Module: Forme::Rails::ERB

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#forme(obj = nil, attr = {}, opts = {}, &block) ⇒ Object

Create a Form object and yield it to the block, injecting the opening form tag before yielding and the closing form tag after yielding.

Argument Handling:

No args

Creates a Form object with no options and not associated to an obj, and with no attributes in the opening tag.

1 hash arg

Treated as opening form tag attributes, creating a Form object with no options.

1 non-hash arg

Treated as the Form‘s obj, with empty options and no attributes in the opening tag.

2 hash args

First hash is opening attributes, second hash is Form options.

1 non-hash arg, 1-2 hash args

First argument is Form‘s obj, second is opening attributes, third if provided is Form’s options.

# File 'lib/forme/rails.rb', line 113

def forme(obj=nil, attr={}, opts={}, &block)
  h = {:template=>self, :hidden_tags=>Forme::Rails::HIDDEN_TAGS}
  (obj.is_a?(Hash) ? attr = attr.merge(h) : opts = opts.merge(h))
  Form.form(obj, attr, opts, &block)