Who uses rgeo?

Ag Developer

Saving geocoded points, importing shapefiles, creating/saving polygons, importing/exporting geojson, querying nearby points, building polygons for queries, intersections.


Uses activerecord-postgis-adapter, rgeo and rgeo-geojson on a project at DigitalGlobe where I need to comb through a large image archive.


Uses rgeo and rgeo-geojson to handle complex territorial conditions on pricing workflows.


Saving geocoded points, saving polygons, encoding/decoding/validating GeoJSON, querying nearby points, building polygons for queries.

Seaview Sensing

Rails/OpenLayers based data-viewer for oceanic data



Rudolph Data

Saving geocoded points, importing shapefiles, creating/saving polygons, querying points inside/intersecting with polygons

TaxonWorks / Species File Group

Our group builds open-source biodiversity informatics tools, we use these gems for georeferencing museum specimens and their collection localities- save points, (multi)polys, lines, compute intersections and nearby, serve geojson, load gazetteers.