Enable GEOS and Proj4 on Heroku

If you need GEOS and PROJ extensions on Heroku, you need to install those libraries through a buildpack.

Option 1: Use heroku-buildpack-apt


echo 'libgeos-dev=3.7.1-1~pgdg18.04+1' > Aptfile # Use the version you want here
echo 'libproj-dev' >> Aptfile                    # Same here, you can pin any version as well.
echo 'proj-bin' >> Aptfile                       # Necessary if using rgeo-proj4
echo >> Aptfile
git add Aptfile
git commit -m 'Add Aptfile'
heroku buildpacks:add --index=1 heroku-community/apt

# If you already have installed the gem earlier, you will need to purge your repo cache.
# Hence the next two lines:
heroku plugins:install heroku-repo
heroku repo:purge_cache

git push heroku main

heroku-buildpack-apt is an official buildpack supported by Heroku.

You need to create a file called Aptfile at the root of your repository with the following content:


You should also consider specifying the version to make sure it changes only if you want it. For instance for libgeos:


Then you just need to add the heroku-buildpack-apt at the proper position:

$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku-community/apt

If your Heroku environment has a config variable named LD_LIBRARY_PATH, please unset that.

If you plan on using rgeo-proj4 you must set the config variable named PROJ_LIB to /app/.apt/usr/share/proj

It is also really likely that you have the rgeo gem beforehand, in which case you will need to purge your application cache:

heroku plugins:install heroku-repo
heroku repo:purge_cache

You can finally deploy to heroku and check if everything is alright!

Ref: http://www.diowa.com/blog/heroku/2017/08/01/using-rgeo-with-geos-on-heroku-with-apt-get

Option 2: Use heroku-buildpack-vendorbinaries

Apt packages often contain older version of the libraries, so you may be interested in something newer or in compiling the main branch by yourself.

You can find latest GEOS and PROJ binaries built for Heroku at Vesuvius: a Vulcan replacement

Then you can use heroku-buildpack-vendorbinaries buildpack, which is very similar to heroku-buildpack-apt.

The example provided at heroku-buildpack-vendorbinaries' readme, contains information about this very same use case.

Ref: http://www.diowa.com/blog/heroku/2017/08/01/compile-libraries-on-heroku-with-vesuvius

Option 3: Use heroku-geo-buildpack

This is the simplest method, but it also installs gdal, which is not used by RGeo. Just install the buildpack as usual and purge your repo if RGeo was already installed.

heroku buildpacks:add --index=1 https://github.com/heroku/heroku-geo-buildpack.git
heroku plugins:install heroku-repo
heroku repo:purge_cache

Note In order for this to work rgeo-proj4 you will need to use ENV vars to update to PROJ 6.2+. Note that this may need a fix to the buildpack. See #260.

Check that geos is correctly installed

heroku console <<< 'puts "RGeo is configured with Geos !" if RGeo::Geos.capi_supported?;exit'

Note that checking RGeo::Geos.supported? might be misleading since this would also return true if geos-ffi is installed. Since the CAPI and FFI do not have the same behavior, it is important to check which one you have and prefer the CAPI when possible.