Class: Recurly::Requests::LineItemRefund

Recurly::Request show all
Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Recurly::Request


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Recurly::Request

#==, #to_s

Methods included from Schema::SchemaFactory


Methods included from Schema::RequestCaster


Methods included from Schema::ResourceCaster


Methods included from Schema::SchemaValidator

#get_did_you_mean, #validate!, #validate_attribute!

Instance Attribute Details


Returns Line item ID.


  • (String)

    Line item ID

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/line_item_refund.rb', line 11

define_attribute :id, String


Returns Set to ‘true` if the line item should be prorated; set to `false` if not. This can only be used on line items that have a start and end date.


  • (Boolean)

    Set to ‘true` if the line item should be prorated; set to `false` if not. This can only be used on line items that have a start and end date.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/line_item_refund.rb', line 15

define_attribute :prorate, :Boolean


Returns Line item quantity to be refunded.


  • (Integer)

    Line item quantity to be refunded.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/line_item_refund.rb', line 19

define_attribute :quantity, Integer


Returns A floating-point alternative to Quantity. If this value is present, it will be used in place of Quantity for calculations, and Quantity will be the rounded integer value of this number. This field supports up to 9 decimal places. The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.


  • (String)

    A floating-point alternative to Quantity. If this value is present, it will be used in place of Quantity for calculations, and Quantity will be the rounded integer value of this number. This field supports up to 9 decimal places. The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/line_item_refund.rb', line 23

define_attribute :quantity_decimal, String