Install ruby-oci8 on macOS

Note: Ruby-oci8 doesn't run on Apple Silicon because Oracle instant client for Apple Silicon has not been released yet.


  • Command line tools for Xcode or Xcode (by executing xcode-select --install) or Xcode

Install Oracle Instant Client Packages

If you have installed Homebrew, use the following command:

$ brew tap InstantClientTap/instantclient
$ brew install instantclient-basic   # or instantclient-basiclite
$ brew install instantclient-sdk
$ brew install instantclient-sqlplus # (optionally)

Otherwise, look at this page and set the environment variable OCI_DIR to point the the directory where instant client is installed. Ruby-oci8 installation script checks the directory.

export OCI_DIR=$HOME/Downloads/instantclient_19_8  # for example

Install ruby-oci8

Note that /usr/bin/ruby isn't available. You need to use rbenv or so.

$ gem install ruby-oci8