Module: Searchlogic::CoreExt::Object

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Contains extensions for the Object class that Searchlogic uses.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#searchlogic_lambda(type = :string, &block) ⇒ Object

Searchlogic needs to know the expected type of the condition value so that it can properly cast the value in the Searchlogic::Search object. For example:

search = => "1")

You would expect this:

search.id_gt => 1

Not this:

search.id_gt => "1"

Parameter values from forms are ALWAYS strings, so we have to cast them. Just like ActiveRecord does when you instantiate a new User object.

The problem is that ruby has no variable types, so Searchlogic needs to know what type you are expecting for your named scope. So instead of this:

named_scope :id_gt, lambda { |value| {:conditions => ["id > ?", value]} }

You need to do this:

named_scope :id_gt, searchlogic_lambda(:integer) { |value| {:conditions => ["id > ?", value]} }

If you are wanting a string, you don’t have to do anything, because Searchlogic assumes you want a string. If you want something else, you need to specify it as I did in the above example. Comments are appreciated on this, if you know of a better solution please let me know. But this is the best I could come up with, without being intrusive and altering default behavior.

# File 'lib/searchlogic/core_ext/object.rb', line 34

def searchlogic_lambda(type = :string, &block)
  proc = lambda(&block)
  proc.searchlogic_arg_type = type