Class: Trie
- Inherits:
- Object
- Trie
- Defined in:
- ext/trie/trie.c,
A key-value data structure for string keys which is efficient memory usage and fast retrieval time.
Class Method Summary collapse
.read(filename_base) ⇒ Trie
Returns a new trie with data as read from disk.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add(args) ⇒ Object
Add a key, or a key and value to the Trie.
#children(prefix) ⇒ Array
Finds all keys in the Trie beginning with the given prefix.
#children_with_values(key) ⇒ Array
Finds all keys with their respective values in the Trie beginning with the given prefix.
#delete(key) ⇒ Object
Delete a key from the Trie.
#get(key) ⇒ Object
Retrieves the value for a particular key (or nil) from the Trie.
- #has_children?(prefix) ⇒ Boolean
#has_key?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Determines whether or not a key exists in the Trie.
#root ⇒ TrieNode
Returns a TrieNode representing the root of the Trie.
#save(filename_base) ⇒ true
Saves the trie data to two files, filename_base.da and filename_base.tail.
Class Method Details
.read(filename_base) ⇒ Trie
Returns a new trie with data as read from disk.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 33
static VALUE rb_trie_read(VALUE self, VALUE filename_base) {
VALUE da_filename = rb_str_dup(filename_base);
rb_str_concat(da_filename, rb_str_new2(".da"));
VALUE tail_filename = rb_str_dup(filename_base);
rb_str_concat(tail_filename, rb_str_new2(".tail"));
Trie *trie = trie_new();
VALUE obj;
obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(self, 0, trie_free, trie);
DArray *old_da = trie->da;
Tail *old_tail = trie->tail;
FILE *da_file = fopen(RSTRING_PTR(da_filename), "r");
if (da_file == NULL)
raise_ioerror("Error reading .da file.");
trie->da = da_read(da_file);
FILE *tail_file = fopen(RSTRING_PTR(tail_filename), "r");
if (tail_file == NULL)
raise_ioerror("Error reading .tail file.");
trie->tail = tail_read(tail_file);
return obj;
Instance Method Details
#add(key) ⇒ Object #add(key, value) ⇒ Object
Add a key, or a key and value to the Trie. If you add a key without a value it assumes true for the value.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 119
static VALUE rb_trie_add(VALUE self, VALUE args) {
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
int size = RARRAY_LEN(args);
if(size < 1 || size > 2)
return Qnil;
VALUE key;
key = RARRAY_PTR(args)[0];
TrieData value = size == 2 ? RARRAY_PTR(args)[1] : TRIE_DATA_ERROR;
if(trie_store(trie, (TrieChar*)RSTRING_PTR(key), value))
return Qtrue;
return Qnil;
#children(prefix) ⇒ Array
Finds all keys in the Trie beginning with the given prefix.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 202
static VALUE rb_trie_children(VALUE self, VALUE prefix) {
return rb_ary_new();
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
int prefix_size = RSTRING_LEN(prefix);
TrieState *state = trie_root(trie);
VALUE children = rb_ary_new();
TrieChar *char_prefix = (TrieChar*)RSTRING_PTR(prefix);
if(!traverse(state, char_prefix)) {
return children;
rb_ary_push(children, prefix);
char prefix_buffer[1024];
memcpy(prefix_buffer, char_prefix, prefix_size);
prefix_buffer[prefix_size] = 0;
walk_all_paths(trie, children, state, prefix_buffer, prefix_size);
return children;
#children_with_values(key) ⇒ Array
Finds all keys with their respective values in the Trie beginning with the given prefix.
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 |
# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 334
static VALUE rb_trie_children_with_values(VALUE self, VALUE prefix) {
return rb_ary_new();
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
int prefix_size = RSTRING_LEN(prefix);
TrieChar *char_prefix = (TrieChar*)RSTRING_PTR(prefix);
VALUE children = rb_ary_new();
TrieState *state = trie_root(trie);
if(!traverse(state, char_prefix)) {
return children;
if(trie_state_is_terminal(state)) {
TrieState *end_state = trie_state_clone(state);
trie_state_walk(end_state, '\0');
VALUE tuple = rb_ary_new();
rb_ary_push(tuple, prefix);
TrieData trie_data = trie_state_get_data(end_state);
rb_ary_push(tuple, (VALUE)trie_data);
rb_ary_push(children, tuple);
char prefix_buffer[1024];
memcpy(prefix_buffer, char_prefix, prefix_size);
prefix_buffer[prefix_size] = 0;
walk_all_paths_with_values(trie, children, state, prefix_buffer, prefix_size);
return children;
#delete(key) ⇒ Object
Delete a key from the Trie. Returns true if it deleted a key, nil otherwise.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 146
static VALUE rb_trie_delete(VALUE self, VALUE key) {
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
if(trie_delete(trie, (TrieChar*)RSTRING_PTR(key)))
return Qtrue;
return Qnil;
#get(key) ⇒ Object
Retrieves the value for a particular key (or nil) from the Trie.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 98
static VALUE rb_trie_get(VALUE self, VALUE key) {
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
TrieData data;
if(trie_retrieve(trie, (TrieChar*)RSTRING_PTR(key), &data))
return (VALUE)data;
return Qnil;
#has_children?(prefix) ⇒ Boolean
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 262
static VALUE rb_trie_has_children(VALUE self, VALUE prefix) {
return rb_ary_new();
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
int prefix_size = RSTRING_LEN(prefix);
TrieState *state = trie_root(trie);
TrieChar *char_prefix = (TrieChar*)RSTRING_PTR(prefix);
if(!traverse(state, char_prefix)) {
return Qfalse;
return Qtrue;
char prefix_buffer[1024];
memcpy(prefix_buffer, char_prefix, prefix_size);
prefix_buffer[prefix_size] = 0;
Bool ret = walk_all_paths_until_first_terminal(trie, state, prefix_buffer, prefix_size);
return ret == TRUE ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
#has_key?(key) ⇒ Boolean
Determines whether or not a key exists in the Trie. Use this if you don’t care about the value, as it is marginally faster than Trie#get.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 78
static VALUE rb_trie_has_key(VALUE self, VALUE key) {
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
if(trie_has_key(trie, (TrieChar*)RSTRING_PTR(key)))
return Qtrue;
return Qnil;
#root ⇒ TrieNode
Returns a TrieNode representing the root of the Trie.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 386
static VALUE rb_trie_root(VALUE self) {
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
VALUE trie_node = rb_trie_node_alloc(cTrieNode);
TrieState *state = trie_root(trie);
RDATA(trie_node)->data = state;
rb_iv_set(trie_node, "@state", Qnil);
rb_iv_set(trie_node, "@full_state", rb_str_new2(""));
return trie_node;
#save(filename_base) ⇒ true
Saves the trie data to two files, filename_base.da and filename_base.tail. Returns true if saving was successful.
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# File 'ext/trie/trie.c', line 567
static VALUE rb_trie_save(VALUE self, VALUE filename_base) {
VALUE da_filename = rb_str_dup(filename_base);
rb_str_concat(da_filename, rb_str_new2(".da"));
VALUE tail_filename = rb_str_dup(filename_base);
rb_str_concat(tail_filename, rb_str_new2(".tail"));
Trie *trie;
Data_Get_Struct(self, Trie, trie);
FILE *da_file = fopen(RSTRING_PTR(da_filename), "w");
if (da_file == NULL)
raise_ioerror("Error opening .da file for writing.");
if (da_write(trie->da, da_file) != 0)
raise_ioerror("Error writing DArray data.");
FILE *tail_file = fopen(RSTRING_PTR(tail_filename), "w");
if (tail_file == NULL)
raise_ioerror("Error opening .tail file for writing.");
if (tail_write(trie->tail, tail_file) != 0)
raise_ioerror("Error writing Tail data.");
return Qtrue;