Class: AWS::Flow::ActivityDefaults

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Defaults for the ActivityOptions class.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Defaults


Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class AWS::Flow::Defaults

Instance Method Details


# File 'lib/aws/decider/options.rb', line 588

def data_converter; FlowConstants.default_data_converter; end


The default maximum time, in seconds, before which a worker processing a task of this type must report progress. If the timeout is exceeded, the activity task is automatically timed out. If the worker subsequently attempts to record a heartbeat or returns a result, it will be ignored.

This default can be overridden when scheduling an activity task. You can set this value to “NONE” to imply no timeout value.

# File 'lib/aws/decider/options.rb', line 586

def default_task_heartbeat_timeout; Float::INFINITY; end


The default schedule-to-close timeout for activity tasks. This timeout represents the time, in seconds, between when the activity task is first scheduled to when it is closed (whether due to success, failure, or a timeout).

This default can be overridden when scheduling an activity task. You can set this value to “NONE” to imply no timeout value.

# File 'lib/aws/decider/options.rb', line 568

def default_task_schedule_to_close_timeout;  Float::INFINITY; end


The default schedule-to-start timeout for activity tasks. This timeout represents the time, in seconds, between when the activity task is first scheduled to when it is started.

This default can be overridden when scheduling an activity task. You can set this value to “NONE” to imply no timeout value.

# File 'lib/aws/decider/options.rb', line 559

def default_task_schedule_to_start_timeout; Float::INFINITY; end


The default start-to-close timeout for activity tasks. This timeout represents the time, in seconds, between when the activity task is first started to when it is closed (whether due to success, failure, or a timeout).

This default can be overridden when scheduling an activity task. You can set this value to “NONE” to imply no timeout value.

# File 'lib/aws/decider/options.rb', line 577

def default_task_start_to_close_timeout; Float::INFINITY; end