr) if respect_plugin_enabled || include_condition # Don't include serialized methods if the plugin is disabled klass.public_send(:define_method, "include_#{attr}?") do next false if respect_plugin_enabled && !plugin.enabled? next instance_exec(&include_condition) if include_condition true end end end klass.public_send(:define_method, attr, &block) end end end |
#add_topic_static_page(page, options = {}, &blk) ⇒ Object
Allows customizing existing topic-backed static pages, like: faq, tos, privacy (see: StaticController) The block passed to this method has to return a SiteSetting name that contains a topic id.
add_topic_static_page("faq") do |controller|
current_user&.locale == "pl" ? "polish_faq_topic_id" : "faq_topic_id"
You can also add new pages in a plugin, but remember to add a route, for example:
get "contact" => "static#show", id: "contact"
1068 1069 1070 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1068 def add_topic_static_page(page, = {}, &blk) StaticController::CUSTOM_PAGES[page] = blk ? { topic_id: blk } : end |
#add_user_api_key_scope(scope_name, matcher_parameters) ⇒ Object
Register a new UserApiKey scope, and its allowed routes. Scope will be prefixed with the (parameterized) plugin name followed by a colon.
For example, if discourse-awesome-plugin registered this:
methods: :get,
actions: "mycontroller#myaction",
formats: :ics,
params: :testparam
The scope registered would be ‘discourse-awesome-plugin:read_my_route`
Multiple matchers can be attached by supplying an array of parameter hashes
See UserApiKeyScope::SCOPES for more examples And lib/route_matcher.rb for the route matching logic
953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 953 def add_user_api_key_scope(scope_name, matcher_parameters) raise"scope_name must be a symbol") if !scope_name.is_a?(Symbol) matcher_parameters = [matcher_parameters] if !matcher_parameters.is_a?(Array) prefixed_scope_name = :"#{(name || directory_name).parameterize}:#{scope_name}" DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_user_api_key_scope_mapping( { prefixed_scope_name => matcher_parameters&.map { |m|**m) } }, self, ) end |
#admin_js_asset_exists? ⇒ Boolean
912 913 914 915 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 912 def admin_js_asset_exists? # If this directory exists, ember-cli will output a .js file File.exist?("#{File.dirname(@path)}/admin/assets/javascripts") end |
#after_initialize(&block) ⇒ Object
560 561 562 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 560 def after_initialize(&block) initializers << block end |
#allow_public_user_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
230 231 232 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 230 def allow_public_user_custom_field(field) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_public_user_custom_field(field, self) end |
#allow_staff_user_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
226 227 228 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 226 def allow_staff_user_custom_field(field) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_staff_user_custom_field(field, self) end |
#auth_provider(opts) ⇒ Object
818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 818 def auth_provider(opts) after_initialize do provider = Auth::AuthProvider.auth_attributes.each do |sym| provider.public_send("#{sym}=", opts.delete(sym)) if opts.has_key?(sym) end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_auth_provider(provider) end end |
#auto_generated_path ⇒ Object
556 557 558 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 556 def auto_generated_path File.dirname(path) << "/auto_generated" end |
#automatic_assets ⇒ Object
759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 759 def automatic_assets css = styles.join("\n") js = javascripts.join("\n") # Generate an IIFE for the JS js = "(function(){#{js}})();" if js.present? result = [] result << [css, "css"] if css.present? result << [js, "js"] if js.present? do |asset, extension| hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest asset ["#{auto_generated_path}/plugin_#{hash}.#{extension}", asset] end end |
#commit_hash ⇒ Object
564 565 566 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 564 def commit_hash git_repo.latest_local_commit end |
#commit_url ⇒ Object
568 569 570 571 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 568 def commit_url return if commit_hash.blank? "#{git_repo.url}/commit/#{commit_hash}" end |
#configurable? ⇒ Boolean
133 134 135 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 133 def configurable? true end |
#css_asset_exists?(target = nil) ⇒ Boolean
899 900 901 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 899 def css_asset_exists?(target = nil) DiscoursePluginRegistry.stylesheets_exists?(directory_name, target) end |
#custom_avatar_column(column) ⇒ Object
358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 358 def custom_avatar_column(column) reloadable_patch do |plugin| UserLookup.lookup_columns << column UserLookup.lookup_columns.uniq! end end |
#delete_extra_automatic_assets(good_paths) ⇒ Object
535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 535 def delete_extra_automatic_assets(good_paths) return unless Dir.exist? auto_generated_path filenames = { |f| File.basename(f) } # nuke old files Dir.foreach(auto_generated_path) do |p| next if %w[. ..].include?(p) next if filenames.include?(p) File.delete(auto_generated_path + "/#{p}") end end |
#directory ⇒ Object
552 553 554 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 552 def directory File.dirname(path) end |
#directory_name ⇒ Object
895 896 897 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 895 def directory_name @directory_name ||= File.dirname(path).split("/").last end |
#discourse_owned? ⇒ Boolean
577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 577 def discourse_owned? return false if commit_hash.blank? parsed_commit_url = UrlHelper.relaxed_parse(self.commit_url) return false if parsed_commit_url.blank? github_org = parsed_commit_url.path.split("/")[1] (github_org == "discourse" || github_org == "discourse-org") && == "" end |
#enabled? ⇒ Boolean
141 142 143 144 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 141 def enabled? return false if !configurable? @enabled_site_setting ? SiteSetting.get(@enabled_site_setting) : true end |
#enabled_site_setting(setting = nil) ⇒ Object
844 845 846 847 848 849 850 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 844 def enabled_site_setting(setting = nil) if setting @enabled_site_setting = setting else @enabled_site_setting end end |
#ensure_directory(path) ⇒ Object
547 548 549 550 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 547 def ensure_directory(path) dirname = File.dirname(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) unless end |
#extend_content_security_policy(extension) ⇒ Object
681 682 683 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 681 def extend_content_security_policy(extension) csp_extensions << extension end |
#extend_list_method(klass, method, new_attributes) ⇒ Object
875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 875 def extend_list_method(klass, method, new_attributes) register_name = [klass, method].join("_").underscore DiscoursePluginRegistry.define_filtered_register(register_name) DiscoursePluginRegistry.public_send( "register_#{register_name.singularize}", new_attributes, self, ) original_method_alias = "__original_#{method}__" return if klass.respond_to?(original_method_alias) reloadable_patch do klass.singleton_class.alias_method(original_method_alias, method) klass.define_singleton_method(method) do public_send(original_method_alias) | DiscoursePluginRegistry.public_send(register_name).flatten end end end |
#extra_js_asset_exists? ⇒ Boolean
908 909 910 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 908 def extra_js_asset_exists? File.exist?(extra_js_file_path) end |
#full_admin_route ⇒ Object
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 121 def full_admin_route route = self.admin_route return unless route route .slice(:location, :label, :use_new_show_route) .tap do |admin_route| path = admin_route[:use_new_show_route] ? "show" : admin_route[:location] admin_route[:full_location] = "adminPlugins.#{path}" end end |
#gem(name, version, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
shotgun approach to gem loading, in future we need to hack bundler
to at least determine dependencies do not clash before loading
Additionally we want to support multiple ruby versions correctly and so on
This is a very rough initial implementation
836 837 838 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 836 def gem(name, version, opts = {}) PluginGem.load(path, name, version, opts) end |
#generate_automatic_assets! ⇒ Object
will make sure all the assets this plugin needs are registered
508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 508 def generate_automatic_assets! paths = [] assets = [] automatic_assets.each do |path, contents| write_asset(path, contents) paths << path assets << [path, nil, directory_name] end delete_extra_automatic_assets(paths) assets end |
#git_repo ⇒ Object
573 574 575 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 573 def git_repo @git_repo ||=, name) end |
#hide_plugin ⇒ Object
840 841 842 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 840 def hide_plugin @hidden = true end |
#humanized_name ⇒ Object
148 149 150 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 148 def humanized_name (setting_category_name || name).delete_prefix("Discourse ").delete_prefix("discourse-") end |
#javascript_includes ⇒ Object
860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 860 def javascript_includes assets .map do |asset, opts| next if opts == :vendored_core_pretty_text next unless asset =~ DiscoursePluginRegistry::JS_REGEX asset end .compact end |
#js_asset_exists? ⇒ Boolean
903 904 905 906 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 903 def js_asset_exists? # If assets/javascripts exists, ember-cli will output a .js file File.exist?("#{File.dirname(@path)}/assets/javascripts") end |
#listen_for(event_name) ⇒ Object
664 665 666 667 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 664 def listen_for(event_name) return unless self.respond_to?(event_name) DiscourseEvent.on(event_name, &self.method(event_name)) end |
#notify_after_initialize ⇒ Object
607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 607 def notify_after_initialize initializers.each do |callback| begin rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e # When running `db:migrate` for the first time on a new database, # plugin initializers might try to use models. # Tolerate it. raise e unless e..try(:include?, "PG::UndefinedTable") end end end |
#on(event_name, &block) ⇒ Object
A proxy to ‘DiscourseEvent.on` which does nothing if the plugin is disabled
587 588 589 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 587 def on(event_name, &block) DiscourseEvent.on(event_name) { |*args, **kwargs|*args, **kwargs) if enabled? } end |
#on_enabled_change(&block) ⇒ Object
A proxy to ‘DiscourseEvent.on(:site_setting_changed)` triggered when the plugin enabled setting specified by `enabled_site_setting` value is changed, including when the plugin is turned off.
It is useful when the plugin needs to perform tasks like properly clearing caches when enabled/disabled note it will not be triggered when a plugin is installed/uninstalled by adding/removing its code
596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 596 def on_enabled_change(&block) event_proc = do |setting_name, old_value, new_value|, new_value) if setting_name == @enabled_site_setting end DiscourseEvent.on(:site_setting_changed, &event_proc) # returns the block to be used for, &block) for testing purposes event_proc end |
#register_anonymous_cache_key(key, &block) ⇒ Object
106 107 108 109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 106 def register_anonymous_cache_key(key, &block) key_method = "key_#{key}" add_to_class(Middleware::AnonymousCache::Helper, key_method, &block) Middleware::AnonymousCache.cache_key_segments[key] = key_method Middleware::AnonymousCache.compile_key_builder end |
#register_asset(file, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 717 def register_asset(file, opts = nil) raise <<~ERROR if file.end_with?(".hbs", ".handlebars") [#{name}] Handlebars templates can no longer be included via `register_asset`. Any hbs files under `assets/javascripts` will be automatically compiled and included." ERROR raise <<~ERROR if file.start_with?("javascripts/") && file.end_with?(".js", ".js.es6") [#{name}] Javascript files under `assets/javascripts` are automatically included in JS bundles. Manual register_asset calls should be removed. (attempted to add #{file}) ERROR if opts && opts == :vendored_core_pretty_text full_path = DiscoursePluginRegistry.core_asset_for_name(file) else full_path = File.dirname(path) << "/assets/" << file end assets << [full_path, opts, directory_name] end |
#register_asset_filter(&blk) ⇒ Object
Register a block to run when adding css and js assets Two arguments will be passed: (type, request) Type is :css or :js. ‘request` is an instance of Rack::Request When using this, make sure to consider the effect on AnonymousCache
689 690 691 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 689 def register_asset_filter(&blk) asset_filters << blk end |
#register_bookmarkable(klass) ⇒ Object
Register a class that implements [BaseBookmarkable], which represents another
- ActiveRecord::Model
that may be bookmarked via the [Bookmark] model’s
polymorphic association. The class handles create and destroy hooks, querying, and reminders among other things.
1221 1222 1223 1224 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1221 def register_bookmarkable(klass) return if Bookmark.registered_bookmarkable_from_type( DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_bookmarkable(, self) end |
#register_category_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
621 622 623 624 625 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 621 def register_category_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) reloadable_patch do |plugin| Category.register_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: max_length) end end |
#register_css(style) ⇒ Object
669 670 671 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 669 def register_css(style) styles << style end |
#register_custom_filter_by_status(status, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom “status:” filter. Example usage:
register_custom_filter_by_status("foobar") do |scope|
scope.where("word_count = 42")
269 270 271 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 269 def register_custom_filter_by_status(status, &block) TopicsFilter.add_filter_by_status(status, &block) end |
#register_custom_html(hash) ⇒ Object
701 702 703 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 701 def register_custom_html(hash) DiscoursePluginRegistry.custom_html.merge!(hash) end |
#register_demon_process(demon_class) ⇒ Object
Register a new demon process to be forked by the Unicorn master. The demon_class should inherit from Demon::Base. With great power comes great responsibility - this method should be used with extreme caution. See ‘config/unicorn.conf.rb`.
986 987 988 989 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 986 def register_demon_process(demon_class) raise "Not a demon class" if !demon_class.ancestors.include?(Demon::Base) DiscoursePluginRegistry.demon_processes << demon_class end |
#register_editable_group_custom_field(field) ⇒ Object
250 251 252 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 250 def register_editable_group_custom_field(field) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_editable_group_custom_field(field, self) end |
#register_editable_topic_custom_field(field, staff_only: false) ⇒ Object
234 235 236 237 238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 234 def register_editable_topic_custom_field(field, staff_only: false) if staff_only DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_staff_editable_topic_custom_field(field, self) else DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_public_editable_topic_custom_field(field, self) end end |
#register_editable_user_custom_field(field, staff_only: false) ⇒ Object
242 243 244 245 246 247 248 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 242 def register_editable_user_custom_field(field, staff_only: false) if staff_only DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_staff_editable_user_custom_field(field, self) else DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_self_editable_user_custom_field(field, self) end end |
#register_email_notification_filter(&block) ⇒ Object
Registers a new email notification filter. Notification is passed into block, and if all filters return ‘true`, the email notification will be sent.
1003 1004 1005 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1003 def register_email_notification_filter(&block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_email_notification_filter(block, self) end |
#register_email_poller(poller) ⇒ Object
712 713 714 715 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 712 def register_email_poller(poller) plugin = self DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_mail_poller(poller) if plugin.enabled? end |
#register_email_unsubscriber(type, unsubscriber) ⇒ Object
Let plugin define custom unsubscribe keys, set custom instance variables on the ‘EmailController#unsubscribe` action, and describe what unsubscribing for that key does.
The method receives a class that inherits from ‘Email::BaseEmailUnsubscriber`. Take a look at it to know how to implement your child class.
In conjunction with this, you’ll have to:
- Register a new connector under app/views/connectors/unsubscribe_options.
We'll include the HTML inside the unsubscribe form, so you can add your fields using the
instance variables you set in the controller previously. When the form is submitted,
it sends the updated preferences to `EmailController#perform_unsubscribe`.
- Your code is responsible for creating the custom key by calling `UnsubscribeKey#create_key_for`.
1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1087 def register_email_unsubscriber(type, unsubscriber) core_types = [UnsubscribeKey::ALL_TYPE, UnsubscribeKey::DIGEST_TYPE, UnsubscribeKey::TOPIC_TYPE] raise"Type already exists") if core_types.include?(type) if !unsubscriber.ancestors.include?(EmailControllerHelper::BaseEmailUnsubscriber) raise"Not an email unsubscriber") end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_email_unsubscriber({ type => unsubscriber }, self) end |
#register_emoji(name, url, group = Emoji::DEFAULT_GROUP) ⇒ Object
749 750 751 752 753 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 749 def register_emoji(name, url, group = Emoji::DEFAULT_GROUP) name = Emoji.sanitize_emoji_name(name) Plugin::CustomEmoji.register(name, url, group) Emoji.clear_cache end |
#register_group_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
642 643 644 645 646 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 642 def register_group_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Group.register_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: max_length) end end |
#register_group_param(param) ⇒ Object
Add a permitted_param to Group, respecting if the plugin is enabled Used in GroupsController#update and Admin::GroupsController#create
479 480 481 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 479 def register_group_param(param) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_group_param(param, self) end |
#register_groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action(callback, &block) ⇒ Object
Add a custom callback for search to Group Callback is called in UsersController#search_users Block takes groups and optional current_user For example: plugin.register_groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action(:admins_filter) do |groups, user|
groups.where(name: "admins")
490 491 492 493 494 495 496 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 490 def register_groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action(callback, &block) if DiscoursePluginRegistry.groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action.key?(callback) raise "groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action callback already registered" end DiscoursePluginRegistry.groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action[callback] = block end |
#register_hashtag_data_source(klass) ⇒ Object
Used to register data sources for HashtagAutocompleteService to look up results based on a #hashtag string.
Roughly corresponding to a model, this is used as a unique
key for the datasource and is also used when allowing different
contexts to search for and lookup these types. The `category`
and `tag` types are registered by default.
def self.type
The FontAwesome icon to use for the data source in the search results
and cooked markdown.
def self.icon
@param {Guardian} guardian - Current user's guardian, used for permission-based filtering
@param {Array} slugs - An array of strings that represent slugs to search this type for,
e.g. category slugs.
@returns {Hash} A hash with the slug as the key and the URL of the record as the value.
def self.lookup(guardian, slugs)
@param {Guardian} guardian - Current user's guardian, used for permission-based filtering
@param {String} term - The search term used to filter results
@param {Integer} limit - The number of search results that should be returned by the query
@returns {Array} An Array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem
def, term, limit)
@param {Array} search_results - An array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem to sort
@param {String} term - The search term which was used, which may help with sorting.
@returns {Array} An Array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem
def self.search_sort(search_results, term)
@param {Guardian} guardian - Current user's guardian, used for permission-based filtering
@param {Integer} limit - The number of search results that should be returned by the query
@returns {Array} An Array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem
def self.search_without_term(guardian, limit)
1181 1182 1183 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1181 def register_hashtag_data_source(klass) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_hashtag_autocomplete_data_source(klass, self) end |
#register_hashtag_type_priority_for_context(type, context, priority) ⇒ Object
Used to set up the priority ordering of hashtag autocomplete results by type using HashtagAutocompleteService.
1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1198 def register_hashtag_type_priority_for_context(type, context, priority) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_hashtag_autocomplete_contextual_type_priority( { type: type, context: context, priority: priority }, self, ) end |
#register_html_builder(name, &block) ⇒ Object
705 706 707 708 709 710 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 705 def register_html_builder(name, &block) plugin = self DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_html_builder(name) do |*args, **kwargs|*args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end end |
#register_javascript(js) ⇒ Object
673 674 675 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 673 def register_javascript(js) javascripts << js end |
#register_locale(locale, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
697 698 699 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 697 def register_locale(locale, opts = {}) locales << [locale, opts] end |
#register_modifier(modifier_name, &blk) ⇒ Object
201 202 203 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 201 def register_modifier(modifier_name, &blk) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_modifier(self, modifier_name, &blk) end |
#register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan) ⇒ Object
If your plugin creates notifications, and you’d like to consolidate/collapse similar ones, you’re in the right place. This method receives a plan object, which must be an instance of ‘Notifications::ConsolidateNotifications`.
Instead of using ‘Notification#create!`, you should use `Notification#consolidate_or_save!`, which will automatically pick your plan and apply it, updating an already consolidated notification, consolidating multiple ones, or creating a regular one.
The rule object is quite complex. We strongly recommend you write tests to ensure your plugin consolidates notifications correctly.
Threshold and time window consolidation plan:
Create a new notification and delete previous versions plan:
Base plans:
1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1049 def register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan) if !plan.class.ancestors.include?(Notifications::ConsolidationPlan) raise"Not a consolidation plan") end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan, self) end |
#register_post_action_notify_user_handler(handler) ⇒ Object
Register a block that will be called when PostActionCreator is going to notify a user of a post action. If any of these handlers returns false the default PostCreator call will be skipped.
1244 1245 1246 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1244 def register_post_action_notify_user_handler(handler) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_post_action_notify_user_handler(handler, self) end |
#register_post_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
635 636 637 638 639 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 635 def register_post_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Post.register_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: max_length) end end |
#register_post_stripper(&block) ⇒ Object
We strip posts before detecting mentions, oneboxes, attachments etc. We strip those elements that shouldn’t be detected. For example, a mention inside a quote should be ignored, so we strip it off. Using this API plugins can register their own post strippers.
1252 1253 1254 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1252 def register_post_stripper(&block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_post_stripper({ block: block }, self) end |
#register_preloaded_category_custom_fields(field) ⇒ Object
Registers a category custom field to be loaded when rendering a category list Example usage:
350 351 352 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 350 def register_preloaded_category_custom_fields(field) Site.preloaded_category_custom_fields << field end |
#register_presence_channel_prefix(prefix, &block) ⇒ Object
Register a new PresenceChannel prefix. See PresenceChannel.register_prefix for usage instructions
997 998 999 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 997 def register_presence_channel_prefix(prefix, &block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_presence_channel_prefix([prefix, block], self) end |
#register_problem_check(klass) ⇒ Object
354 355 356 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 354 def register_problem_check(klass) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_problem_check(klass, self) end |
#register_push_notification_filter(&block) ⇒ Object
Registers a new push notification filter. User and notification payload are passed into block, and if all filters return ‘true`, the push notification will be sent.
1009 1010 1011 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1009 def register_push_notification_filter(&block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_push_notification_filter(block, self) end |
#register_reviewable_type(reviewable_type_class) ⇒ Object
870 871 872 873 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 870 def register_reviewable_type(reviewable_type_class) return unless reviewable_type_class < Reviewable extend_list_method(Reviewable, :types, reviewable_type_class) end |
#register_search_advanced_filter(trigger, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom search filters. Example usage:
Search.advanced_filter(/^min_chars:(\d+)$/) do |posts, match|
posts.where("(SELECT LENGTH(p2.raw) FROM posts p2 WHERE = >= ?", match.to_i)
285 286 287 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 285 def register_search_advanced_filter(trigger, &block) Search.advanced_filter(trigger, &block) end |
#register_search_advanced_order(trigger, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define custom search order. Example usage:
Search.advanced_order(:chars) do |posts|
posts.reorder("(SELECT LENGTH(raw) FROM posts WHERE posts.topic_id = subquery.topic_id) DESC")
277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 277 def register_search_advanced_order(trigger, &block) Search.advanced_order(trigger, &block) end |
#register_search_group_query_callback(callback) ⇒ Object
1256 1257 1258 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1256 def register_search_group_query_callback(callback) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_search_groups_set_query_callback(callback, self) end |
#register_search_topic_eager_load(tables = nil, &block) ⇒ Object
Allow to eager load additional tables in Search. Useful to avoid N+1 performance problems. Example usage:
register_search_topic_eager_load do |opts|
314 315 316 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 314 def register_search_topic_eager_load(tables = nil, &block) Search.custom_topic_eager_load(tables, &block) end |
#register_seed_data(key, value) ⇒ Object
741 742 743 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 741 def register_seed_data(key, value) seed_data[key] = value end |
#register_seed_path_builder(&block) ⇒ Object
745 746 747 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 745 def register_seed_path_builder(&block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_seed_path_builder(&block) end |
#register_seedfu_filter(filter = nil) ⇒ Object
660 661 662 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 660 def register_seedfu_filter(filter = nil) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_seedfu_filter(filter) end |
#register_seedfu_fixtures(paths) ⇒ Object
655 656 657 658 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 655 def register_seedfu_fixtures(paths) paths = [paths] if !paths.kind_of?(Array) SeedFu.fixture_paths.concat(paths) end |
#register_service_worker(file, opts = nil) ⇒ Object
737 738 739 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 737 def register_service_worker(file, opts = nil) service_workers << [File.join(File.dirname(path), "assets", file), opts] end |
#register_site_categories_callback(&block) ⇒ Object
Register a callback to add custom payload to Site#categories Example usage:
register_site_categories_callback do |categories|
categories.each do |category|
category[:some_field] = 'test'
335 336 337 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 335 def register_site_categories_callback(&block) Site.add_categories_callbacks(&block) end |
#register_site_setting_area(area) ⇒ Object
Site setting areas are a way to group site settings below the setting category level. This is useful for creating focused config areas that update a small selection of settings, and otherwise grouping related settings in the UI.
856 857 858 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 856 def register_site_setting_area(area) DiscoursePluginRegistry.site_setting_areas << area end |
#register_stat(name, expose_via_api: false, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows the plugin to export additional site stats via the About class which will be shown on the /about route. The stats returned by the block should be in the following format (these four keys are required):
last_day: 1,
7_days: 10,
30_days: 100,
count: 1000
Only keys above will be shown on the /about page in the UI, but all stats will be shown on the /about.json route. For example take this usage:
register_stat(“chat_messages”) do
{ last_day: 1, "7_days" => 10, "30_days" => 100, count: 1000, previous_30_days: 150 }
In the UI we will show a table like this:
| 24h | 7 days | 30 days | all time|
Chat Messages | 1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 |
But the JSON will be like this:
"chat_messages_last_day": 1,
"chat_messages_7_days": 10,
"chat_messages_30_days": 100,
"chat_messages_count": 1000,
1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1129 def register_stat(name, expose_via_api: false, &block) # We do not want to register and display the same group multiple times. return if DiscoursePluginRegistry.stats.any? { |stat| == name } stat =, expose_via_api: expose_via_api, &block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_stat(stat, self) end |
#register_summarization_strategy(strategy) ⇒ Object
Register an object that inherits from [Summarization::Base], which provides a way to summarize content. Staff can select which strategy to use through the ‘summarization_strategy` setting.
1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1230 def register_summarization_strategy(strategy) Discourse.deprecate( "register_summarization_strategy is deprecated. Summarization code is now moved to Discourse AI", ) if !strategy.class.ancestors.include?(Summarization::Base) raise"Not a valid summarization strategy") end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_summarization_strategy(strategy, self) end |
#register_svg_icon(icon) ⇒ Object
677 678 679 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 677 def register_svg_icon(icon) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_svg_icon(icon) end |
#register_topic_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
628 629 630 631 632 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 628 def register_topic_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Topic.register_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: max_length) end end |
#register_topic_list_preload_user_ids(&block) ⇒ Object
Allows to add more user IDs to the list of preloaded users. This can be useful to efficiently change the list of posters or participants. Example usage:
register_topic_list_preload_user_ids do |topics, user_ids, topic_list|
user_ids << Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID
303 304 305 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 303 def register_topic_list_preload_user_ids(&block) TopicList.on_preload_user_ids(&block) end |
#register_topic_thumbnail_size(size) ⇒ Object
Request a new size for topic thumbnails Will respect plugin enabled setting is enabled Size should be an array with two elements [max_width, max_height]
321 322 323 324 325 326 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 321 def register_topic_thumbnail_size(size) if !(size.kind_of?(Array) && size.length == 2) raise"Topic thumbnail dimension is not valid") end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_topic_thumbnail_size(size, self) end |
#register_topic_view_posts_filter(trigger, &block) ⇒ Object
Allows to define TopicView posts filters. Example usage:
TopicView.advanced_filter do |posts, opts|
posts.where(wiki: true)
293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 293 def register_topic_view_posts_filter(trigger, &block) TopicView.add_custom_filter(trigger, &block) end |
#register_upload_in_use(&block) ⇒ Object
343 344 345 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 343 def register_upload_in_use(&block) Upload.add_in_use_callback(&block) end |
#register_upload_unused(&block) ⇒ Object
339 340 341 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 339 def register_upload_unused(&block) Upload.add_unused_callback(&block) end |
#register_user_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
649 650 651 652 653 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 649 def register_user_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: nil) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::User.register_custom_field_type(name, type, max_length: max_length) end end |
#register_user_destroyer_on_content_deletion_callback(callback) ⇒ Object
Register a block that will be called when the UserDestroyer runs with the :delete_posts opt set to true. It’s important to note that the block will execute before any other :delete_posts actions, it allows us to manipulate flags before agreeing with them. For example, discourse-akismet makes use of this
1212 1213 1214 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 1212 def register_user_destroyer_on_content_deletion_callback(callback) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_user_destroyer_on_content_deletion_callback(callback, self) end |
#replace_flags(settings:, score_type_names: []) {|settings, next_flag_id| ... } ⇒ Object
Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled?
211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 211 def replace_flags(settings:, score_type_names: []) Discourse.deprecate( "replace flags should not be used as flags were moved to the database. Instead, a flag record should be added to the database. Alternatively, soon, the admin will be able to do this in the admin panel.", ) next_flag_id = ReviewableScore.types.values.max + 1 yield(settings, next_flag_id) if block_given? reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::PostActionType.replace_flag_settings(settings) ::ReviewableScore.reload_types ::ReviewableScore.add_new_types(score_type_names) end end |
#rescue_from(exception, &block) ⇒ Object
370 371 372 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 370 def rescue_from(exception, &block) reloadable_patch { |plugin| ::ApplicationController.rescue_from(exception, &block) } end |
#root_dir ⇒ Object
69 70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 69 def root_dir return if Rails.env.production? File.dirname(path) end |
#seed_data ⇒ Object
74 75 76 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 74 def seed_data @seed_data ||={}) end |
#seed_fu_filter(filter = nil) ⇒ Object
78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 78 def seed_fu_filter(filter = nil) @seed_fu_filter = filter end |
#topic_view_post_custom_fields_allowlister(&block) ⇒ Object
Add a post_custom_fields_allowlister block to the TopicView, respecting if the plugin is enabled
436 437 438 439 440 441 442 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 436 def topic_view_post_custom_fields_allowlister(&block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::TopicView.add_post_custom_fields_allowlister do |user, topic| plugin.enabled? ?, topic) : [] end end end |
#translate_emoji(from, to) ⇒ Object
755 756 757 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 755 def translate_emoji(from, to) Plugin::CustomEmoji.translate(from, to) end |
#validate(klass, name, &block) ⇒ Object
Add validation method but check that the plugin is enabled
499 500 501 502 503 504 505 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 499 def validate(klass, name, &block) klass = klass.to_s.classify.constantize klass.public_send(:define_method, name, &block) plugin = self klass.validate(name, if: -> { plugin.enabled? }) end |
#visible? ⇒ Boolean
137 138 139 |
# File 'lib/plugin/instance.rb', line 137 def visible? configurable? && !@hidden end |