Class: Recurly::Requests::InvoiceCollect

Recurly::Request show all
Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Recurly::Request


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Recurly::Request

#==, #to_s

Methods included from Schema::SchemaFactory


Methods included from Schema::RequestCaster


Methods included from Schema::ResourceCaster


Methods included from Schema::SchemaValidator

#get_did_you_mean, #validate!, #validate_attribute!

Instance Attribute Details


Returns The ‘billing_info_id` is the value that represents a specific billing info for an end customer. When `billing_info_id` is used to assign billing info to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified billing info. `billing_info_id` can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.


  • (String)

    The ‘billing_info_id` is the value that represents a specific billing info for an end customer. When `billing_info_id` is used to assign billing info to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified billing info. `billing_info_id` can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/invoice_collect.rb', line 11

define_attribute :billing_info_id, String


Returns A token generated by Recurly.js after completing a 3-D Secure device fingerprinting or authentication challenge.


  • (String)

    A token generated by Recurly.js after completing a 3-D Secure device fingerprinting or authentication challenge.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/invoice_collect.rb', line 15

define_attribute :three_d_secure_action_result_token_id, String


Returns An optional type designation for the payment gateway transaction created by this request. Supports ‘moto’ value, which is the acronym for mail order and telephone transactions.


  • (String)

    An optional type designation for the payment gateway transaction created by this request. Supports ‘moto’ value, which is the acronym for mail order and telephone transactions.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/invoice_collect.rb', line 19

define_attribute :transaction_type, String