Class: Recurly::Resources::PlanPricing

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Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Recurly::Resource


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Recurly::Resource

#==, #get_response, #inspect, #requires_client?, #to_json, #to_s

Methods included from Schema::SchemaFactory


Methods included from Schema::ResourceCaster


Methods included from Schema::SchemaValidator

#get_did_you_mean, #validate!, #validate_attribute!

Instance Attribute Details


Returns 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.


  • (String)

    3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/plan_pricing.rb', line 11

define_attribute :currency, String


Returns Amount of one-time setup fee automatically charged at the beginning of a subscription billing cycle. For subscription plans with a trial, the setup fee will be charged at the time of signup. Setup fees do not increase with the quantity of a subscription plan.


  • (Float)

    Amount of one-time setup fee automatically charged at the beginning of a subscription billing cycle. For subscription plans with a trial, the setup fee will be charged at the time of signup. Setup fees do not increase with the quantity of a subscription plan.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/plan_pricing.rb', line 15

define_attribute :setup_fee, Float


Returns This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.


  • (Boolean)

    This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/plan_pricing.rb', line 19

define_attribute :tax_inclusive, :Boolean


Returns This field should not be sent when the pricing model is ‘ramp’.


  • (Float)

    This field should not be sent when the pricing model is ‘ramp’.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/plan_pricing.rb', line 23

define_attribute :unit_amount, Float