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A mixin providing (recursive) JSON serialization and pretty printing.


$ gem install tidy_json

Or, in your Gemfile:

source 'https://rubygems.org'
# ...
gem 'tidy_json'
# ...

Formatting Options

As of version 0.3.0, most of the same options accepted by JSON.generate can be passed to #write_json, #to_tidy_json, or TidyJson.tidy.

See the docs for a current list of options and their default values.


require 'tidy_json'

class Jsonable
  attr_reader :a, :b
  def initialize
    @a = { a: 'uno', f: ['I', 'II', 'III', ['i.', 'ii.', 'iii.', { 'ichi': "\u{4e00}", 'ni': "\u{4e8c}", 'san': "\u{4e09}", 'yon': "\u{56db}" }]], c: {}, b: 'dos', e: [[]] }
    @b = { z: { iv: 4, ii: 'dos', iii: 3, i: 'uno' }, b: ['deux', 3, '<abbr title="four">IV</abbr>'], a: 1, g: [{ none: [] }], f: %w[x y z] }

my_jsonable = Jsonable.new
# => #<Jsonable:0x000055790c93e768 @a={:a=>"uno", :f=>["I", "II", "III", ["i.", "ii.", "iii.", {:ichi=>"一", :ni=>"二", :san=>"三", :yon=>"四"}]], :c=>{}, :b=>"dos", :e=>[[]]}, @b={:z=>{:iv=>4, :ii=>"dos", :iii=>3, :i=>"uno"}, :b=>["deux", 3, "<abbr title=\"four\">IV</abbr>"], :a=>1, :g=>[{:none=>[]}], :f=>["x", "y", "z"]}>

JSON.parse my_jsonable.stringify
# => "{\"class\":\"Jsonable\",\"a\":{\"a\":\"uno\",\"f\":[\"I\",\"II\",\"III\",[\"i.\",\"ii.\",\"iii.\",{\"ichi\":\"一\",\"ni\":\"二\",\"san\":\"三\",\"yon\":\"四\"}]],\"c\":{},\"b\":\"dos\",\"e\":[[]]},\"b\":{\"z\":{\"iv\":4,\"ii\":\"dos\",\"iii\":3,\"i\":\"uno\"},\"b\":[\"deux\",3,\"<abbr title=\\\"four\\\">IV</abbr>\"],\"a\":1,\"g\":[{\"none\":[]}],\"f\":[\"x\",\"y\",\"z\"]}}"

puts my_jsonable.to_tidy_json(indent: 4, sort: true, space_before: 2, ascii_only: true)
# {
#     "a"  : {
#         "a"  : "uno",
#         "b"  : "dos",
#         "c"  : {},
#         "e"  : [
#             []
#         ],
#         "f"  : [
#             "I",
#             "II",
#             "III",
#             [
#                 "i.",
#                 "ii.",
#                 "iii.",
#                 {
#                     "ichi"  : "\u4e00",
#                     "ni"  : "\u4e8c",
#                     "san"  : "\u4e09",
#                     "yon"  : "\u56db"
#                 }
#             ]
#         ]
#     },
#     "b"  : {
#         "a"  : 1,
#         "b"  : [
#             "deux",
#             3,
#             "<abbr title=\"four\">IV</abbr>"
#         ],
#         "f"  : [
#             "x",
#             "y",
#             "z"
#         ],
#         "g"  : [
#             {
#                 "none"  : []
#             }
#         ],
#         "z"  : {
#             "i"  : "uno",
#             "ii"  : "dos",
#             "iii"  : 3,
#             "iv"  : 4
#         }
#     },
#     "class"  : "Jsonable"
# }
# => nil

Command Line Usage

After installing the gem, pass the name of a file containing JSON to jtidy (with or without a file extension). Run jtidy -h for a complete list of formatting options:

jtidy FILE[.json] [-d out[.json]] [-i [2,4,6,8,10,12]] [-p [1..8]] [-v [1..8]] [-o D] [-a D] [-m N] [-e] [-A] [-N] [-s] [-f] [-P]
    -d, --dest out[.json]            Name of output file
    -i, --indent [2,4,6,8,10,12]     The number of spaces to indent each object member [2]
    -p, --prop-name-space [1..8]     The number of spaces to put after property names [0]
    -v, --value-space [1..8]         The number of spaces to put before property values [1]
    -o, --object-delim D             A string of whitespace to delimit object members [\n]
    -a, --array-delim D              A string of whitespace to delimit array elements [\n]
    -m, --max-nesting N              The maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON; 0 == "no depth checking" [100]
    -e, --escape                     Escape /'s [false]
    -A, --ascii                      Generate ASCII characters only [false]
    -N, --nan                        Allow NaN, Infinity and -Infinity [false]
    -s, --sort                       Sort property names [false]
    -f, --force                      Overwrite source file [false]
    -P, --preview                    Show preview of output [false]
    -V, --version                    Show version
    -h, --help                       Show this help message


The jtidy executable bundled with this gem is in no way affiliated with, nor based on, the HTML parser and pretty printer of the same name.

The JTidy source code and binaries are licensed under the terms of the Zlib-Libpng License. More information is available here.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.