Installing GEOS

The best way to use RGeo is with GEOS installed. It is a fairly simple process, and this guide will help you walk through the installation.

What is GEOS?

GEOS is a C++ port of the Java JTS Topology Suite which is an implementation of the OGC SFS. Essentially, they provide a convenient way to work with geometry data.

Why do I need it, since I use RGeo?

RGeo has implemented a lot of the specs in the SFS, however, the GEOS library has many more features. Moreover, the C extension is much faster than pure Ruby implementations. Here are some benchmarks for reference:

# frozen_string_literal: true

require "benchmark/ips"
require "net/http"
require "rgeo"
require "rgeo-geojson"

# Install GEOS to run this benchmark.
exit 1 unless RGeo::Geos.capi_supported?

geojson = Net::HTTP.get(URI(""))

ffi_factory   = RGeo::Cartesian.preferred_factory(native_interface: :ffi)
capi_factory  = RGeo::Cartesian.preferred_factory
ruby_factory  = RGeo::Cartesian.simple_factory
ffi_geometry  = RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geojson, geo_factory: ffi_factory).geometry
capi_geometry = RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geojson, geo_factory: capi_factory).geometry
ruby_geometry = RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geojson, geo_factory: ruby_factory).geometry
ffi_point     = ffi_factory.point(5.72662, 45.18203)
capi_point    = capi_factory.point(5.72662, 45.18203)
ruby_point    = ruby_factory.point(5.72662, 45.18203)

Benchmark.ips do |x|"with CAPI GEOS") { capi_geometry.contains?(capi_point) }"with FFI GEOS") { ffi_geometry.contains?(ffi_point) }"simple ruby") { ruby_geometry.contains?(ruby_point) }!
Result for a MacBook pro 1,4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5

Warming up --------------------------------------
      with CAPI GEOS   567.300k i/100ms
       with FFI GEOS    73.764k i/100ms
         simple ruby   101.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
      with CAPI GEOS      5.671M (± 0.9%) i/s -     28.365M in   5.002353s
       with FFI GEOS    732.590k (± 1.7%) i/s -      3.688M in   5.035920s
         simple ruby    963.703  (± 4.9%) i/s -      4.848k in   5.043617s

      with CAPI GEOS:  5670783.7 i/s
       with FFI GEOS:   732589.6 i/s - 7.74x  (± 0.00) slower
         simple ruby:      963.7 i/s - 5884.37x  (± 0.00) slower

How do I install GEOS ?

The easiest way is to use the package manager on your OS.

# Mac OS
brew install geos
# Ubuntu
apt-get install libgeos-dev

You can also get binaries or build from source directly. See for more possibilities.

You can then check in an irb session that it is correctly binded to your rgeo gem:

require "rgeo"

puts "Yay" if RGeo::Geos.capi_supported?

If you need to install it on heroku, there is a dedicated documentation.