Class: ThemeField
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActiveRecord::Base
- ThemeField
- Defined in:
- app/models/theme_field.rb
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: ThemeFileMatcher
Constant Summary collapse
This string is not ‘secret’. It’s just randomized to avoid accidental clashes with genuine theme field content.
- FILE_MATCHERS = regex: %r{\A(?<target>(?:mobile|desktop|common))/(?<name>(?:head_tag|header|after_header|body_tag|footer))\.html\z}, targets: %i[mobile desktop common], names: %w[head_tag header after_header body_tag footer], types: :html, canonical: ->(h) { "#{h[:target]}/#{h[:name]}.html" }, ), regex: %r{\A(?<target>(?:mobile|desktop|common))/(?:\k<target>)\.scss\z}, targets: %i[mobile desktop common], names: "scss", types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "#{h[:target]}/#{h[:target]}.scss" }, ), regex: %r{\Acommon/embedded\.scss\z}, targets: :common, names: "embedded_scss", types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "common/embedded.scss" }, ), regex: %r{\Acommon/color_definitions\.scss\z}, targets: :common, names: "color_definitions", types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "common/color_definitions.scss" }, ), regex: %r{\A(?:scss|stylesheets)/(?<name>.+)\.scss\z}, targets: :extra_scss, names: nil, types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "stylesheets/#{h[:name]}.scss" }, ), regex: %r{\Ajavascripts/(?<name>.+)\z}, targets: :extra_js, names: nil, types: :js, canonical: ->(h) { "javascripts/#{h[:name]}" }, ), regex: %r{\Atest/(?<name>.+)\z}, targets: :tests_js, names: nil, types: :js, canonical: ->(h) { "test/#{h[:name]}" }, ), regex: /\Asettings\.ya?ml\z/, names: "yaml", types: :yaml, targets: :settings, canonical: ->(h) { "settings.yml" }, ), regex: %r{\Alocales/(?<name>(?:#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}))\.yml\z}, names:, types: :yaml, targets: :translations, canonical: ->(h) { "locales/#{h[:name]}.yml" }, ), regex: /(?!)/, # Never match uploads by filename, they must be named in about.json names: nil, types: :theme_upload_var, targets: :common, canonical: ->(h) { "assets/#{h[:name]}#{File.extname(h[:filename])}" }, ), regex: %r{\Amigrations/settings/(?<name>[^/]+)\.js\z}, names: nil, types: :js, targets: :migrations, canonical: ->(h) { "migrations/settings/#{h[:name]}.js" }, )
Class Method Summary collapse
- .basic_targets ⇒ Object
- .css_theme_type_ids ⇒ Object
- .force_recompilation! ⇒ Object
- .guess_type(name:, target:) ⇒ Object
- .html_fields ⇒ Object
- .opts_from_file_path(filename) ⇒ Object
- .scss_fields ⇒ Object
- .theme_var_type_ids ⇒ Object
- .types ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #basic_html_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #basic_scss_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #compile_scss(prepended_scss = nil) ⇒ Object
- #compiled_css(prepended_scss) ⇒ Object
- #contains_ember_css_selector?(text) ⇒ Boolean
- #contains_optimized_link?(text) ⇒ Boolean
- #dependent_fields ⇒ Object
- #ensure_baked! ⇒ Object
- #ensure_scss_compiles! ⇒ Object
- #extra_js_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #extra_scss_field? ⇒ Boolean
#file_path ⇒ Object
For now just work for standard fields.
- #invalidate_baked! ⇒ Object
- #js_tests_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #migration_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #process_html(html) ⇒ Object
- #process_translation ⇒ Object
- #raw_translation_data(internal: false) ⇒ Object
- #settings_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #svg_sprite_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #target_name ⇒ Object
- #translation_data(with_overrides: true, internal: false, fallback_fields: nil) ⇒ Object
- #translation_field? ⇒ Boolean
- #upload_url ⇒ Object
- #upsert_svg_sprite! ⇒ Object
- #validate_svg_sprite_xml ⇒ Object
- #validate_yaml! ⇒ Object
Class Method Details
.basic_targets ⇒ Object
394 395 396 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 394 def self.basic_targets @basic_targets ||= %w[common desktop mobile] end |
.css_theme_type_ids ⇒ Object
100 101 102 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 100 def self.css_theme_type_ids @css_theme_type_ids ||= [0, 1] end |
.force_recompilation! ⇒ Object
104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 104 def self.force_recompilation! find_each do |field| field.compiler_version = 0 field.ensure_baked! end end |
.guess_type(name:, target:) ⇒ Object
372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 372 def self.guess_type(name:, target:) if basic_targets.include?(target.to_s) && html_fields.include?(name.to_s) types[:html] elsif basic_targets.include?(target.to_s) && scss_fields.include?(name.to_s) types[:scss] elsif target.to_s == "extra_scss" types[:scss] elsif %w[migrations extra_js].include?(target.to_s) types[:js] elsif target.to_s == "settings" || target.to_s == "translations" types[:yaml] end end |
.html_fields ⇒ Object
386 387 388 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 386 def self.html_fields @html_fields ||= %w[body_tag head_tag header footer after_header embedded_header] end |
.opts_from_file_path(filename) ⇒ Object
677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 677 def self.opts_from_file_path(filename) FILE_MATCHERS.each do |matcher| if opts = matcher.opts_from_filename(filename) return opts end end nil end |
.scss_fields ⇒ Object
390 391 392 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 390 def self.scss_fields @scss_fields ||= %w[scss embedded_scss color_definitions] end |
.theme_var_type_ids ⇒ Object
96 97 98 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 96 def self.theme_var_type_ids @theme_var_type_ids ||= [2] end |
Instance Method Details
#basic_html_field? ⇒ Boolean
398 399 400 401 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 398 def basic_html_field? ThemeField.basic_targets.include?(Theme.targets[self.target_id].to_s) && ThemeField.html_fields.include?( end |
#basic_scss_field? ⇒ Boolean
411 412 413 414 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 411 def basic_scss_field? ThemeField.basic_targets.include?(Theme.targets[self.target_id].to_s) && ThemeField.scss_fields.include?( end |
#compile_scss(prepended_scss = nil) ⇒ Object
483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 483 def compile_scss(prepended_scss = nil) prepended_scss ||={}).prepended_scss self.theme.with_scss_load_paths do |load_paths| Stylesheet::Compiler.compile( "#{prepended_scss} #{self.theme.scss_variables} #{self.value}", "#{Theme.targets[self.target_id]}.scss", theme: self.theme, load_paths: load_paths, ) end end |
#compiled_css(prepended_scss) ⇒ Object
496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 496 def compiled_css(prepended_scss) css, _source_map = begin compile_scss(prepended_scss) rescue SassC::SyntaxError => e # We don't want to raise a blocking error here # admin theme editor or discourse_theme CLI will show it nonetheless Rails.logger.error "SCSS compilation error: #{e.}" ["", nil] end css end |
#contains_ember_css_selector?(text) ⇒ Boolean
535 536 537 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 535 def contains_ember_css_selector?(text) text.match(/#ember\d+|[.]ember-view/) end |
#contains_optimized_link?(text) ⇒ Boolean
531 532 533 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 531 def contains_optimized_link?(text) OptimizedImage::URL_REGEX.match?(text) end |
#dependent_fields ⇒ Object
686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 686 def dependent_fields if extra_scss_field? return( theme.theme_fields.where( target_id: { |t| Theme.targets[t.to_sym] }, name: ThemeField.scss_fields, ) ) elsif settings_field? return( theme.theme_fields.where( target_id: { |t| Theme.targets[t.to_sym] }, name: ThemeField.scss_fields + ThemeField.html_fields, ) ) elsif translation_field? && name == "en" # en is fallback for all other locales return theme.theme_fields.where(target_id: Theme.targets[:translations]).where.not(name: "en") end ThemeField.none end |
#ensure_baked! ⇒ Object
437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 437 def ensure_baked! needs_baking = !self.value_baked || compiler_version != Theme.compiler_version return unless needs_baking if basic_html_field? || translation_field? self.value_baked, self.error = translation_field? ? process_translation : process_html(self.value) self.error = nil if self.error.blank? self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version CSP::Extension.clear_theme_extensions_cache! elsif extra_js_field? || js_tests_field? self.error = nil self.value_baked = "baked" self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version elsif basic_scss_field? ensure_scss_compiles! Stylesheet::Manager.clear_theme_cache! elsif settings_field? validate_yaml! CSP::Extension.clear_theme_extensions_cache! SvgSprite.expire_cache self.value_baked = "baked" self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version elsif svg_sprite_field? SvgSprite.expire_cache self.error = validate_svg_sprite_xml self.value_baked = "baked" self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version elsif migration_field? self.value_baked = "baked" self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version end if self.will_save_change_to_value_baked? || self.will_save_change_to_compiler_version? || self.will_save_change_to_error? self.update_columns( value_baked: value_baked, compiler_version: compiler_version, error: error, ) end rescue ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyError # Just noop if ActiveRecord is preventing writes for now. In an ideal world, this method will not be called in GET # requests. end |
#ensure_scss_compiles! ⇒ Object
509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 509 def ensure_scss_compiles! result = ["failed"] begin result = compile_scss if contains_optimized_link?(self.value) self.error = I18n.t("themes.errors.optimized_link") elsif contains_ember_css_selector?(self.value) self.error = I18n.t("themes.ember_selector_error") else self.error = nil unless error.nil? end rescue SassC::SyntaxError, SassC::NotRenderedError => e self.error = e. unless self.destroyed? end self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version self.value_baked = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(result.join(",")) # We don't use the compiled CSS here, we just use it to invalidate the stylesheet cache end |
#extra_js_field? ⇒ Boolean
403 404 405 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 403 def extra_js_field? Theme.targets[self.target_id] == :extra_js end |
#extra_scss_field? ⇒ Boolean
416 417 418 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 416 def extra_scss_field? Theme.targets[self.target_id] == :extra_scss end |
#file_path ⇒ Object
For now just work for standard fields
662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 662 def file_path FILE_MATCHERS.each do |matcher| if filename = matcher.filename_from_opts( target: target_name.to_sym, name: name, type: ThemeField.types[type_id], filename: upload&.original_filename, ) return filename end end nil # Not a file (e.g. a theme variable/color) end |
#invalidate_baked! ⇒ Object
707 708 709 710 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 707 def invalidate_baked! update_column(:value_baked, nil) dependent_fields.update_all(value_baked: nil) end |
#js_tests_field? ⇒ Boolean
407 408 409 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 407 def js_tests_field? Theme.targets[self.target_id] == :tests_js end |
#migration_field? ⇒ Boolean
433 434 435 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 433 def migration_field? Theme.targets[:migrations] == self.target_id end |
#process_html(html) ⇒ Object
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 119 def process_html(html) errors = [] javascript_cache || build_javascript_cache errors << I18n.t("themes.errors.optimized_link") if contains_optimized_link?(html) js_compiler =, doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(html) doc .css('script[type="text/x-handlebars"]') .each do |node| name = node["name"] || node["data-template-name"] || "broken" is_raw = name =~ /\.(raw|hbr)\z/ hbs_template = node.inner_html begin if is_raw js_compiler.append_raw_template(name, hbs_template) else js_compiler.append_ember_template( "discourse/templates/#{name.delete_prefix("/")}", hbs_template, ) end rescue ThemeJavascriptCompiler::CompileError => ex js_compiler.append_js_error("discourse/templates/#{name}", ex.) errors << ex. end node.remove end doc .css('script[type="text/discourse-plugin"]') .each_with_index do |node, index| version = node["version"] next if version.blank? initializer_name = "theme-field" + "-#{}" + "-#{Theme.targets[self.target_id]}" + "-#{ThemeField.types[self.type_id]}" + "-script-#{index + 1}" begin js = <<~JS import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; export default { name: #{initializer_name.inspect}, after: "inject-objects", initialize() { withPluginApi(#{version.inspect}, (api) => { #{node.inner_html} }); } }; JS js_compiler.append_module( js, "discourse/initializers/#{initializer_name}", "js", include_variables: true, ) rescue ThemeJavascriptCompiler::CompileError => ex js_compiler.append_js_error("discourse/initializers/#{initializer_name}", ex.) errors << ex. end node.remove end doc .css("script") .each_with_index do |node, index| if inline_javascript?(node) js_compiler.append_raw_script( "_html/#{Theme.targets[self.target_id]}/#{name}_#{index + 1}.js", node.inner_html, ) node.remove else node["nonce"] = CSP_NONCE_PLACEHOLDER end end settings_hash = theme.build_settings_hash if js_compiler.has_content? && settings_hash.present? js_compiler.prepend_settings(settings_hash) end javascript_cache.content = js_compiler.content javascript_cache.source_map = js_compiler.source_map! doc.add_child(<<~HTML.html_safe) if javascript_cache.content.present? <script defer src='#{javascript_cache.url}' data-theme-id='#{theme_id}' nonce="#{CSP_NONCE_PLACEHOLDER}"></script> HTML [doc.to_s, errors&.join("\n")] end |
#process_translation ⇒ Object
283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 283 def process_translation errors = [] javascript_cache || build_javascript_cache js_compiler =, begin data = translation_data js = <<~JS export default { name: "theme-#{theme_id}-translations", initialize() { /* Translation data for theme #{self.theme_id} (#{})*/ const data = #{data.to_json}; for (let lang in data){ let cursor = I18n.translations; for (let key of [lang, "js", "theme_translations"]){ cursor = cursor[key] = cursor[key] || {}; } cursor[#{self.theme_id}] = data[lang]; } } }; JS js_compiler.append_module( js, "discourse/pre-initializers/theme-#{theme_id}-translations", "js", include_variables: false, ) rescue ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml => e errors << e. end javascript_cache.content = js_compiler.content javascript_cache.source_map = js_compiler.source_map! doc = "" doc = <<~HTML.html_safe if javascript_cache.content.present? <script defer src="#{javascript_cache.url}" data-theme-id="#{theme_id}" nonce="#{ThemeField::CSP_NONCE_PLACEHOLDER}"></script> HTML [doc, errors&.join("\n")] end |
#raw_translation_data(internal: false) ⇒ Object
250 251 252 253 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 250 def raw_translation_data(internal: false) # Might raise ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml, internal: internal).load end |
#settings_field? ⇒ Boolean
420 421 422 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 420 def settings_field? Theme.targets[:settings] == self.target_id end |
#svg_sprite_field? ⇒ Boolean
428 429 430 431 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 428 def svg_sprite_field? ThemeField.theme_var_type_ids.include?(self.type_id) && == SvgSprite.theme_sprite_variable_name end |
#target_name ⇒ Object
527 528 529 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 527 def target_name Theme.targets[target_id].to_s end |
#translation_data(with_overrides: true, internal: false, fallback_fields: nil) ⇒ Object
255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 255 def translation_data(with_overrides: true, internal: false, fallback_fields: nil) fallback_fields ||= theme.theme_fields.filter_locale_fields(I18n.fallbacks[name]) fallback_data = do |field, index| begin field.raw_translation_data(internal: internal) rescue ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml # If this is the locale with the error, raise it. # If not, let the other theme_field raise the error when it processes itself raise if == id {} end end # TODO: Deduplicate the fallback data in the same way as JSLocaleHelper#load_translations_merged # this would reduce the size of the payload, without affecting functionality data = {} fallback_data.each { |hash| data.merge!(hash) } if with_overrides overrides = theme.translation_override_hash.deep_symbolize_keys data.deep_merge!(overrides) end data end |
#translation_field? ⇒ Boolean
424 425 426 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 424 def translation_field? Theme.targets[:translations] == self.target_id end |
#upload_url ⇒ Object
744 745 746 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 744 def upload_url self.upload&.url end |
#upsert_svg_sprite! ⇒ Object
725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 725 def upsert_svg_sprite! begin content = upload.content rescue => e Discourse.warn_exception(e, message: "Failed to fetch svg sprite for theme field #{id}") else if content.length > SvgSprite::MAX_THEME_SPRITE_SIZE Rails.logger.warn( "can't store theme svg sprite for theme #{theme_id} and upload #{upload_id}, sprite too big", ) else ThemeSvgSprite.upsert( { theme_id: theme_id, upload_id: upload_id, sprite: content }, unique_by: :theme_id, ) end end end |
#validate_svg_sprite_xml ⇒ Object
220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 220 def validate_svg_sprite_xml upload = begin Upload.find(self.upload_id) rescue StandardError nil end if external_copy = path = external_copy&.path else path = end error = nil begin content = if content.to_s.bytesize > SvgSprite::MAX_THEME_SPRITE_SIZE error = "Error with #{}: Icon sprite file is too large" else Nokogiri.XML(content) { |config| config. = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS } end rescue => e error = "Error with #{}: #{e.inspect}" end error end |
#validate_yaml! ⇒ Object
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 |
# File 'app/models/theme_field.rb', line 328 def validate_yaml! return unless == "yaml" errors = [] begin ThemeSettingsParser .new(self) .load do |name, default, type, opts| setting = name, data_type: type, theme: theme) translation_key = "themes.settings_errors" if setting.invalid? setting.errors.details.each_pair do |attribute, _errors| _errors.each do |hash| errors << I18n.t("#{translation_key}.#{attribute}_#{hash[:error]}", name: name) end end end unless ThemeSettingsValidator.is_value_present?(default) errors << I18n.t("#{translation_key}.default_value_missing", name: name) next end unless ThemeSettingsValidator.is_valid_value_type?(default, type) errors << I18n.t("#{translation_key}.default_not_match_type", name: name) end if (setting_errors = ThemeSettingsValidator.validate_value(default, type, opts)).present? errors << I18n.t( "#{translation_key}.default_value_not_valid", name: name, error_messages: setting_errors.join(" "), ) end end rescue ThemeSettingsParser::InvalidYaml => e errors << e. end self.error = errors.join("\n").presence end |