Module: PreciousCargo

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Public: PreciousCargo encapsulates a specific best practice when encrypting large (or small) amounts of data, normally to transmit over the wire via a web service.

PK encryption is typically the preferred encryption method, but it suffers from the limitation that the size of data being encrypted cannot exceed the key size. To get around this approach, yet still take advantage of the excellent encryption method, the data is first encrypted with AES encryption using a secret passphrase. The secret passphrase is then encrypted using the public key from an RSA keychain and both the encrypted secret and encrypted data are sent together as part of the same payload to the client.

The client decrypts the encrypted secret with their private key from the RSA key pair, then uses the decrypted secret to decrypt the AES encrypted data.

The PreciousCargo module, therefore, provides convenience methods to encapsulate these multi-step encryption and decryption processes. Though it is possible to use a “shared secret” to encrypt the data, for extra security the encrypt method will generate a random secret passphrase if one is not explicitly provided.


With an auto-generated secret (the preferred method): #=> { :encrypted_data => [Base64 encoded string of encrypted data], :encrypted_secret => [Base64 encoded string of the encrypted secret] }

PreciousCargo.decrypt!([Base64 encoded string of encrypted data], :keypair => @keypair, :encrypted_secret => [Base64 encoded string of the encrypted secret]) #=> “This is my precious cargo.”

With a supplied secret: #=> => [Base64 encoded string of encrypted data], :encrypted_secret => [Base64 encoded string of the encrypted secret]

PreciousCargo.decrypt!([Base64 encoded string of encrypted data], :keypair => @keypair, :encrypted_secret => [Base64 encoded string of the encrypted secret]) #=> “This is my precious cargo.”

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Data, Secret

Constant Summary collapse


Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.decrypt!(data, options = {}) ⇒ Object

Public: Decrypt the supplied Base64 encoded encrypted data using the supplied Base64 encoded encrypted secret. The secret is first decrypted using the supplied RSA key pair object and is then used to decrypt the AES encrypted data. Optionally if the secret is known and shared, it can be supplied in lieu of the encrypted secret (though it rather defeats the purpose of this gem and may be removed at a later date).

options - Hash of values used to decrypt the secret.

:encrypted_secret - A Base64 encoded, RSA encrypted secret string.
:keypair          - The RSA key pair object used to decrypt the secret.
:secret           - Optional. A plaintext shared secret.

Returns the decrypted secret.

# File 'lib/precious_cargo.rb', line 74

def decrypt!(data, options = {})
  unless options.has_key?(:secret)
    options[:secret] = PreciousCargo::Secret.decrypt!(options)

  PreciousCargo::Data.decrypt!(data, options)

.encrypt!(data, options = {}) ⇒ Object

Public: Encrypt the supplied data using ASES encryption with a secret pass phrase. The secret will also be encrypted using an RSA public key object. If a secret is not supplied, then a random secret is generated. It is generally better to randomly generate a secret every time you encrypt your precious cargo.

data - The data to be encrypted. options - Hash of values used to encrypt the data.

:secret     - Optional. A secret string. If a secret string is not passed in, then one is randomly
:public_key - The RSA public key object used to encrypt the secret.

Returns a hash containing the Base64 encoded encrypted data and Base64 encoded encrypted secret.

# File 'lib/precious_cargo.rb', line 56

def encrypt!(data, options = {})
  options[:secret]  = PreciousCargo::Secret.random unless options.has_key?(:secret)
  encrypted_data    = PreciousCargo::Data.encrypt!(data, options)
  encrypted_secret  = PreciousCargo::Secret.encrypt!(options)
  { :encrypted_secret => encrypted_secret, :encrypted_data => encrypted_data }