Module: It::Helper

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The helper will be available in the views.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#it(identifier, options = {}) ⇒ Object

This helper method works just like t (or translate for long), but it allows to insert tags like links or spans in the result. The content of these tags can be written in line with the rest of the translation. Unless you need this functionality, use the normal t method, which is faster.

Like for normal translations, you specify interpolations with %{ at the beginning and with } at the end. The new element is the :, which separates the name from the argument of this interpolation.

# translation: "Already signed up? %{login_link:Sign in}!"

<%=it("translation", :login_link =>

If your link doesn’t require additional attributes and the name is link, starts with link_ or ends with _link, you may specify the argument as a String or your helper.

# translation: "Already signed up? %{login_link:Sign in}!"

<%=it("translation", :login_link => login_path)

You may have as many tags inside of one translation as you like, and you even may nest them into each other. Also you may specify arguments to links and other tags.

# translation: "The top contributor of %{wiki_link:our wiki} is currently %{user_link:%{b:%{name}}}. Thanks a lot, %{name}!"

<%= it("translation", :wiki_link => wiki_path, :name =>, :b => It.tag(:b, :class => "user"), :user_link =>, :target => "_blank"))

I recommend to limit the use of it as much as possible. You could use it for <div> or <br />, but I think, things seperated over multiple lines should go into different translations. Use it for inline tags like links, <span>, <b>, <i>, <em> or <strong>.

It’s currently not possible to specify your links as an Hash. Use the url_for helper, if you want to specify your link target as an Hash.

If you need to use it outside of your views, use

# File 'lib/it/helper.rb', line 41

def it(identifier, options = {})
  options.stringify_keys!, :locale => options["locale"]), options).process