Module: BatchExperiment
- Defined in:
- lib/batch_experiment.rb,
The main module, the two main utility methods offered are ::batch and ::experiment.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Extractor, FirstLineExtractor, FnameSanitizer, UKP5Extractor Classes: ColumnSpecError, Comm2FnameConverter, PyaExtractor
Class Method Summary collapse
.batch(commands, conf) ⇒ Array<String>
Execute a list of sh commands, one per specified core, kill them if the timeout expires, when a command ends (naturally or by timeout) put the next on the freed core, save all commands output to files.
.experiment(comms_info, batch_conf, conf, files) ⇒ NilClass, Array<String>
Uses ::batch to execute N commands over M files Q times for each command/file, save their output, inspect their output using provided extractors, save the extracted data in a CSV file; easier to understand seeing the sample_batch.rb example in action.
Class Method Details
.batch(commands, conf) ⇒ Array<String>
If the same command is executed over the same file more than one time, then any run besides the first will have a numeric suffix. Example: “sleep 1” -> “sleep_1.out”, “sleep 1” -> “sleep_1.2.out”. For more info see the parameter conf’s :fname_sanitizer, and its default value
This procedure makes use of the following linux commands: time (not the bash internal one, but the package one, i.e.; timeout (from coreutils); taskset (from util-linux,; sh (the shell).
The command is executed inside a call to “sh -c command”, so it has to be a valid sh command.
The output of the command “time -f conf’s :time_fmt” will be appended to the ‘.out’ file of every command. If you set conf’s :time_fmt to an empty string only a newline will be appended.
Execute a list of sh commands, one per specified core, kill them if the timeout expires, when a command ends (naturally or by timeout) put the next on the freed core, save all commands output to files.
The output filenames are derived from the commands. The ones with ‘.out’ are the ones with the command standard output. The analogue is valid for ‘.err’ and standard error. Right before starting a command, a ‘.unfinished’ file is created. After the command ends its execution this file is removed. If the command ends its execution by means of a timeout the file is also removed. The file only remains if the batch procedure is interrupted (script was killed, or system crashed). This ‘.unfinished’ file will contain the process pid, if the corresponding process started with success.
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# File 'lib/batch_experiment.rb', line 179 def self.batch(commands, conf) # Throw exceptions if required configurations aren't provided. if !conf[:cpus_available] then fail ArgumentError, 'conf[:cpus_available] not set' end fail ArgumentError, 'conf[:timeout] not set' unless conf[:timeout] # Initialize optional configurations with default values if they weren't # provided. Don't change the conf argument, only our version of conf. conf = conf.clone conf[:time_fmt] ||= 'ext_time: %e\\next_mem: %M\\n' conf[:unfinished_ext] ||= '.unfinished' conf[:out_ext] ||= '.out' conf[:err_ext] ||= '.err' conf[:busy_loop_sleep] ||= 0.1 conf[:post_timeout] ||= 5 conf[:converter] ||= conf[:skip_done_comms] = true if conf[:skip_done_comms].nil? conf[:cwd] ||= './' conf[:output_dir] ||= './' # Initialize main variables free_cpus = conf[:cpus_available].clone comms_running = [] cpu = nil comms_executed = [] commands.each do | command | commfname = conf[:converter].call(command) out_fname = conf[:output_dir] + commfname + conf[:out_ext] err_fname = conf[:output_dir] + commfname + conf[:err_ext] lockfname = conf[:output_dir] + commfname + conf[:unfinished_ext] if conf[:skip_done_comms] && File.exists?(out_fname) if File.exists?(lockfname) puts "Found file #{out_fname}, but a #{lockfname} also exists:" puts "Will execute command '#{command}' anyway." else puts "Found file #{commfname}, skipping command: #{command}" STDOUT.flush next end end puts "Waiting to execute command: #{command}" STDOUT.flush while free_cpus.empty? do sleep conf[:busy_loop_sleep] update_finished(free_cpus, comms_running, comms_executed) end cpu = free_cpus.pop cproc = 'taskset', '-c', cpu.to_s, 'time', '-f', conf[:time_fmt], '--append', '-o', out_fname, 'timeout', '--preserve-status', '-k', "#{conf[:post_timeout]}s", "#{conf[:timeout]}s", 'sh', '-c', command ) cproc.cwd = conf[:cwd], 'w') {} # empty on purpose out =, 'w') err =, 'w') = out = err cproc.start comms_running << { proc: cproc, cpu: cpu, lockfname: lockfname, command: command } # The lock file now stores the process pid for debug reasons., 'w') { | f | f.write } puts "command assigned to cpu#{cpu}" STDOUT.flush end until comms_running.empty? do sleep conf[:busy_loop_sleep] update_finished(free_cpus, comms_running, comms_executed) end comms_executed end |
.experiment(comms_info, batch_conf, conf, files) ⇒ NilClass, Array<String>
Uses ::batch to execute N commands over M files Q times for each command/file, save their output, inspect their output using provided extractors, save the extracted data in a CSV file; easier to understand seeing the sample_batch.rb example in action.
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# File 'lib/batch_experiment.rb', line 418 def self.experiment(comms_info, batch_conf, conf, files) # Throw exceptions if required configurations aren't provided. fail 'conf[:csvfname] is not defined' unless conf[:csvfname] # Initialize optional configurations with default values if they weren't # provided. Don't change the conf argument, only our version of conf. conf = conf.clone conf[:separator] ||= ';' conf[:qt_runs] ||= 1 conf[:comms_order] ||= :by_comm conf[:rng] ||= #conf[:skip_commands] defaults to false/nil # Get some of the batch config that we use inside here too. out_ext = batch_conf[:out_ext] || '.out' unfinished_ext = batch_conf[:unfinished_ext] || '.unfinished' output_dir = batch_conf[:output_dir] || './' converter = batch_conf[:converter].clone unless batch_conf[:converter].nil? converter ||= # Expand all commands, combining command templates and files. comms_sets = [] comms_info.each do | comm_info | comms_sets << gencommff(comm_info, files) end = { | h | h.keys } # If each command should be run more than once... if conf[:qt_runs] > 1 # ... we replace each single command by an array of qt_runs copies, # and then flatten the parent array. .map! do | a |! { | c |[:qt_runs], c) }.flatten! end end # At this moment the expanded_comms is an array of arrays, each internal # array has all the expanded commands of the one single command template # over all the files. # After the code block below, the expanded_comms will be an one-level array # of the expanded commands, in the order they will be executed. = case conf[:comms_order] when :by_comm # all runs of the first command template first .flatten! when :by_file # all runs over the first file first intercalate() when :random # a random order .flatten!.shuffle!(random: conf[:rng]) end # Execute the commands (or not). ret = batch(, batch_conf) unless conf[:skip_commands] # Build header (first csv line, column names). header = ['algorithm', 'filename', 'run_number'] header << merge_headers( { | c | c[:extractor].names }) header = header.join(conf[:separator]) # We need to merge the union of all comms_sets to query it. comm2origin = {} comms_sets.each do | h | comm2origin.merge!(h) do | k, v, v2 | puts "WARNING: The command expansion '#{k}' was generated more than once. The first time was by the template '#{v[:comm]}' and the file '#{v[:file]}', and this time by template '#{v2[:comm]}' and the file '#{v2[:file]}'. Will report on CSV as this command was generated by the template '#{v[:comm]}' and the file '#{v[:file]}'." v end end # Build body (inspect all output files and make csv lines). # # Body format: algorithm;filename;run_number;first extracted column; ... # # This means that the extractors have to agree on what is each column, two # different extractors have to extract the same kind of data at each column # (the first field returned by all extractors has to be, for example, cpu # time, the same applies for the remaining fields). # If one extractor extract more fields than the others this is not a # problem, if the second biggest extractor (in number of fields extract) # will extract, for example, 4 fields, and the biggest extract 6 fields, # the first 4 fields extracted by the biggest extractor have to be the same # as the ones on the second-biggest extractor. This way, all the lines will # have the kind of data on the first four columns (not counting the # algorithm, filename and run_number ones), and only lines provenient from # the biggest extractor will have data on the fifth and sixth columns. body = [header] times_found = {} .each do | exp_comm | run_info = comm2origin[exp_comm] algorithm = run_info[:comm_info][:prefix] filename = run_info[:filename] times_found[exp_comm] ||= 0 times_found[exp_comm] += 1 run_number = times_found[exp_comm] curr_line = [algorithm, filename, run_number] partial_fname = out_fname = output_dir + partial_fname + out_ext lockfname = output_dir + partial_fname + unfinished_ext extractor = run_info[:comm_info][:extractor] if File.exists?(out_fname) if File.exists?(lockfname) puts "Ignored file '#{out_fname}' because there was a" + " '#{lockfname}' file too." else f_content =, 'r') { | f | } curr_line << extractor.extract(f_content) end end body << curr_line.join(conf[:separator]) end body = body.join(conf[:separator] + "\n") # Write CSV data into a CSV file.[:csvfname], 'w') { | f | f.write(body) } return ret end |