Class: AIXM::Feature::NavigationalAid::TACAN

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TACAN (tactical air navigation system) are military systems which also provide DME service to civilian aircraft and therefore operate in the frequency band between 960 MHz and 1215 MHz.

Cheat Sheet in Pseudo Code:

tacan = AIXM.tacan(
  source: String or nil
  region: String or nil
  organisation: AIXM.organisation
  id: String
  name: String
  xy: AIXM.xy
  z: AIXM.z or nil
  channel: String   # either set channel directly
  ghost_f: AIXM.f   # or set channel via VOR ghost frequency
tacan.timetable = AIXM.timetable or nil
tacan.remarks = String or nil
tacan.comment = Object or nil

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from DME


Constants inherited from AIXM::Feature


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from DME


Attributes inherited from AIXM::Feature::NavigationalAid

#id, #name, #xy, #z

Attributes included from Concerns::Remarks


Attributes included from Concerns::Timetable


Attributes inherited from AIXM::Feature

#comment, #region, #source

Attributes inherited from Component


Method Summary

Methods inherited from DME

#ghost_f, #ghost_f=, #initialize, #vor

Methods inherited from AIXM::Feature::NavigationalAid

#initialize, #inspect, #kind, #organisation

Methods inherited from AIXM::Feature

#==, #hash, #initialize

Methods included from Concerns::HashEquality

#eql?, #hash

Methods included from Concerns::XMLBuilder

#build_fragment, #to_uid, #to_xml

Methods included from Concerns::Memoize


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from AIXM::Feature::NavigationalAid::DME