Class: Recurly::Requests::AddOnCreate

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Instance Attribute Details


Returns Accounting code for invoice line items for this add-on. If no value is provided, it defaults to add-on’s code. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `accounting_code` must be absent.


  • (String)

    Accounting code for invoice line items for this add-on. If no value is provided, it defaults to add-on’s code. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `accounting_code` must be absent.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 11

define_attribute :accounting_code, String


Returns Whether the add-on type is fixed, or usage-based.


  • (String)

    Whether the add-on type is fixed, or usage-based.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 15

define_attribute :add_on_type, String


Returns Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the add-on is taxed. Refer to [the documentation]( for more available t/s types. If an ‘Item` is associated to the `AddOn`, then the `avalara_service_type` must be absent.


# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 19

define_attribute :avalara_service_type, Integer


Returns Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the add-on is taxed. Refer to [the documentation]( for more available t/s types. If an ‘Item` is associated to the `AddOn`, then the `avalara_transaction_type` must be absent.


# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 23

define_attribute :avalara_transaction_type, Integer


Returns The unique identifier for the add-on within its plan. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `code` must be absent. If `item_code`/`item_id` is not present `code` is required.


  • (String)

    The unique identifier for the add-on within its plan. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `code` must be absent. If `item_code`/`item_id` is not present `code` is required.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 27

define_attribute :code, String


Returns * If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request and the item has a default currency then `currencies` is optional. If the item does not have a default currency, then `currencies` is required. If `item_code`/`item_id` is not present `currencies` is required. * If the add-on’s ‘tier_type` is `tiered`, `volume`, or `stairstep`, then `currencies` must be absent. * Must be absent if `add_on_type` is `usage` and `usage_type` is `percentage`.


  • (Array[AddOnPricing])
    • If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request and the item has a default currency then `currencies` is optional. If the item does not have a default currency, then `currencies` is required. If `item_code`/`item_id` is not present `currencies` is required. * If the add-on’s ‘tier_type` is `tiered`, `volume`, or `stairstep`, then `currencies` must be absent. * Must be absent if `add_on_type` is `usage` and `usage_type` is `percentage`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 31

define_attribute :currencies, Array, { :item_type => :AddOnPricing }


Returns Default quantity for the hosted pages.


  • (Integer)

    Default quantity for the hosted pages.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 35

define_attribute :default_quantity, Integer


Returns Determines if the quantity field is displayed on the hosted pages for the add-on.


  • (Boolean)

    Determines if the quantity field is displayed on the hosted pages for the add-on.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 39

define_attribute :display_quantity, :Boolean


Returns Unique code to identify an item. Available when the ‘Credit Invoices` feature are enabled. If `item_id` and `item_code` are both present, `item_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    Unique code to identify an item. Available when the ‘Credit Invoices` feature are enabled. If `item_id` and `item_code` are both present, `item_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 43

define_attribute :item_code, String


Returns System-generated unique identifier for an item. Available when the ‘Credit Invoices` feature is enabled. If `item_id` and `item_code` are both present, `item_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    System-generated unique identifier for an item. Available when the ‘Credit Invoices` feature is enabled. If `item_id` and `item_code` are both present, `item_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 47

define_attribute :item_id, String


Returns System-generated unique identifier for a measured unit to be associated with the add-on. Either ‘measured_unit_id` or `measured_unit_name` are required when `add_on_type` is `usage`. If `measured_unit_id` and `measured_unit_name` are both present, `measured_unit_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    System-generated unique identifier for a measured unit to be associated with the add-on. Either ‘measured_unit_id` or `measured_unit_name` are required when `add_on_type` is `usage`. If `measured_unit_id` and `measured_unit_name` are both present, `measured_unit_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 51

define_attribute :measured_unit_id, String


Returns Name of a measured unit to be associated with the add-on. Either ‘measured_unit_id` or `measured_unit_name` are required when `add_on_type` is `usage`. If `measured_unit_id` and `measured_unit_name` are both present, `measured_unit_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    Name of a measured unit to be associated with the add-on. Either ‘measured_unit_id` or `measured_unit_name` are required when `add_on_type` is `usage`. If `measured_unit_id` and `measured_unit_name` are both present, `measured_unit_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 55

define_attribute :measured_unit_name, String


Returns Describes your add-on and will appear in subscribers’ invoices. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `name` must be absent. If `item_code`/`item_id` is not present `name` is required.


  • (String)

    Describes your add-on and will appear in subscribers’ invoices. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `name` must be absent. If `item_code`/`item_id` is not present `name` is required.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 59

define_attribute :name, String


Returns Whether the add-on is optional for the customer to include in their purchase on the hosted payment page. If false, the add-on will be included when a subscription is created through the Recurly UI. However, the add-on will not be included when a subscription is created through the API.


  • (Boolean)

    Whether the add-on is optional for the customer to include in their purchase on the hosted payment page. If false, the add-on will be included when a subscription is created through the Recurly UI. However, the add-on will not be included when a subscription is created through the API.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 63

define_attribute :optional, :Boolean


Returns Array of objects which must have at least one set of tiers per currency and the currency code. The tier_type must be ‘volume` or `tiered`, if not, it must be absent. There must be one tier without an `ending_amount` value which represents the final tier. This feature is currently in development and requires approval and enablement, please contact support.


  • (Array[PercentageTiersByCurrency])

    Array of objects which must have at least one set of tiers per currency and the currency code. The tier_type must be ‘volume` or `tiered`, if not, it must be absent. There must be one tier without an `ending_amount` value which represents the final tier. This feature is currently in development and requires approval and enablement, please contact support.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 67

define_attribute :percentage_tiers, Array, { :item_type => :PercentageTiersByCurrency }


Returns Plan ID.


  • (String)

    Plan ID

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 71

define_attribute :plan_id, String


Returns When this add-on is invoiced, the line item will use this revenue schedule. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `revenue_schedule_type` must be absent in the request as the value will be set from the item.


  • (String)

    When this add-on is invoiced, the line item will use this revenue schedule. If ‘item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `revenue_schedule_type` must be absent in the request as the value will be set from the item.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 75

define_attribute :revenue_schedule_type, String


Returns Optional field used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly’s EU VAT tax feature to determine taxation rules. If you have your own AvaTax or Vertex account configured, use their tax codes to assign specific tax rules. If you are using Recurly’s EU VAT feature, you can use values of ‘unknown`, `physical`, or `digital`. If `item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `tax_code` must be absent.


  • (String)

    Optional field used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly’s EU VAT tax feature to determine taxation rules. If you have your own AvaTax or Vertex account configured, use their tax codes to assign specific tax rules. If you are using Recurly’s EU VAT feature, you can use values of ‘unknown`, `physical`, or `digital`. If `item_code`/`item_id` is part of the request then `tax_code` must be absent.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 79

define_attribute :tax_code, String


Returns The pricing model for the add-on. For more information, [click here]( See our [Guide]( for an overview of how to configure quantity-based pricing models.


# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 83

define_attribute :tier_type, String


Returns If the tier_type is ‘flat`, then `tiers` must be absent. The `tiers` object must include one to many tiers with `ending_quantity` and `unit_amount` for the desired `currencies`. There must be one tier without an `ending_quantity` value which represents the final tier.


  • (Array[Tier])

    If the tier_type is ‘flat`, then `tiers` must be absent. The `tiers` object must include one to many tiers with `ending_quantity` and `unit_amount` for the desired `currencies`. There must be one tier without an `ending_quantity` value which represents the final tier.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 87

define_attribute :tiers, Array, { :item_type => :Tier }


Returns The type of calculation to be employed for an add-on. Cumulative billing will sum all usage records created in the current billing cycle. Last-in-period billing will apply only the most recent usage record in the billing period. If no value is specified, cumulative billing will be used.


  • (String)

    The type of calculation to be employed for an add-on. Cumulative billing will sum all usage records created in the current billing cycle. Last-in-period billing will apply only the most recent usage record in the billing period. If no value is specified, cumulative billing will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 91

define_attribute :usage_calculation_type, String


Returns The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places. A value between 0.0 and 100.0. Required if ‘add_on_type` is usage, `tier_type` is `flat` and `usage_type` is percentage. Must be omitted otherwise.


  • (Float)

    The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places. A value between 0.0 and 100.0. Required if ‘add_on_type` is usage, `tier_type` is `flat` and `usage_type` is percentage. Must be omitted otherwise.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 95

define_attribute :usage_percentage, Float


Returns The time at which usage totals are reset for billing purposes. Allows for ‘tiered` add-ons to accumulate usage over the course of multiple billing periods.


  • (String)

    The time at which usage totals are reset for billing purposes. Allows for ‘tiered` add-ons to accumulate usage over the course of multiple billing periods.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 99

define_attribute :usage_timeframe, String


Returns Type of usage, required if ‘add_on_type` is `usage`. See our [Guide]( for an overview of how to configure usage add-ons.


# File 'lib/recurly/requests/add_on_create.rb', line 103

define_attribute :usage_type, String