Class: Recurly::Resources::LineItem

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Recurly::Resource


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Recurly::Resource

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Methods included from Schema::SchemaFactory


Methods included from Schema::ResourceCaster


Methods included from Schema::SchemaValidator

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Instance Attribute Details


Returns Account mini details.


# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 11

define_attribute :account, :AccountMini


Returns Internal accounting code to help you reconcile your revenue to the correct ledger. Line items created as part of a subscription invoice will use the plan or add-on’s accounting code, otherwise the value will only be present if you define an accounting code when creating the line item.


  • (String)

    Internal accounting code to help you reconcile your revenue to the correct ledger. Line items created as part of a subscription invoice will use the plan or add-on’s accounting code, otherwise the value will only be present if you define an accounting code when creating the line item.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 15

define_attribute :accounting_code, String


Returns If the line item is a charge or credit for an add-on, this is its code.


  • (String)

    If the line item is a charge or credit for an add-on, this is its code.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 19

define_attribute :add_on_code, String


Returns If the line item is a charge or credit for an add-on this is its ID.


  • (String)

    If the line item is a charge or credit for an add-on this is its ID.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 23

define_attribute :add_on_id, String


Returns ‘(quantity * unit_amount) - (discount + tax)`.


  • (Float)

    ‘(quantity * unit_amount) - (discount + tax)`

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 27

define_attribute :amount, Float


Returns Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the line item is taxed. Refer to [the documentation]( for more available t/s types.


# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 31

define_attribute :avalara_service_type, Integer


Returns Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the line item is taxed. Refer to [the documentation]( for more available t/s types.


# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 35

define_attribute :avalara_transaction_type, Integer


Returns The UUID of the account responsible for originating the line item.


  • (String)

    The UUID of the account responsible for originating the line item.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 39

define_attribute :bill_for_account_id, String


Returns When the line item was created.


  • (DateTime)

    When the line item was created.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 43

define_attribute :created_at, DateTime


Returns The amount of credit from this line item that was applied to the invoice.


  • (Float)

    The amount of credit from this line item that was applied to the invoice.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 47

define_attribute :credit_applied, Float


Returns The reason the credit was given when line item is ‘type=credit`.


  • (String)

    The reason the credit was given when line item is ‘type=credit`.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 51

define_attribute :credit_reason_code, String


Returns 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.


  • (String)

    3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 55

define_attribute :currency, String


Returns The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.


  • (Array[CustomField])

    The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 59

define_attribute :custom_fields, Array, { :item_type => :CustomField }


Returns Description that appears on the invoice. For subscription related items this will be filled in automatically.


  • (String)

    Description that appears on the invoice. For subscription related items this will be filled in automatically.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 63

define_attribute :description, String


Returns The discount applied to the line item.


  • (Float)

    The discount applied to the line item.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 67

define_attribute :discount, Float


Returns If this date is provided, it indicates the end of a time range.


  • (DateTime)

    If this date is provided, it indicates the end of a time range.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 71

define_attribute :end_date, DateTime


Returns Optional Stock Keeping Unit assigned to an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.


  • (String)

    Optional Stock Keeping Unit assigned to an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 75

define_attribute :external_sku, String


Returns Line item ID.


  • (String)

    Line item ID

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 79

define_attribute :id, String


Returns Once the line item has been invoiced this will be the invoice’s ID.


  • (String)

    Once the line item has been invoiced this will be the invoice’s ID.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 83

define_attribute :invoice_id, String


Returns Once the line item has been invoiced this will be the invoice’s number. If VAT taxation and the Country Invoice Sequencing feature are enabled, invoices will have country-specific invoice numbers for invoices billed to EU countries (ex: FR1001). Non-EU invoices will continue to use the site-level invoice number sequence.


  • (String)

    Once the line item has been invoiced this will be the invoice’s number. If VAT taxation and the Country Invoice Sequencing feature are enabled, invoices will have country-specific invoice numbers for invoices billed to EU countries (ex: FR1001). Non-EU invoices will continue to use the site-level invoice number sequence.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 87

define_attribute :invoice_number, String


Returns Unique code to identify an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.


  • (String)

    Unique code to identify an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 91

define_attribute :item_code, String


Returns System-generated unique identifier for an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.


  • (String)

    System-generated unique identifier for an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 95

define_attribute :item_id, String


Returns Category to describe the role of a line item on a legacy invoice: - “charges” refers to charges being billed for on this invoice. - “credits” refers to refund or proration credits. This portion of the invoice can be considered a credit memo. - “applied_credits” refers to previous credits applied to this invoice. See their original_line_item_id to determine where the credit first originated. - “carryforwards” can be ignored. They exist to consume any remaining credit balance. A new credit with the same amount will be created and placed back on the account.


  • (String)

    Category to describe the role of a line item on a legacy invoice: - “charges” refers to charges being billed for on this invoice. - “credits” refers to refund or proration credits. This portion of the invoice can be considered a credit memo. - “applied_credits” refers to previous credits applied to this invoice. See their original_line_item_id to determine where the credit first originated. - “carryforwards” can be ignored. They exist to consume any remaining credit balance. A new credit with the same amount will be created and placed back on the account.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 99

define_attribute :legacy_category, String


Returns Object type.


  • (String)

    Object type

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 103

define_attribute :object, String


Returns A credit created from an original charge will have the value of the charge’s origin.


  • (String)

    A credit created from an original charge will have the value of the charge’s origin.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 107

define_attribute :origin, String


Returns The invoice where the credit originated. Will only have a value if the line item is a credit created from a previous credit, or if the credit was created from a charge refund.


  • (String)

    The invoice where the credit originated. Will only have a value if the line item is a credit created from a previous credit, or if the credit was created from a charge refund.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 111

define_attribute :original_line_item_invoice_id, String


Returns If the line item is a charge or credit for a plan or add-on, this is the plan’s code.


  • (String)

    If the line item is a charge or credit for a plan or add-on, this is the plan’s code.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 115

define_attribute :plan_code, String


Returns If the line item is a charge or credit for a plan or add-on, this is the plan’s ID.


  • (String)

    If the line item is a charge or credit for a plan or add-on, this is the plan’s ID.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 119

define_attribute :plan_id, String


Returns Will only have a value if the line item is a credit created from a previous credit, or if the credit was created from a charge refund.


  • (String)

    Will only have a value if the line item is a credit created from a previous credit, or if the credit was created from a charge refund.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 123

define_attribute :previous_line_item_id, String


Returns For plan-related line items this will be the plan’s code, for add-on related line items it will be the add-on’s code. For item-related line items it will be the item’s ‘external_sku`.


  • (String)

    For plan-related line items this will be the plan’s code, for add-on related line items it will be the add-on’s code. For item-related line items it will be the item’s ‘external_sku`.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 127

define_attribute :product_code, String


Returns When a line item has been prorated, this is the rate of the proration. Proration rates were made available for line items created after March 30, 2017. For line items created prior to that date, the proration rate will be ‘null`, even if the line item was prorated.


  • (Float)

    When a line item has been prorated, this is the rate of the proration. Proration rates were made available for line items created after March 30, 2017. For line items created prior to that date, the proration rate will be ‘null`, even if the line item was prorated.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 131

define_attribute :proration_rate, Float


Returns This number will be multiplied by the unit amount to compute the subtotal before any discounts or taxes.


  • (Integer)

    This number will be multiplied by the unit amount to compute the subtotal before any discounts or taxes.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 135

define_attribute :quantity, Integer


Returns A floating-point alternative to Quantity. If this value is present, it will be used in place of Quantity for calculations, and Quantity will be the rounded integer value of this number. This field supports up to 9 decimal places. The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.


  • (String)

    A floating-point alternative to Quantity. If this value is present, it will be used in place of Quantity for calculations, and Quantity will be the rounded integer value of this number. This field supports up to 9 decimal places. The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 139

define_attribute :quantity_decimal, String


Returns Refund?.


  • (Boolean)


# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 143

define_attribute :refund, :Boolean


Returns For refund charges, the quantity being refunded. For non-refund charges, the total quantity refunded (possibly over multiple refunds).


  • (Integer)

    For refund charges, the quantity being refunded. For non-refund charges, the total quantity refunded (possibly over multiple refunds).

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 147

define_attribute :refunded_quantity, Integer


Returns A floating-point alternative to Refunded Quantity. For refund charges, the quantity being refunded. For non-refund charges, the total quantity refunded (possibly over multiple refunds). The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.


  • (String)

    A floating-point alternative to Refunded Quantity. For refund charges, the quantity being refunded. For non-refund charges, the total quantity refunded (possibly over multiple refunds). The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 151

define_attribute :refunded_quantity_decimal, String


Returns Revenue schedule type.


  • (String)

    Revenue schedule type

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 155

define_attribute :revenue_schedule_type, String



# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 159

define_attribute :shipping_address, :ShippingAddress


Returns If an end date is present, this is value indicates the beginning of a billing time range. If no end date is present it indicates billing for a specific date.


  • (DateTime)

    If an end date is present, this is value indicates the beginning of a billing time range. If no end date is present it indicates billing for a specific date.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 163

define_attribute :start_date, DateTime


Returns Pending line items are charges or credits on an account that have not been applied to an invoice yet. Invoiced line items will always have an ‘invoice_id` value.


  • (String)

    Pending line items are charges or credits on an account that have not been applied to an invoice yet. Invoiced line items will always have an ‘invoice_id` value.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 167

define_attribute :state, String


Returns If the line item is a charge or credit for a subscription, this is its ID.


  • (String)

    If the line item is a charge or credit for a subscription, this is its ID.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 171

define_attribute :subscription_id, String


Returns ‘quantity * unit_amount`.


  • (Float)

    ‘quantity * unit_amount`

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 175

define_attribute :subtotal, Float


Returns The tax amount for the line item.


  • (Float)

    The tax amount for the line item.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 179

define_attribute :tax, Float


Returns Used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly’s EU VAT tax feature. The tax code values are specific to each tax system. If you are using Recurly’s EU VAT feature you can use ‘unknown`, `physical`, or `digital`.


  • (String)

    Used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly’s EU VAT tax feature. The tax code values are specific to each tax system. If you are using Recurly’s EU VAT feature you can use ‘unknown`, `physical`, or `digital`.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 183

define_attribute :tax_code, String


Returns ‘true` exempts tax on charges, `false` applies tax on charges. If not defined, then defaults to the Plan and Site settings. This attribute does not work for credits (negative line items). Credits are always applied post-tax. Pre-tax discounts should use the Coupons feature.


  • (Boolean)

    ‘true` exempts tax on charges, `false` applies tax on charges. If not defined, then defaults to the Plan and Site settings. This attribute does not work for credits (negative line items). Credits are always applied post-tax. Pre-tax discounts should use the Coupons feature.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 187

define_attribute :tax_exempt, :Boolean


Returns Determines whether or not tax is included in the unit amount. The Tax Inclusive Pricing feature (separate from the Mixed Tax Pricing feature) must be enabled to utilize this flag.


  • (Boolean)

    Determines whether or not tax is included in the unit amount. The Tax Inclusive Pricing feature (separate from the Mixed Tax Pricing feature) must be enabled to utilize this flag.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 191

define_attribute :tax_inclusive, :Boolean


Returns Tax info.


# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 195

define_attribute :tax_info, :TaxInfo


Returns ‘true` if the line item is taxable, `false` if it is not.


  • (Boolean)

    ‘true` if the line item is taxable, `false` if it is not.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 199

define_attribute :taxable, :Boolean


Returns Charges are positive line items that debit the account. Credits are negative line items that credit the account.


  • (String)

    Charges are positive line items that debit the account. Credits are negative line items that credit the account.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 203

define_attribute :type, String


Returns Positive amount for a charge, negative amount for a credit.


  • (Float)

    Positive amount for a charge, negative amount for a credit.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 207

define_attribute :unit_amount, Float


Returns Positive amount for a charge, negative amount for a credit.


  • (String)

    Positive amount for a charge, negative amount for a credit.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 211

define_attribute :unit_amount_decimal, String


Returns When the line item was last changed.


  • (DateTime)

    When the line item was last changed.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 215

define_attribute :updated_at, DateTime


Returns The UUID is useful for matching data with the CSV exports and building URLs into Recurly’s UI.


  • (String)

    The UUID is useful for matching data with the CSV exports and building URLs into Recurly’s UI.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/line_item.rb', line 219

define_attribute :uuid, String