Module: CacheWagon::Helpers::ViewHelpers

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Instance Method Details

#cacheable_time_ago_in_words(date_with_timezone, include_seconds = false) ⇒ Object

A cacheable version of ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper.time_ago_in_words Instead of outputting a string of how long ago an event took place, this will output a span, with the date specified, as localized with the :short format. The UTC-timestamp will be added as a HTML5 attribute to the span, along with the include_seconds option. When the client-side javascript runs, it will replace the date, with a similar string of how long ago the event took place.

Example: cacheable_time_ago_in_words( - 2 minutes) # => <span class=“time_ago_in_words” data-timestamp=“Mon Jul 18 12:21:12 UTC 2011” data-include-seconds=“false”>18 Jul 14:21</span> Which will be replaced by the client-side javascript with: <span class=“time_ago_in_words” data-timestamp=“Mon Jul 18 12:22:11 UTC 2011” data-include-seconds=“false”>2 minutes ago</span>

# File 'lib/cache_wagon/helpers/view_helpers.rb', line 11

def cacheable_time_ago_in_words(date_with_timezone, include_seconds = false)
  "<span class=\"time_ago_in_words\" data-timestamp=\"#{date_with_timezone.utc}\" data-include-seconds=\"#{include_seconds}\">#{I18n.l(date_with_timezone, :format => :short)}</span>".html_safe