Class: SmsPilot::Client
- Inherits:
- Object
- SmsPilot::Client
- Defined in:
- lib/sms_pilot/client.rb
Constant Summary collapse
Check current API endpoint URL at
Locale influences only the language of API errors
[:ru, :en].freeze
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#api_key ⇒ String
Your API key.
#error ⇒ nil, String
Error message returned from the API, combined with the error code.
#locale ⇒ Symbol
Chosen locale (affects only the language of errors).
#phone ⇒ nil, String
Phone after normalization.
#response_body ⇒ nil, String
Response format is JSON (because we request it that way in #build_uri).
#response_headers ⇒ nil, String
Unmodified HTTP resonse headers that API returned.
#response_status ⇒ nil, Integer
HTTP status of the request to the API.
Main collapse
#send_sms(phone, message, sender_name = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS.
State accessors collapse
#balance ⇒ nil, Float
Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS.
#broadcast_id ⇒ nil, Integer
SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server).
#broadcast_status ⇒ nil, Integer
SMS delivery status, as returned by the API.
#error_code ⇒ nil, Integer
Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS.
#error_description ⇒ nil, String
Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS.
#rejected? ⇒ Boolean
Did the API reject your request to send that SMS.
#response_data ⇒ Hash
Parses @response_body and memoizes result in @response_data.
#sender_blocked? ⇒ Boolean
Did the API block you.
#sms_cost ⇒ nil, Float
The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB.
#sms_sent? ⇒ Boolean
Has the SMS transmission been a success.
#sms_status ⇒ Object
(in favor of #broadcast_status)
#url ⇒ nil, String
URL generated by combining API_ENDPOINT, your API key, SMS text & phone.
Validations collapse
#validate_api_key!(api_key) ⇒ String
Validates api_key.
#validate_locale!(locale) ⇒ Symbol
Validates locale.
#validate_message!(message) ⇒ String
Validates message.
#validate_phone!(phone) ⇒ String
Validates phone.
#validate_sender_name!(sender_name) ⇒ String
Validates sender name.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) ⇒ URI
The URI we will send an HTTP request to.
- #initialize(api_key:, locale: ) ⇒ SmsPilot::Client constructor
#normalize_phone(phone) ⇒ String
Cleans up your phone from anything but digits.
#persist_response_details(response) ⇒ response
Saves response details into instance variables.
Constructor Details
#initialize(api_key:, locale: ) ⇒ SmsPilot::Client
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 106 def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end |
Instance Attribute Details
#api_key ⇒ String (readonly)
Returns your API key.
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 69 class Client # Check current API endpoint URL at {} # API_ENDPOINT = "".freeze # Locale influences only the language of API errors # AVAILABLE_LOCALES = [:ru, :en].freeze REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT = "json".freeze REQUEST_CHARSET = "utf-8".freeze attr_reader :api_key attr_reader :error attr_reader :locale attr_reader :phone attr_reader :response_body attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_status # @param [String] api_key # @param [Symbol] locale # # @return [SmsPilot::Client] # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError] if you pass anything but a non-empty String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError] if you pass anything but <tt>:ru</tt> or <tt>:en</tt> # # @see Get your production API key here # @see Get your development API key here # @note Current development API key is <tt>"XXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ"</tt> # # @example # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"]) # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"], locale: :en) # def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end # @!group Main # Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>true</tt> if the SMS has been sent, <tt>false</tt> otherwise # # @param [String] phone The phone to send the SMS to. In free-form, will be sanitized. # @param [String] message The text of your message. # @param [nil, String] sender_name Must be registered in your SMS Pilot member area # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty String # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @example # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!") # => true # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Здарова бандиты", "ФССПРФ") # => true # def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end # @!endgroup # @!group State accessors # Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS. # # @return [nil, Float] Always <tt>nil</tt> before you send SMS and if the SMS was not sent, always Float after successfull SMS transmission. # @example # client.balance #=> 20215.25 # def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server) # # @example # client.broadcast_id #=> 10000 # # @return [nil, Integer] # # @see #response_data # def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # SMS delivery status, as returned by the API # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS or if the request was rejected. Otherwise an <tt>Integer</tt> in the range of [-2..3] is returned. # @see List of available statuses at API documentation website # # Code | Name | Final? | Description # ----:|:--------------|:-------|:------------- # -2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса # -1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) # 0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере # 1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора # 2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается # 3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время # # @example # client.broadcast_status #=> 2 # # @see #sms_status # def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change). # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>Integer</tt> # @example # client.error_code #=> 122 # @see #error # @see #error_description # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end # Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS # # @return [nil, String] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>String</tt> # @example # client.error_description #=> "Пользователь временно блокирован (спорная ситуация)" # @see #error # @see #error_code # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end # Did the API reject your request to send that SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>false</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether your request to send an SMS was rejected. # @example # client.rejected? #=> false # def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end # Parses <tt>@response_body</tt> and memoizes result in <tt>@response_data</tt> # # @example # { # "balance" => "20006.97", # "cost" => "1.68", # "send" => [ # { # "phone" => "79021234567", # "price" => "1.68", # "server_id" => "10000", # "status" => "0" # } # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # @raise [JSON::ParserError] which is rescued in {#send_sms} # # @see #response_body # @see #response_headers # @see #response_status # def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end # Did the API block you # # Error code | Description # :---|:------------------ # 105 | из-за низкого баланса # 106 | за спам/ошибки # 107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном # 122 | спорная ситуация # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether the API has blocked you. # @example # client.sender_blocked? #=> false # @see #error # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end # The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB # # @return [nil, Float] # @example # client.sms_cost #=> 2.63 # def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # Has the SMS transmission been a success. # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to the result of SMS transmission. # @see #sms_status # @see #rejected? # @see #error # # @example # client.sms_sent? #=> true # def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end # @deprecated (in favor of {#broadcast_status}) # def sms_status broadcast_status end # URL generated by combining <tt>API_ENDPOINT</tt>, your API key, SMS text & phone # # @example # client.url #=> "" # # @return [nil, String] # def url @uri&.to_s end # @!endgroup # The URI we will send an HTTP request to # @private # # @example # build_uri("79021234567", "Hello, World!") # #=> #<URI::HTTPS…&format=json&send=Hello%2C+World%21&to=79021234567> # # @return [URI] # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @param [String] phone # @param [String] text # @param [nil, String] sender_name # # @see #api_key # @see #phone # @see #validate_phone! # @see #validate_message! # @see #validate_sender_name! # private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end # Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit. # # @private # @param [String] phone # @return [String] # # @example # normalize_phone("8 (902) 123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # normalize_phone("+7-902-123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end # Saves response details into instance variables # @private # # @return [response] # @raise [TypeError] unless a Net::HTTPResponse passed # private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end # @!group Validations # Validates api_key # # @private # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [String] api_key # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is not a String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is an empty String # private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end # Validates locale # # @private # @return [Symbol] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [Symbol] locale # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is not a Symbol # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is unrecognized # private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end # Validates message # @private # # @param [String] message # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end # Validates phone # @private # # @param [String] phone # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end # Validates sender name # @private # # @param [nil, String] sender_name # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty <tt>String</tt> # private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end # @!endgroup end |
#error ⇒ nil, String (readonly)
Error message returned from the API, combined with the error code
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 69 class Client # Check current API endpoint URL at {} # API_ENDPOINT = "".freeze # Locale influences only the language of API errors # AVAILABLE_LOCALES = [:ru, :en].freeze REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT = "json".freeze REQUEST_CHARSET = "utf-8".freeze attr_reader :api_key attr_reader :error attr_reader :locale attr_reader :phone attr_reader :response_body attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_status # @param [String] api_key # @param [Symbol] locale # # @return [SmsPilot::Client] # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError] if you pass anything but a non-empty String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError] if you pass anything but <tt>:ru</tt> or <tt>:en</tt> # # @see Get your production API key here # @see Get your development API key here # @note Current development API key is <tt>"XXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ"</tt> # # @example # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"]) # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"], locale: :en) # def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end # @!group Main # Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>true</tt> if the SMS has been sent, <tt>false</tt> otherwise # # @param [String] phone The phone to send the SMS to. In free-form, will be sanitized. # @param [String] message The text of your message. # @param [nil, String] sender_name Must be registered in your SMS Pilot member area # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty String # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @example # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!") # => true # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Здарова бандиты", "ФССПРФ") # => true # def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end # @!endgroup # @!group State accessors # Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS. # # @return [nil, Float] Always <tt>nil</tt> before you send SMS and if the SMS was not sent, always Float after successfull SMS transmission. # @example # client.balance #=> 20215.25 # def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server) # # @example # client.broadcast_id #=> 10000 # # @return [nil, Integer] # # @see #response_data # def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # SMS delivery status, as returned by the API # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS or if the request was rejected. Otherwise an <tt>Integer</tt> in the range of [-2..3] is returned. # @see List of available statuses at API documentation website # # Code | Name | Final? | Description # ----:|:--------------|:-------|:------------- # -2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса # -1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) # 0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере # 1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора # 2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается # 3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время # # @example # client.broadcast_status #=> 2 # # @see #sms_status # def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change). # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>Integer</tt> # @example # client.error_code #=> 122 # @see #error # @see #error_description # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end # Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS # # @return [nil, String] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>String</tt> # @example # client.error_description #=> "Пользователь временно блокирован (спорная ситуация)" # @see #error # @see #error_code # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end # Did the API reject your request to send that SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>false</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether your request to send an SMS was rejected. # @example # client.rejected? #=> false # def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end # Parses <tt>@response_body</tt> and memoizes result in <tt>@response_data</tt> # # @example # { # "balance" => "20006.97", # "cost" => "1.68", # "send" => [ # { # "phone" => "79021234567", # "price" => "1.68", # "server_id" => "10000", # "status" => "0" # } # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # @raise [JSON::ParserError] which is rescued in {#send_sms} # # @see #response_body # @see #response_headers # @see #response_status # def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end # Did the API block you # # Error code | Description # :---|:------------------ # 105 | из-за низкого баланса # 106 | за спам/ошибки # 107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном # 122 | спорная ситуация # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether the API has blocked you. # @example # client.sender_blocked? #=> false # @see #error # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end # The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB # # @return [nil, Float] # @example # client.sms_cost #=> 2.63 # def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # Has the SMS transmission been a success. # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to the result of SMS transmission. # @see #sms_status # @see #rejected? # @see #error # # @example # client.sms_sent? #=> true # def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end # @deprecated (in favor of {#broadcast_status}) # def sms_status broadcast_status end # URL generated by combining <tt>API_ENDPOINT</tt>, your API key, SMS text & phone # # @example # client.url #=> "" # # @return [nil, String] # def url @uri&.to_s end # @!endgroup # The URI we will send an HTTP request to # @private # # @example # build_uri("79021234567", "Hello, World!") # #=> #<URI::HTTPS…&format=json&send=Hello%2C+World%21&to=79021234567> # # @return [URI] # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @param [String] phone # @param [String] text # @param [nil, String] sender_name # # @see #api_key # @see #phone # @see #validate_phone! # @see #validate_message! # @see #validate_sender_name! # private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end # Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit. # # @private # @param [String] phone # @return [String] # # @example # normalize_phone("8 (902) 123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # normalize_phone("+7-902-123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end # Saves response details into instance variables # @private # # @return [response] # @raise [TypeError] unless a Net::HTTPResponse passed # private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end # @!group Validations # Validates api_key # # @private # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [String] api_key # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is not a String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is an empty String # private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end # Validates locale # # @private # @return [Symbol] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [Symbol] locale # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is not a Symbol # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is unrecognized # private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end # Validates message # @private # # @param [String] message # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end # Validates phone # @private # # @param [String] phone # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end # Validates sender name # @private # # @param [nil, String] sender_name # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty <tt>String</tt> # private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end # @!endgroup end |
#locale ⇒ Symbol (readonly)
Chosen locale (affects only the language of errors)
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 69 class Client # Check current API endpoint URL at {} # API_ENDPOINT = "".freeze # Locale influences only the language of API errors # AVAILABLE_LOCALES = [:ru, :en].freeze REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT = "json".freeze REQUEST_CHARSET = "utf-8".freeze attr_reader :api_key attr_reader :error attr_reader :locale attr_reader :phone attr_reader :response_body attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_status # @param [String] api_key # @param [Symbol] locale # # @return [SmsPilot::Client] # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError] if you pass anything but a non-empty String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError] if you pass anything but <tt>:ru</tt> or <tt>:en</tt> # # @see Get your production API key here # @see Get your development API key here # @note Current development API key is <tt>"XXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ"</tt> # # @example # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"]) # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"], locale: :en) # def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end # @!group Main # Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>true</tt> if the SMS has been sent, <tt>false</tt> otherwise # # @param [String] phone The phone to send the SMS to. In free-form, will be sanitized. # @param [String] message The text of your message. # @param [nil, String] sender_name Must be registered in your SMS Pilot member area # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty String # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @example # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!") # => true # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Здарова бандиты", "ФССПРФ") # => true # def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end # @!endgroup # @!group State accessors # Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS. # # @return [nil, Float] Always <tt>nil</tt> before you send SMS and if the SMS was not sent, always Float after successfull SMS transmission. # @example # client.balance #=> 20215.25 # def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server) # # @example # client.broadcast_id #=> 10000 # # @return [nil, Integer] # # @see #response_data # def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # SMS delivery status, as returned by the API # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS or if the request was rejected. Otherwise an <tt>Integer</tt> in the range of [-2..3] is returned. # @see List of available statuses at API documentation website # # Code | Name | Final? | Description # ----:|:--------------|:-------|:------------- # -2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса # -1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) # 0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере # 1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора # 2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается # 3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время # # @example # client.broadcast_status #=> 2 # # @see #sms_status # def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change). # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>Integer</tt> # @example # client.error_code #=> 122 # @see #error # @see #error_description # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end # Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS # # @return [nil, String] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>String</tt> # @example # client.error_description #=> "Пользователь временно блокирован (спорная ситуация)" # @see #error # @see #error_code # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end # Did the API reject your request to send that SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>false</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether your request to send an SMS was rejected. # @example # client.rejected? #=> false # def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end # Parses <tt>@response_body</tt> and memoizes result in <tt>@response_data</tt> # # @example # { # "balance" => "20006.97", # "cost" => "1.68", # "send" => [ # { # "phone" => "79021234567", # "price" => "1.68", # "server_id" => "10000", # "status" => "0" # } # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # @raise [JSON::ParserError] which is rescued in {#send_sms} # # @see #response_body # @see #response_headers # @see #response_status # def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end # Did the API block you # # Error code | Description # :---|:------------------ # 105 | из-за низкого баланса # 106 | за спам/ошибки # 107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном # 122 | спорная ситуация # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether the API has blocked you. # @example # client.sender_blocked? #=> false # @see #error # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end # The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB # # @return [nil, Float] # @example # client.sms_cost #=> 2.63 # def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # Has the SMS transmission been a success. # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to the result of SMS transmission. # @see #sms_status # @see #rejected? # @see #error # # @example # client.sms_sent? #=> true # def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end # @deprecated (in favor of {#broadcast_status}) # def sms_status broadcast_status end # URL generated by combining <tt>API_ENDPOINT</tt>, your API key, SMS text & phone # # @example # client.url #=> "" # # @return [nil, String] # def url @uri&.to_s end # @!endgroup # The URI we will send an HTTP request to # @private # # @example # build_uri("79021234567", "Hello, World!") # #=> #<URI::HTTPS…&format=json&send=Hello%2C+World%21&to=79021234567> # # @return [URI] # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @param [String] phone # @param [String] text # @param [nil, String] sender_name # # @see #api_key # @see #phone # @see #validate_phone! # @see #validate_message! # @see #validate_sender_name! # private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end # Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit. # # @private # @param [String] phone # @return [String] # # @example # normalize_phone("8 (902) 123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # normalize_phone("+7-902-123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end # Saves response details into instance variables # @private # # @return [response] # @raise [TypeError] unless a Net::HTTPResponse passed # private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end # @!group Validations # Validates api_key # # @private # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [String] api_key # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is not a String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is an empty String # private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end # Validates locale # # @private # @return [Symbol] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [Symbol] locale # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is not a Symbol # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is unrecognized # private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end # Validates message # @private # # @param [String] message # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end # Validates phone # @private # # @param [String] phone # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end # Validates sender name # @private # # @param [nil, String] sender_name # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty <tt>String</tt> # private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end # @!endgroup end |
#phone ⇒ nil, String (readonly)
Returns phone after normalization.
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 69 class Client # Check current API endpoint URL at {} # API_ENDPOINT = "".freeze # Locale influences only the language of API errors # AVAILABLE_LOCALES = [:ru, :en].freeze REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT = "json".freeze REQUEST_CHARSET = "utf-8".freeze attr_reader :api_key attr_reader :error attr_reader :locale attr_reader :phone attr_reader :response_body attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_status # @param [String] api_key # @param [Symbol] locale # # @return [SmsPilot::Client] # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError] if you pass anything but a non-empty String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError] if you pass anything but <tt>:ru</tt> or <tt>:en</tt> # # @see Get your production API key here # @see Get your development API key here # @note Current development API key is <tt>"XXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ"</tt> # # @example # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"]) # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"], locale: :en) # def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end # @!group Main # Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>true</tt> if the SMS has been sent, <tt>false</tt> otherwise # # @param [String] phone The phone to send the SMS to. In free-form, will be sanitized. # @param [String] message The text of your message. # @param [nil, String] sender_name Must be registered in your SMS Pilot member area # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty String # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @example # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!") # => true # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Здарова бандиты", "ФССПРФ") # => true # def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end # @!endgroup # @!group State accessors # Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS. # # @return [nil, Float] Always <tt>nil</tt> before you send SMS and if the SMS was not sent, always Float after successfull SMS transmission. # @example # client.balance #=> 20215.25 # def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server) # # @example # client.broadcast_id #=> 10000 # # @return [nil, Integer] # # @see #response_data # def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # SMS delivery status, as returned by the API # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS or if the request was rejected. Otherwise an <tt>Integer</tt> in the range of [-2..3] is returned. # @see List of available statuses at API documentation website # # Code | Name | Final? | Description # ----:|:--------------|:-------|:------------- # -2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса # -1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) # 0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере # 1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора # 2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается # 3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время # # @example # client.broadcast_status #=> 2 # # @see #sms_status # def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change). # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>Integer</tt> # @example # client.error_code #=> 122 # @see #error # @see #error_description # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end # Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS # # @return [nil, String] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>String</tt> # @example # client.error_description #=> "Пользователь временно блокирован (спорная ситуация)" # @see #error # @see #error_code # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end # Did the API reject your request to send that SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>false</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether your request to send an SMS was rejected. # @example # client.rejected? #=> false # def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end # Parses <tt>@response_body</tt> and memoizes result in <tt>@response_data</tt> # # @example # { # "balance" => "20006.97", # "cost" => "1.68", # "send" => [ # { # "phone" => "79021234567", # "price" => "1.68", # "server_id" => "10000", # "status" => "0" # } # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # @raise [JSON::ParserError] which is rescued in {#send_sms} # # @see #response_body # @see #response_headers # @see #response_status # def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end # Did the API block you # # Error code | Description # :---|:------------------ # 105 | из-за низкого баланса # 106 | за спам/ошибки # 107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном # 122 | спорная ситуация # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether the API has blocked you. # @example # client.sender_blocked? #=> false # @see #error # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end # The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB # # @return [nil, Float] # @example # client.sms_cost #=> 2.63 # def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # Has the SMS transmission been a success. # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to the result of SMS transmission. # @see #sms_status # @see #rejected? # @see #error # # @example # client.sms_sent? #=> true # def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end # @deprecated (in favor of {#broadcast_status}) # def sms_status broadcast_status end # URL generated by combining <tt>API_ENDPOINT</tt>, your API key, SMS text & phone # # @example # client.url #=> "" # # @return [nil, String] # def url @uri&.to_s end # @!endgroup # The URI we will send an HTTP request to # @private # # @example # build_uri("79021234567", "Hello, World!") # #=> #<URI::HTTPS…&format=json&send=Hello%2C+World%21&to=79021234567> # # @return [URI] # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @param [String] phone # @param [String] text # @param [nil, String] sender_name # # @see #api_key # @see #phone # @see #validate_phone! # @see #validate_message! # @see #validate_sender_name! # private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end # Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit. # # @private # @param [String] phone # @return [String] # # @example # normalize_phone("8 (902) 123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # normalize_phone("+7-902-123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end # Saves response details into instance variables # @private # # @return [response] # @raise [TypeError] unless a Net::HTTPResponse passed # private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end # @!group Validations # Validates api_key # # @private # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [String] api_key # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is not a String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is an empty String # private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end # Validates locale # # @private # @return [Symbol] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [Symbol] locale # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is not a Symbol # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is unrecognized # private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end # Validates message # @private # # @param [String] message # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end # Validates phone # @private # # @param [String] phone # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end # Validates sender name # @private # # @param [nil, String] sender_name # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty <tt>String</tt> # private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end # @!endgroup end |
#response_body ⇒ nil, String (readonly)
Response format is JSON (because we request it that way in #build_uri).
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 69 class Client # Check current API endpoint URL at {} # API_ENDPOINT = "".freeze # Locale influences only the language of API errors # AVAILABLE_LOCALES = [:ru, :en].freeze REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT = "json".freeze REQUEST_CHARSET = "utf-8".freeze attr_reader :api_key attr_reader :error attr_reader :locale attr_reader :phone attr_reader :response_body attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_status # @param [String] api_key # @param [Symbol] locale # # @return [SmsPilot::Client] # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError] if you pass anything but a non-empty String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError] if you pass anything but <tt>:ru</tt> or <tt>:en</tt> # # @see Get your production API key here # @see Get your development API key here # @note Current development API key is <tt>"XXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ"</tt> # # @example # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"]) # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"], locale: :en) # def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end # @!group Main # Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>true</tt> if the SMS has been sent, <tt>false</tt> otherwise # # @param [String] phone The phone to send the SMS to. In free-form, will be sanitized. # @param [String] message The text of your message. # @param [nil, String] sender_name Must be registered in your SMS Pilot member area # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty String # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @example # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!") # => true # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Здарова бандиты", "ФССПРФ") # => true # def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end # @!endgroup # @!group State accessors # Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS. # # @return [nil, Float] Always <tt>nil</tt> before you send SMS and if the SMS was not sent, always Float after successfull SMS transmission. # @example # client.balance #=> 20215.25 # def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server) # # @example # client.broadcast_id #=> 10000 # # @return [nil, Integer] # # @see #response_data # def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # SMS delivery status, as returned by the API # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS or if the request was rejected. Otherwise an <tt>Integer</tt> in the range of [-2..3] is returned. # @see List of available statuses at API documentation website # # Code | Name | Final? | Description # ----:|:--------------|:-------|:------------- # -2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса # -1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) # 0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере # 1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора # 2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается # 3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время # # @example # client.broadcast_status #=> 2 # # @see #sms_status # def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change). # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>Integer</tt> # @example # client.error_code #=> 122 # @see #error # @see #error_description # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end # Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS # # @return [nil, String] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>String</tt> # @example # client.error_description #=> "Пользователь временно блокирован (спорная ситуация)" # @see #error # @see #error_code # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end # Did the API reject your request to send that SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>false</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether your request to send an SMS was rejected. # @example # client.rejected? #=> false # def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end # Parses <tt>@response_body</tt> and memoizes result in <tt>@response_data</tt> # # @example # { # "balance" => "20006.97", # "cost" => "1.68", # "send" => [ # { # "phone" => "79021234567", # "price" => "1.68", # "server_id" => "10000", # "status" => "0" # } # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # @raise [JSON::ParserError] which is rescued in {#send_sms} # # @see #response_body # @see #response_headers # @see #response_status # def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end # Did the API block you # # Error code | Description # :---|:------------------ # 105 | из-за низкого баланса # 106 | за спам/ошибки # 107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном # 122 | спорная ситуация # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether the API has blocked you. # @example # client.sender_blocked? #=> false # @see #error # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end # The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB # # @return [nil, Float] # @example # client.sms_cost #=> 2.63 # def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # Has the SMS transmission been a success. # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to the result of SMS transmission. # @see #sms_status # @see #rejected? # @see #error # # @example # client.sms_sent? #=> true # def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end # @deprecated (in favor of {#broadcast_status}) # def sms_status broadcast_status end # URL generated by combining <tt>API_ENDPOINT</tt>, your API key, SMS text & phone # # @example # client.url #=> "" # # @return [nil, String] # def url @uri&.to_s end # @!endgroup # The URI we will send an HTTP request to # @private # # @example # build_uri("79021234567", "Hello, World!") # #=> #<URI::HTTPS…&format=json&send=Hello%2C+World%21&to=79021234567> # # @return [URI] # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @param [String] phone # @param [String] text # @param [nil, String] sender_name # # @see #api_key # @see #phone # @see #validate_phone! # @see #validate_message! # @see #validate_sender_name! # private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end # Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit. # # @private # @param [String] phone # @return [String] # # @example # normalize_phone("8 (902) 123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # normalize_phone("+7-902-123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end # Saves response details into instance variables # @private # # @return [response] # @raise [TypeError] unless a Net::HTTPResponse passed # private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end # @!group Validations # Validates api_key # # @private # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [String] api_key # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is not a String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is an empty String # private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end # Validates locale # # @private # @return [Symbol] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [Symbol] locale # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is not a Symbol # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is unrecognized # private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end # Validates message # @private # # @param [String] message # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end # Validates phone # @private # # @param [String] phone # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end # Validates sender name # @private # # @param [nil, String] sender_name # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty <tt>String</tt> # private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end # @!endgroup end |
#response_headers ⇒ nil, String (readonly)
Returns Unmodified HTTP resonse headers that API returned.
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 69 class Client # Check current API endpoint URL at {} # API_ENDPOINT = "".freeze # Locale influences only the language of API errors # AVAILABLE_LOCALES = [:ru, :en].freeze REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT = "json".freeze REQUEST_CHARSET = "utf-8".freeze attr_reader :api_key attr_reader :error attr_reader :locale attr_reader :phone attr_reader :response_body attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_status # @param [String] api_key # @param [Symbol] locale # # @return [SmsPilot::Client] # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError] if you pass anything but a non-empty String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError] if you pass anything but <tt>:ru</tt> or <tt>:en</tt> # # @see Get your production API key here # @see Get your development API key here # @note Current development API key is <tt>"XXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ"</tt> # # @example # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"]) # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"], locale: :en) # def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end # @!group Main # Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>true</tt> if the SMS has been sent, <tt>false</tt> otherwise # # @param [String] phone The phone to send the SMS to. In free-form, will be sanitized. # @param [String] message The text of your message. # @param [nil, String] sender_name Must be registered in your SMS Pilot member area # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty String # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @example # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!") # => true # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Здарова бандиты", "ФССПРФ") # => true # def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end # @!endgroup # @!group State accessors # Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS. # # @return [nil, Float] Always <tt>nil</tt> before you send SMS and if the SMS was not sent, always Float after successfull SMS transmission. # @example # client.balance #=> 20215.25 # def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server) # # @example # client.broadcast_id #=> 10000 # # @return [nil, Integer] # # @see #response_data # def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # SMS delivery status, as returned by the API # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS or if the request was rejected. Otherwise an <tt>Integer</tt> in the range of [-2..3] is returned. # @see List of available statuses at API documentation website # # Code | Name | Final? | Description # ----:|:--------------|:-------|:------------- # -2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса # -1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) # 0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере # 1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора # 2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается # 3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время # # @example # client.broadcast_status #=> 2 # # @see #sms_status # def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change). # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>Integer</tt> # @example # client.error_code #=> 122 # @see #error # @see #error_description # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end # Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS # # @return [nil, String] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>String</tt> # @example # client.error_description #=> "Пользователь временно блокирован (спорная ситуация)" # @see #error # @see #error_code # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end # Did the API reject your request to send that SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>false</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether your request to send an SMS was rejected. # @example # client.rejected? #=> false # def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end # Parses <tt>@response_body</tt> and memoizes result in <tt>@response_data</tt> # # @example # { # "balance" => "20006.97", # "cost" => "1.68", # "send" => [ # { # "phone" => "79021234567", # "price" => "1.68", # "server_id" => "10000", # "status" => "0" # } # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # @raise [JSON::ParserError] which is rescued in {#send_sms} # # @see #response_body # @see #response_headers # @see #response_status # def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end # Did the API block you # # Error code | Description # :---|:------------------ # 105 | из-за низкого баланса # 106 | за спам/ошибки # 107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном # 122 | спорная ситуация # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether the API has blocked you. # @example # client.sender_blocked? #=> false # @see #error # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end # The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB # # @return [nil, Float] # @example # client.sms_cost #=> 2.63 # def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # Has the SMS transmission been a success. # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to the result of SMS transmission. # @see #sms_status # @see #rejected? # @see #error # # @example # client.sms_sent? #=> true # def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end # @deprecated (in favor of {#broadcast_status}) # def sms_status broadcast_status end # URL generated by combining <tt>API_ENDPOINT</tt>, your API key, SMS text & phone # # @example # client.url #=> "" # # @return [nil, String] # def url @uri&.to_s end # @!endgroup # The URI we will send an HTTP request to # @private # # @example # build_uri("79021234567", "Hello, World!") # #=> #<URI::HTTPS…&format=json&send=Hello%2C+World%21&to=79021234567> # # @return [URI] # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @param [String] phone # @param [String] text # @param [nil, String] sender_name # # @see #api_key # @see #phone # @see #validate_phone! # @see #validate_message! # @see #validate_sender_name! # private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end # Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit. # # @private # @param [String] phone # @return [String] # # @example # normalize_phone("8 (902) 123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # normalize_phone("+7-902-123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end # Saves response details into instance variables # @private # # @return [response] # @raise [TypeError] unless a Net::HTTPResponse passed # private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end # @!group Validations # Validates api_key # # @private # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [String] api_key # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is not a String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is an empty String # private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end # Validates locale # # @private # @return [Symbol] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [Symbol] locale # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is not a Symbol # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is unrecognized # private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end # Validates message # @private # # @param [String] message # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end # Validates phone # @private # # @param [String] phone # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end # Validates sender name # @private # # @param [nil, String] sender_name # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty <tt>String</tt> # private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end # @!endgroup end |
#response_status ⇒ nil, Integer (readonly)
HTTP status of the request to the API. 200 in case of success.
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 69 class Client # Check current API endpoint URL at {} # API_ENDPOINT = "".freeze # Locale influences only the language of API errors # AVAILABLE_LOCALES = [:ru, :en].freeze REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT = "json".freeze REQUEST_CHARSET = "utf-8".freeze attr_reader :api_key attr_reader :error attr_reader :locale attr_reader :phone attr_reader :response_body attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_status # @param [String] api_key # @param [Symbol] locale # # @return [SmsPilot::Client] # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError] if you pass anything but a non-empty String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError] if you pass anything but <tt>:ru</tt> or <tt>:en</tt> # # @see Get your production API key here # @see Get your development API key here # @note Current development API key is <tt>"XXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ"</tt> # # @example # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"]) # client = ENV["SMS_PILOT_API_KEY"], locale: :en) # def initialize(api_key:, locale: AVAILABLE_LOCALES[0]) @api_key = validate_api_key!(api_key) @error = nil @locale = validate_locale!(locale) @response_status = nil @response_headers = {} @response_body = nil end # @!group Main # Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>true</tt> if the SMS has been sent, <tt>false</tt> otherwise # # @param [String] phone The phone to send the SMS to. In free-form, will be sanitized. # @param [String] message The text of your message. # @param [nil, String] sender_name Must be registered in your SMS Pilot member area # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty String # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @example # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!") # => true # client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Здарова бандиты", "ФССПРФ") # => true # def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end # @!endgroup # @!group State accessors # Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS. # # @return [nil, Float] Always <tt>nil</tt> before you send SMS and if the SMS was not sent, always Float after successfull SMS transmission. # @example # client.balance #=> 20215.25 # def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server) # # @example # client.broadcast_id #=> 10000 # # @return [nil, Integer] # # @see #response_data # def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # SMS delivery status, as returned by the API # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS or if the request was rejected. Otherwise an <tt>Integer</tt> in the range of [-2..3] is returned. # @see List of available statuses at API documentation website # # Code | Name | Final? | Description # ----:|:--------------|:-------|:------------- # -2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса # -1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) # 0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере # 1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора # 2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается # 3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время # # @example # client.broadcast_status #=> 2 # # @see #sms_status # def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end # Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change). # # @return [nil, Integer] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>Integer</tt> # @example # client.error_code #=> 122 # @see #error # @see #error_description # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end # Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS # # @return [nil, String] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise <tt>String</tt> # @example # client.error_description #=> "Пользователь временно блокирован (спорная ситуация)" # @see #error # @see #error_code # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end # Did the API reject your request to send that SMS # # @return [Boolean] <tt>false</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether your request to send an SMS was rejected. # @example # client.rejected? #=> false # def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end # Parses <tt>@response_body</tt> and memoizes result in <tt>@response_data</tt> # # @example # { # "balance" => "20006.97", # "cost" => "1.68", # "send" => [ # { # "phone" => "79021234567", # "price" => "1.68", # "server_id" => "10000", # "status" => "0" # } # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # @raise [JSON::ParserError] which is rescued in {#send_sms} # # @see #response_body # @see #response_headers # @see #response_status # def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end # Did the API block you # # Error code | Description # :---|:------------------ # 105 | из-за низкого баланса # 106 | за спам/ошибки # 107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном # 122 | спорная ситуация # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to whether the API has blocked you. # @example # client.sender_blocked? #=> false # @see #error # @see Error codes at the API documentation website # def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end # The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB # # @return [nil, Float] # @example # client.sms_cost #=> 2.63 # def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end # Has the SMS transmission been a success. # # @return [Boolean] <tt>nil</tt> is returned before sending SMS. Otherwise the <tt>Boolean</tt> corresponds to the result of SMS transmission. # @see #sms_status # @see #rejected? # @see #error # # @example # client.sms_sent? #=> true # def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end # @deprecated (in favor of {#broadcast_status}) # def sms_status broadcast_status end # URL generated by combining <tt>API_ENDPOINT</tt>, your API key, SMS text & phone # # @example # client.url #=> "" # # @return [nil, String] # def url @uri&.to_s end # @!endgroup # The URI we will send an HTTP request to # @private # # @example # build_uri("79021234567", "Hello, World!") # #=> #<URI::HTTPS…&format=json&send=Hello%2C+World%21&to=79021234567> # # @return [URI] # @raise [URI::InvalidURIError] but is almost impossible, because we provide the URL ourselves # # @param [String] phone # @param [String] text # @param [nil, String] sender_name # # @see #api_key # @see #phone # @see #validate_phone! # @see #validate_message! # @see #validate_sender_name! # private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end # Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit. # # @private # @param [String] phone # @return [String] # # @example # normalize_phone("8 (902) 123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # normalize_phone("+7-902-123-45-67") #=> 79021234567 # private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end # Saves response details into instance variables # @private # # @return [response] # @raise [TypeError] unless a Net::HTTPResponse passed # private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end # @!group Validations # Validates api_key # # @private # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [String] api_key # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is not a String # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if api_key is an empty String # private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end # Validates locale # # @private # @return [Symbol] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # @param [Symbol] locale # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is not a Symbol # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidError] if locale is unrecognized # private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end # Validates message # @private # # @param [String] message # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>message</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError] if your message is empty # private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end # Validates phone # @private # # @param [String] phone # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if you pass anythig but a String with the <tt>phone</tt> argument # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone is empty # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError] if your phone has no digits # private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end # Validates sender name # @private # # @param [nil, String] sender_name # @return [String] the original value passed into the method, only if it was valid # # @raise [SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError] if you pass anything but <tt>nil</tt> or non-empty <tt>String</tt> # private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end # @!endgroup end |
Instance Method Details
#balance ⇒ nil, Float
Your current balance, remaining after sending that latest SMS.
175 176 177 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 175 def balance response_data["balance"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end |
#broadcast_id ⇒ nil, Integer
SMS broadcast ID (API documentation calls it “server ID” but it makes no sense, as it is clearly the ID of the transmission, not of a server)
189 190 191 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 189 def broadcast_id @response_data.dig("send", 0, "server_id")&.to_i if sms_sent? end |
#broadcast_status ⇒ nil, Integer
SMS delivery status, as returned by the API
Code | Name | Final? | Description |
-2 | Ошибка | Да | Ошибка, неправильные параметры запроса |
-1 | Не доставлено | Да | Сообщение не доставлено (не в сети, заблокирован, не взял трубку), PING — не в сети, HLR — не обслуживается (заблокирован) |
0 | Новое | Нет | Новое сообщение/запрос, ожидает обработки у нас на сервере |
1 | В очереди | Нет | Сообщение или запрос ожидают отправки на сервере оператора |
2 | Доставлено | Да | Доставлено, звонок совершен, PING — в сети, HLR — обслуживается |
3 | Отложено | Нет | Отложенная отправка, отправка сообщения/запроса запланирована на другое время |
213 214 215 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 213 def broadcast_status @response_data.dig("send", 0, "status")&.to_i if sms_sent? end |
#build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) ⇒ URI (private)
The URI we will send an HTTP request to
375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 375 private def build_uri(phone, text, sender_name) attributes = { apikey: @api_key, charset: REQUEST_CHARSET, format: REQUEST_ACCEPT_FORMAT, lang: @locale, send: text, to: phone } attributes = attributes.merge({ sender: sender_name }) if sender_name URI.parse(API_ENDPOINT).tap do |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(attributes) end end |
#error_code ⇒ nil, Integer
Numerical code of the error that occured when sending the SMS. In the range from 0 to 715 (which may change).
227 228 229 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 227 def error_code @response_data.dig("error", "code")&.to_i if rejected? end |
#error_description ⇒ nil, String
Description of the error that occured when sending the SMS
241 242 243 244 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 241 def error_description method_name = (@locale == :ru) ? "description_ru" : "description" @response_data.dig("error", method_name) if rejected? end |
#normalize_phone(phone) ⇒ String (private)
Cleans up your phone from anything but digits. Also replaces 8 to 7 if it is the first digit.
404 405 406 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 404 private def normalize_phone(phone) phone.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').sub(/^8/, '7').gsub('+7', '8') end |
#persist_response_details(response) ⇒ response (private)
Saves response details into instance variables
415 416 417 418 419 420 421 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 415 private def persist_response_details(response) fail TypeError, "Net::HTTPResponse expected, you pass a #{response.class}" unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPResponse @response_body = response.body @response_status = response.code.to_i @response_headers = response.each_capitalized.to_h response end |
#rejected? ⇒ Boolean
Did the API reject your request to send that SMS
253 254 255 256 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 253 def rejected? return false if sms_sent? response_data["error"].is_a? Hash end |
#response_data ⇒ Hash
Parses @response_body and memoizes result in @response_data
282 283 284 285 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 282 def response_data return {} unless @response_body @response_data ||= JSON.parse @response_body end |
#send_sms(phone, message, sender_name = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Send HTTP request to the API to ask them to transmit your SMS
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 138 def send_sms(phone, , sender_name = nil) validate_phone! phone validate_sender_name! sender_name @phone = normalize_phone(phone) @uri = build_uri(@phone, , sender_name) response = persist_response_details Net::HTTP.get_response(@uri) @error = "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}" and return false unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error = "#{error_description} (error code: #{error_code})" and return false if rejected? true rescue JSON::ParserError => error @error = "API returned invalid JSON. #{error.}" return false rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error @error = error. return false end |
#sender_blocked? ⇒ Boolean
Did the API block you
Error code | Description |
105 | из-за низкого баланса |
106 | за спам/ошибки |
107 | за недостоверные учетные данные / недоступна эл. почта / проблемы с телефоном |
122 | спорная ситуация |
303 304 305 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 303 def sender_blocked? [105, 106, 107, 122].include? error_code end |
#sms_cost ⇒ nil, Float
The cost of the SMS that has just been sent, in RUB
314 315 316 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 314 def sms_cost response_data["cost"]&.to_f if sms_sent? end |
#sms_sent? ⇒ Boolean
Has the SMS transmission been a success.
329 330 331 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 329 def sms_sent? response_data["send"] != nil end |
#sms_status ⇒ Object
(in favor of #broadcast_status)
336 337 338 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 336 def sms_status broadcast_status end |
#url ⇒ nil, String
URL generated by combining API_ENDPOINT, your API key, SMS text & phone
348 349 350 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 348 def url @uri&.to_s end |
#validate_api_key!(api_key) ⇒ String (private)
Validates api_key
435 436 437 438 439 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 435 private def validate_api_key!(api_key) fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key must be a String, you pass a #{api_key.class} (#{api_key})" unless api_key.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidAPIkeyError, "API key cannot be empty" if api_key == "" return api_key end |
#validate_locale!(locale) ⇒ Symbol (private)
Validates locale
451 452 453 454 455 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 451 private def validate_locale!(locale) fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "locale must be a Symbol" unless locale.is_a? Symbol fail SmsPilot::InvalidLocaleError, "API does not support locale :#{locale}; choose one of #{AVAILABLE_LOCALES.inspect}" unless AVAILABLE_LOCALES.include? locale return locale end |
#validate_message!(message) ⇒ String (private)
Validates message
467 468 469 470 471 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 467 private def () fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message must be a String, you pass a #{ .class} (#{ })" unless .is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidMessageError, "SMS message cannot be empty" if == "" end |
#validate_phone!(phone) ⇒ String (private)
Validates phone
484 485 486 487 488 489 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 484 private def validate_phone!(phone) fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must be a String, you pass a #{phone.class} (#{phone})" unless phone.is_a? String fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone cannot be empty" if phone == "" fail SmsPilot::InvalidPhoneError, "phone must contain digits" if phone.scan(/\d/).none? phone end |
#validate_sender_name!(sender_name) ⇒ String (private)
Validates sender name
500 501 502 503 504 |
# File 'lib/sms_pilot/client.rb', line 500 private def validate_sender_name!(sender_name) fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name must be either nil or String" unless [NilClass, String].include? sender_name.class fail SmsPilot::InvalidSenderNameError, "sender name cannot be empty" if sender_name == "" sender_name end |